Powerful benefits

Reduces oxidative stress
Oxidative stress not only contributes to multiple health problems, it is also a major contributor to ageing. Inhibiting oxidation can damage cells, DNA, proteins and intra-cellualar structures, leading to loss of cellular efficiency. Several ingredients in the LYMA Supplement have well-documented antioxidant benefits.
Balances inflammaging
‘Inflammaging’ has a huge influence on longevity. When the body is subjected to chronic or constant low-grade inflammation, it disrupts the immune response, leaving it unable to control reasonable inflammation levels. This can damage tissue in multiple ways and exacerbate the ageing process. The LYMA Supplement contains the most bioavailable form of curcumin available and LevagenR+ , an adapted form of PEA.
Reduces emotional stress
Apart from causing unhappiness, emotional stress has been shown to reduce cognitive performance, reduce sleep quality and increase the risk of many serious disease states. Adaptogens have long been known to enhance feelings of well-being and provide stress-reduction. Ashwagandha and Asaffron have a history of a thousand years or more of widespread use in the East. Levagen+ plays an ancillary role here and is the best known of the newly identified group of autacoids; first line defense compounds in the body.
Enhances and supports innate immunity
The modern lifestyle has reduced levels of various microbial commensals (bacteria that help protect against the invasion of pathogens) in our environment and a large body of evidence shows that this has effectively unbalanced our immune systems. The innate immune system is left ‘un-primed’, which means it has become less effective. The LYMA Supplement provides Wellmune®️ blend, a molecular pattern known as a PAMP. When immune cells ‘see’ this, they improve their overall function.
Cosmetic anti-ageing effects
Skin is a dynamic tissue and so are hair follicles, meaning they both depend on a constant supply of the right nutrients. Modern diets often lack enough of the building blocks and micronutrients these tissues need to function properly. LYMA includes a keratin hyrolysate which specifically supports hair follicles, while the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative compounds improve skin health.