Improve skin, fight blemishes & wrinkles and boost collagen with lycopene
Wondering how to improve the appearance of your skin, fight wrinkles and boost your collagen levels? Lycopene - the nutrient that gives tomatoes, watermelons, guavas and pink grapefruit their signature colour - might be your answer.
LycoBeads Lycopene as formulated at 30mg in LYMA is a powerful, technology-enhanced natural carotenoid, and is the most potent strain of lycopene there is. The body is unable to manufacture lycopene itself so you need to be getting it either via daily supplements or by adding lycopene-rich foods into your diet.
Lycopene has long been touted in the beauty world for its miraculous anti-aging and blemish-fighting properties, but there is so much more to be gained from supplementing your diet with lycopene-rich foods. Lycopene’s potent qualities are said to provide a boost to your overall health whilst improving the appearance of your skin.
These are some of the most potent lycopene benefits on your skin and body's health:
1. Anti-inflammatory for the skin and body
Lycopene has been shown to suppress inflammation and oxidative stress. Studies have demonstrated that regularly consuming tomato juice can significantly decrease a person’s inflammatory markers and the same effects have been seen with daily supplementation.
If you’re cooking with lycopene-rich foods, make sure to combine with a healthy fat - such as extra virgin olive oil. As is true of all carotenoids, combining with fat will help to maximise the body’s ability to absorb the nutrient.
2. Blemish-fighting
Lycopene is a powerful nutrient in the fight against blemishes, particularly for people with oily or combination skin. Research has shown that consuming adequate lycopene supplements can, over time, reduce the amount of oily residue on the skin’s surface, balance the skin’s natural bacteria and reduce the appearance of pores.
What’s more, eating lycopene-rich foods can eliminate the inflammatory effects that certain foods (such as dairy) may ordinarily have on skin, thus decreasing the chance of developing diet-related blemishes.
Lycopene can also be really powerful in the fight against uneven or excess pigmentation and you can boost your beauty further by combining it with Cynatine® HNS. Cynatine® HNS is the world’s first solubilized, active keratin and is one of the most exciting ingredients in nutricosmetics.
It is formulated at 500mg in LYMA and uses the latest technology to deliver a highly bioavailable, stable and clinically proven form of natural keratin peptides, capable of being delivered directly to hair, skin and nails to repair, protect and strengthen.
Bottom line: if you want glowing skin that’s blemish-free and is resistant to harsh environments, try supplementing with the ultimate LYMA Supplement.
3. Sun protection for the skin
Lycopene has been shown to help protect the skin from UV damage from the sun. In one study, participants were either asked to supplement with lycopene or given a placebo; those in the supplementation group experienced less sun damage to their skin than those in the placebo group.
Furthermore, it has been suggested that a daily dose of lycopene - equivalent to 30mg as formulated in LYMA - could reduce the likelihood of sunburn by as much as 30%.
It is still super important to use a good sunscreen every day - even in winter - but supplementing with LYMA can give you that extra protective boost you’ve been looking for.
4. Anti-aging
If you’re looking for an anti-aging powerhouse then look no further. This is one beauty hack you don’t want to miss. Lycopene challenges the development of fine lines and wrinkles like nothing else.
Firstly, lycopene houses some potent antioxidant properties. Oxidation and the presence of free radicals are responsible for the break-down of cells over cells over time, and for the aging process more generally.
In addition, lycopene inhibits something called ‘collagenases’; the enzymatic breakdown of the skin’s natural collagen. Preventing the skin fibroblast migration on gelatin and collagen, lycopene can help to slow this natural process right down meaning that your skin stays plumper for longer.
It is important to note, however, that due to the limited bioavailability of carotenoids, the anti-aging benefits of lycopene are not sufficient if relying on dietary intervention alone; you’ll need to supplement if turning back the clock is your goal.
5. Heart health and cancer prevention
Upping your intake of lycopene-containing foods and supplements may help to reduce your risk of developing heart disease by 26%, according to research.
As well as fighting free radicals as discussed above, consuming lycopene has also been shown to reduce the overall amount of cholesterol in the body; specifically, by reducing the ‘bad’ LDL kind whilst upping the ‘good’ HDL kind.
In one 10-year study, it was concluded that, for people with the highest high blood lycopene levels, the risk of premature death was reduced by 39%. In another study, high levels of blood lycopene were associated with a 31% lower chance of suffering a stroke.
Supplementing with lycopene has also been shown to reduce blood pressure.
Furthermore, the high levels of antioxidants present in lycopene have been shown to slow down and even prevent certain types of cancer. Lycopene has been associated with reduced tumour growth in both breast and prostate cancer. Studies into the effect of carotenoids, including lycopene, on cancer development have demonstrated a 32-50% reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Lycopene can not only give you a powerful beauty-boost and diminish the unwanted effects of aging, it can also help to reduce stress and inflammation throughout your body, improve your overall health and restore your body’s natural balance.
LYMA’s ultra-stable LycoBeads Lycopene comes in a microencapsulated form to preserve and protect this carotenoid's special properties.