How do LED devices differ from the LYMA Laser?

The main difference between LED devices and the coherent light from the LYMA laser is that the laser light is more deeply penetrative and doesn’t lose energy with penetration like non coherent light. This means it’s able to have different physiological effects at a deeper penetration, so you’re still able to induce physiological effects all the way through the dermis as the laser does not loose efficacy as it penetrates through the layers. You can read more about the differences with light devices HERE.

LYMA LaserLYMA Laser

LYMA Laser

Engineered to instruct your skin to behave as if it’s younger. Leaders in world-first, clinic-grade cold laser technology. Transformational results for face, neck and body. From 3 mins daily. Results in 30 days. Portable, powerful, painless. All skin tones.

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