How Massaging the Nape Helps Remove Neck Wrinkles: An Unexpected Discovery

How Massaging the Nape Helps Remove Neck Wrinkles: An Unexpected Discovery

The way to reverse neck wrinkles that no one’s ever told us about. This is brand new information.

Scientists have a proven way to treat neck wrinkles and it has nothing to do with neck lift surgery, neck injections or neck creams. We’ve all had neck wrinkle treatment back to front and in fact, the secret to a youthful neck is in the nape.


What causes the formation of neck lines and wrinkles?

The skin on the neck is thinner than the face, contains fewer sebaceous glands, gets a higher impact of UV rays and as a vertical column on skin receives the full gravitational force. From an aging perspective, the neck is entirely cursed. Generations of women have felt self conscious about their necks as they age, it’s an area that is always on display and crepey, saggy skin - so called ‘turkey neck’ - is hard to tackle without painful or invasive treatments.


Horizontal neck lines emerge as gravity has its way and the skin’s structure begins to compromise, causing the onset of deep wrinkles and folds. It happens to the best of us, in fact many celebrities including Gywneth Paltrow, Geri Haliwell and Christie Brinkley have spoken openly about this problem area. And while best practice has previously been the combination of targeted skincare and massage, starting at the hairline and ending at the nipples, scientists report that a key area is in fact being neglected.


It’s strengthening the nape, that eradicates horizontal neck lines

Whilst we’ve all been focussing on the front and center, experts reveal it is in fact, the back of the neck, the nape, that holds the secret to keeping sagging at bay. Dr Graeme Glass, a leading Craniofacial, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon and LYMA Aesthetic Director explains, “When we think of how the aging process influences our appearance, we tend to think of the areas that are most commonly on show – the face and front of the neck - however, the back of the neck is a crucial part of the puzzle.”


‘Turkey neck’ appears when the muscles at the top and back of the neck weaken, causing an unflattering pouch of sagging skin at the front. Dr Glass explains, “If we want to see profound transformation in skin quality across the neck and decollete, we need to target muscle tone and reinforce skin’s underlying scaffolding, rather than merely the superficial skin on the surface. By strengthening the back of the neck at a deeper level, the full circumference of the neck is unilaterally lifted and smoothed.”


World-renowned facialist Yvonne Martin agrees and treating the nape is a focus in her sought-after treatments. “We are so invested in using expensive face creams, undergoing rejuvenating facial treatments and yet are wholly neglecting the backs of our necks, which is a huge mistake. In no other area of the body would you only train half of the muscle. I always advise clients to use their skincare on the back of their necks.”


How to start strengthening the nape neck muscles

Enter, LYMA’s near-infrared low-level laser technology, delivering unrivaled results on treatment of neck wrinkles, fine lines and sagging in as little as 12-weeks, without any heat, pain or downtime. Harnessing world-first technology adapted from physical rehabilitation hospitals, the 500mW monochromatic, polarized, coherent low-level laser beam found in the LYMA Laser (and three in the LYMA Laser PRO), penetrate the deepest layers of skin, transfering light energy into skin cells. This process flicks a rejuvenation switch, driving the production of collagen, elastin and other proteins and inducing the release of growth factors to bring about radical repair and rejuvenation and enhancing the blood supply. The laser is powerful enough to reach the muscle where it works on tightening the encasing muscle fascia, rebuilding damaged muscle and enhancing muscle performance and recovery.


Aren’t we using neck creams anymore, then?

As you carry out a visual stock take of your array of extortionate neck creams, you might well be thinking, ‘why am I only hearing about this now?’ An entirely reasonable response. Though perhaps slightly thicker in consistency, lifting, tightening, collagen-boosting neck creams need be no different to face creams. The truth is that to the cosmetics industry, neck creams are a great money spinner. Dermatologists and skin experts say instead, we should be more discerning about selecting science-backed epigenetic skincare with proven formulations and ensuring we get the application right.


The new nape-led approach requires proven skincare and better placement

A daily 15-minute routine with the LYMA Laser or Laser PRO can be applied to the nape area of the neck. Using LYMA Skincare beforehand helps prepare the skin. The LYMA Skincare formula, developed by scientists, contains ingredients designed to support the skin’s appearance and overall condition.


The results are better than any collagen neck creams out there. And there’s solid proof. Under a doctor-led, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial on participants aged between 30 and 65, the results proved phenomenal. There was a 72% improvement in skin hydration, 51% improvement in skin firmness, 24% improvement in skin elasticity and 21% reduction in redness.


Necks Appeal: The LYMA Daily Nape Protocol


  1. Start with six spritzes of the Oxygen Mist over the nape

  2. Apply three pumps of the LYMA Serum all over the back of the neck and massage in until fully absorbed

  3. Follow with three full pumps of the LYMA Cream, taking time to work it into the complete nape area and neck muscles, applying more product if necessary

  4. Slowly glide your LYMA Laser or LYMA PRO across the back of the neck for 15 minutes


For an intensive hydration boost, apply a full coverage of the Oxygen Glide to the complete neck area, both front and back. Leave on for a full 15 minutes, twice a week for a highly effective nourishing treatment.

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The LYMA Laser

The power to change your Skin

The LYMA Laser

The power to change your Skin