The yoga instructor and mum on living in the rainforest and why running is her therapy.
My LYMA Life is where we catch up with thought leaders, wellness warriors, business pioneers and entrepreneurs and discover how they get it done, how they overcome life's challenges, and how LYMA has improved their wellbeing.
This week we chatted to Teresa Schmitt about living in the rainforest, getting comfortable with saying 'no', learning from her daughter, and why running is her preferred form of therapy. Teresa is a yoga instructor at the five star Bulgari Hotel in London and mum to Lyla.
1. When did you last feel true happiness?
I learned at a very young age, living in a rainforest in Costa Rica, that nothing beats simplicity.
Every night, when the house is silent and my daughter is asleep, I take a deep breath in, look around, and am very thankful for the life I have. To have a roof over my head, food on the table, my friends, my family. I am lucky.
2. Has there been a moment in your life when you realised you needed to make a change?
Yes, pretty recently. I had been spreading myself too thin and saying 'yes' to everything from friends, from work, from my daughter. I realised I was at breaking point. I was exhausted and trying to please everyone. The only person I wasn't looking after was myself.
3. When was the last time you did something that truly challenged you?
I ran the Athens marathon last year. It was my first marathon ever and it was really challenging. I arrived on race day truly scared of what was ahead. People were kitted out at the start line, doing all sorts of fancy stretches. My intention was to run like Forrest Gump and see how far that would take me.
The first half of the race was mostly uphill, which was hard. And that uphill bit was the most challenging part. But what goes up must come down. With four miles to go, I had the worst pain shooting down my leg. Physically I was weak but mentally I knew had to stay strong. There was no way that I wasn't going to make it to the finish line.

4. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
My daughter Lyla. She is truly a blessing. I learn from her everyday. She is by far the best gift I have ever had.
5. What would be the one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?
All your mistakes have led you here so don't regret what's gone before. And enjoy yourself. Everything is going to be alright. Also, maybe your mother was right after all. About some things anyway.
6. What difference has LYMA made to your life?
LYMA has not only helped me establish better habits around health and wellbeing, but it has improved my performance and my appearance. Who wouldn't want to look and feel their best every day?

7. How do you cope with the low moments in your life?
Always try to remember that this too shall pass. I try not to let myself sink too far into my thoughts, and always try to get out for a run to clear my head. For me, running is a form of meditation. I become the observer and watch my thoughts come and go. Running is basically free therapy.
8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Trying to learn all the latest dances with my daughter. We dance and giggle for hours on end, and follow it up with some ice cream (my second greatest love, after her).
9. How do you wind down at the end of a long day?
Ideally I like to end a busy day with some yoga. After a session on the mat I feel so blissed out and relaxed. But I also love a little Netflix and chill. Who doesn't, right?