"The speed of the Laser PRO shocked even my surgeon”

"The speed of the Laser PRO shocked even my surgeon”

The LYMA Laser PRO accelerated Jan’s recovery faster than even her surgeon could believe.

Jan’s theory on hi-tech beauty devices was that they were too expensive and she couldn't be bothered. “I’m 68, I’m getting on, so it’s a bit late in the game,“ she says frankly.


“I also have family with poor health, so all my energy, time and focus goes to others. I get very little time to devote to myself.” That being said, she admits that massages are divine.


Responsibilities aside, Jan still gets a thrill from new beauty products and high end skincare.


“I do take a tremendous amount of joy in a new eyebrow pencil or a luxurious face cream, and I’m always keen for that instant boost of new lipstick. I would like to look not necessarily younger, but better, and I know skin gadgets can do that but these devices take time and the results are further down the road.”


Facing not one, but two surgeries

Somewhat predictably, it wasn’t for her appearance that Jan discovered the LYMA Laser PRO.


“Thanks to osteoarthritis, there was almost zero cartilage remaining in my left knee and when I moved, it was bone on bone. I had all the injections possible but in January 2023, I finally accepted full knee replacement surgery. It was a huge operation but I went in with such enthusiasm; perhaps I’d start running and do regular workout classes? Not so, it went terribly.”


It was beyond deflating when Jan was told she was one of the unlucky 5% that the surgery didn’t work for, especially considering how much dedication she’d put into religiously following her post-surgery physiotherapy routine.


“I saw my surgeon regularly over the next six months to check my progress and there was absolutely no change. My knee was every bit as swollen, ugly and stiff as it had been straight after the surgery. In fact, the new knee was somehow worse than the original. My surgeon admitted that this was likely the best it would ever be and so he recommended another surgery as an attempt to rectify things. Facing another knee operation with extended downtime and even further pain and immobility I’d already experienced, I wasn’t tempted in the slightest.”


Laser light: the non-surgical solution

“My plan was just to carry on suffering and use handrails but my daughter read up on the LYMA Laser PRO and how it had originated from low-level laser therapy technology used in hospitals and this really intrigued her. I didn’t believe it would benefit me that much, but my situation meant I didn’t need all that much persuading.”


Jan began to use the Laser PRO morning and evening. “I hold the Laser PRO still on one area for three minutes,”

I had no idea the LYMA Laser PRO would be this successful

The swelling and scarring that had been so bad and hadn’t shown any signs of reducing for an entire six months, suddenly started to calm down.


“Within two weeks of using the Laser PRO, the difference was amazing.”


"I certainly did not expect this laser to be the solution or to be this good.”


See the transformative power of the LYMA Laser technology with these striking before-and-after photos:

I can't tell you how much better it is!

Two weeks ago Jan returned to her orthopedic consultant and showed him her knee. “He was amazed and majorly impressed by the progress.”


The skin on my knees is radically transformed

“Before using the Laser PRO, the skin on my operated knee was puckered, red and swollen with a huge ugly scar down the middle. Now that swelling has all but gone, the rosy skin is down to nearly nothing and both ends of the scar are significantly faded.”


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