How to Get Rid of Sagging Jowls With Laser Treatment

How to Get Rid of Sagging Jowls With Laser Treatment

How to defy gravity and tackle jowls at home.

For the first forty years of your life, the word jowls doesn’t enter your vocab but fast forward to your late fifties and you find yourself in front of the mirror, completely transfixed, attempting to manually lift your face back into place. So, when it comes to tightening up sagging jowls, how do you go about defying gravity and getting your bounce back? Here we explain how you can get rid of jowls through various treatments, especially by using a totally painless laser designed to remove jowls and sagging skin.

What causes sagging jowls?

First on the agenda is understanding what causes jowls to form. That bulging around the jawline is the result of the gradual decline of collagen and elastin, both of which are skin’s main source of structure and springiness. The lower cheek muscles steadily lose strength over the years and even the most defined jawline starts to lose its smoothness in favour of the dreaded droop.

  • ‘Tech neck’ the mortal sin of tilting your head downwards looking down at a computer screen or phone for hours on end.
  • Sunlight exposure over the years without sufficient SPF application along the jawline and neck.
  • Sudden weight loss in the face often causes jowls to be more pronounced.
  • Smoking constricts blood vessels in the skin and inhibits blood flow, causing collagen to breakdown more rapidly and jowls to form.
  • Genetics, although not one you have much say over but if parents have sagging jowls, you’re more likely to follow suit.

How to get rid of jowls without surgery?

Start searching online for surgical procedures to reduce jowls and you can get lost for days amongst the injectables, dermal fillers, radiofrequency, micro needling, ultrasound energy being fired into the skin, not to mention all manner of inventive chin straps and face bras.

The remedies for sagging jowls are somewhat endless and vary in their effectiveness but the ones worth mentioning would be:

Zara Martin, renowned DJ, model, and presenter trusts the LYMA Laser PRO for her jawline and facial treatments. Watch this video now to learn about the transformative effects of LYMA Lasers on your skincare routine.

At home beauty gadgets for jowls

Where there’s a beauty issue, there’s a gadget and all manner of weird and wonderful tools have come to market to lift jowls naturally. Jade rollers, toning tools, nodulous sculpting wands and hi-tech micro current face toning devices, all dedicated to intense facial pummelling and reducing jowls naturally. All these techniques and tools can tone the skin and reduce the appearance of jowls but only if repeated consistently and religiously – no slacking allowed, folks.

The LYMA Laser Lift: A next Gen laser treatment for jowls

The next frontier of dermal rejuvenation is that of intuitive skin sculpting. Aesthetic skincare trend predictions show a definitive move towards boosting our own natural collagen production and encouraging the body to reignite its innate plumping potential. The LYMA Laser is leading that charge; needle-free and knife-free jawline definition, without any discomfort. A clinic grade, 500mW coherent light source able to penetrate the deepest layers of skin. Scientifically engineered lenses diffuse the light beam, removing all the heat without reducing any of the power, making it entirely safe to use. Results show skin elasticity is notably improved, jowls significantly reduced and the jawline visibly sculpted. The additional win of The LYMA Laser is that it’s entirely in your hands, no scheduled appointments, no downtime and no expensive treatment plan. LYMA Laser is the future of skin rejuvenation and potentially, the final answer to sagging jowls.

See real-life results from Laser customers and hear what they’ve got to say about their experiences on our dedicated reviews page.

Rejuvenating jowls with fillers or muscle freezing treatments.

Facelifts are no longer de rigueur and have been largely eschewed in the dermatologist’s office in favour of Lower Face Rejuvenation. LFR such a fillers, can be an effective solution for sagging jowls, pulling up the skin and achieving a subtle lifting effect. Likewise, dermal fillers can create a smoother, more defined jawline and youthful appearance. However, both these injectable options are pricey, painful, require repeated treatments and often cause significant risks and side effects such as temporary swelling and bruising.

Facial massage to tighten jowls and lift cheekbones.

The concept of Face Yoga has gained popularity in recent years as a natural alternative to needles. A step on from the hard-working hands of a facialist, the very motion of giving the facial muscles a physical workout can have visible, albeit temporary, results on tightening up jowls and lifting cheekbones. Exercises to tighten the jowls include opening the mouth as wide as possible and then closing slowly, pushing your jaw out and holding the pose for the count of ten and placing your tongue to the roof of your mouth and continuously humming. Easy enough as something you can perform in your own bathroom, though this non-invasive approach to reducing jowls has come under scrutiny in medical papers as little proof exists that it can reverse the signs of ageing.

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The LYMA Laser

The power to change your Skin

The LYMA Laser

The power to change your Skin