How LYMA Converted a Supplement Sceptic

How LYMA Converted a Supplement Sceptic

Having reviewed countless supplements, she didn’t hold much hope but LYMA completely surprised her.

Jess Lacey, a Beauty journalist and mum of two young children, often found her full-to-the-brim life overwhelming. Having reviewed countless vitamins and supplements over the years, she didn’t hold much hope. But LYMA completely surprised her.


I’d given supplements enough chances

If you’d asked me anytime up until three months ago, I would have told you I held as much belief in supplements as I did star signs. Zip all. Throughout my career as a beauty editor, I’ve written about countless supplements and vitamins for magazine features, trialling pills for hair, skin, nails, sleep, energy, gut health, you name it, often finishing whole bottles without noticing any tangible difference. Throughout both my pregnancies, I took multivitamins religiously because I knew my body was having to work extremely hard growing babies and I wanted to create the best environment possible for it to do that. Even then though, I couldn’t honestly say if they made any difference to what my body could achieve on its own.

Life is bursting at the seams

Now, at 37, I’m at a point in my life where I’ve never worked harder or had more on my plate. With a full-time writing career, two young daughters who refuse to sleep, a life-time house renovation and an eight-month-old escape artist terrier puppy, self-care comes in the form of dawn coastal runs and spare time simply doesn’t factor.


A few months ago we were slipping into chaos. I’ve never embraced chaos, I much prefer purpose and organisation with bouts of spontaneous fun. Only, I wasn’t having any fun: throw a pandemic on top of all that and I felt like I was always a day away from saturation point.


I had just enough belief in LYMA to try

When I heard about LYMA, it sounded like everything I needed; calm, balance, quality sleep, mental clarity and better skin (even my devout 7–step skincare routine was starting to slip). I took a leap of faith and ordered my first month’s supply. The first thing I noticed was the Sensoril® Ashwagandha changing my sleep.


The girls wake us numerous times every night and early each morning, so sleep is always broken. But with LYMA, I get back to sleep within a few minutes. Plus, what hours I do get are deeply restorative. For the first time in ages I’m dreaming right up until waking and, although not exactly springing out from under the sheets, I’m not dragging my weary carcass out of bed anymore.

I’ve morphed into a better mum

The next improvement came two weeks later in the form of the mood enhancing affron®. Very subtly at first, then becoming increasingly apparent, I noticed I wasn’t snapping at the girls as often. I started listening to the convoluted monologues of their busy days, I answered all their questions sincerely, even giving them that extra five minutes to finish their colouring before bath. Before LYMA, I’d been distracted and impatient but now I can see I’m more attentive to their needs.


I’m enjoying mental flexibility

The biggest shift since taking LYMA is my new superpower: adaptability. I’m not naturally good at going with the flow, but LYMA has given me the clarity to be open to change. Something didn’t work out the way I expected? No big deal, let’s try something else or switch it up. Nootropics are a fairly new concept to most of us but I can see the Cognizin is having a huge effect on my response to change. That’s a whole side to my character that’s been improved.

I don’t get sick anymore

It used to be that when one of us got a bug, we all went down with it. Now, when my daughters return home from preschool with every strain of viral cold possible, I don’t seem to contract any symptoms. I read that’s the MenaQ7 in the supplement kicking in, bolstering my immune system and giving it optimum defence.


I’ve got the bandwidth to take it all on.

Overall, I’ve gained more gratitude for my life. When my mum friends are offloading about how tired, stressed and over-stretched they are, I don’t feel I can join in the rant anymore. Life is still a moving target but I’ve got a good steer on it, and I even find myself wanting to take on new challenges.


I’ve increased my morning runs to see what my body can do and have just signed up to a half marathon, which is a life goal for me. I’ll take the girls to the beach on a whim and I think LYMA might even have made me like my husband more. Although that’s not listed on any of the ingredients.


Always consult your medical professional if you have a medical condition, or existing health protocol, before beginning any new supplementation regime.

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