LYMA Supplement

Why the LYMA Supplement works
The LYMA Supplement entirely redefines the notion of supplementation with a formula that consists only of patented, peer-reviewed ingredients that cannot be obtained through diet alone, included at the dose scientifically proven to work. No one else does this except LYMA. Ever evolving, LYMA moves with the science to reflect the latest, most pioneering longevity research in the world. Targeting sleep, beauty performance, anxiety and health, the LYMA Supplement bypasses wellness fads to deliver a rigorously tested formula that has the unequivocal evidence to prove it works.
The power of a patent
If there’s one word synonymous with the LYMA supplement, it’s proof. The majority of the supplement industry is made up of generic ingredients that are not proven to work once ingested. This is why LYMA uses patented ingredients where scientists have taken a generic ingredient, studied the limitations posed by that generic ingredient once inside the body, from stability to bioavailability to toxicity to efficacy. They then apply ground-breaking technology to overcome these limitations. Patents are the sign of innovation, worldwide. Every one of the LYMA supplement’s ingredients is patented.
Why peer-reviewed ingredients matter
Peer-reviewed means that clinical trials have been verified by an independent panel of doctors and scientists. This differs from private clinical trials where claims are not subjected to the same open examination, and results cannot always be trusted. All pharmaceutical drugs go through peer-reviewed clinical trials that are published in leading medical journals. If you want to know a supplement will work, each ingredient has to be subject to the same level of peer-reviewed published evidence.
Bioavailability is everything
Every patented ingredient in the LYMA formula is not only scientifically dosed, but it’s also fully bioavailable. While most supplements will just pass straight through the digestive system, each ingredient in the LYMA formula will survive this process to be absorbed in full by the body, ensuring you receive its maximum benefits.