Genolytic™ technology tackles the 8 mechanisms of skin aging

Genolytic™ technology tackles the 8 mechanisms of skin aging

Do you want your skin to appear younger or actually behave younger? Trick question.

How convinced are you by your current choice of face serum and moisturizer?


Okay put it this way, sumptuous texture and glossy packaging aside, where’s the hard evidence that they’re earning their stripes as anti-aging skincare? The world of skincare, just like that of supplements, is intentionally vague and wild with hyperbole: “magic, miracle, glowing, luxurious, top secret, super rich!” The promises are endless, but the science seldom stands up. Until now.


The brave new world of Genolytic™ technology

The majority of existing skincare products treat the top 20% of superficial skin cells in the epidermis, meaning your extortionate face serum benefits only the cells on the very surface. However, LYMA Skincare is designed using Genolytic™ technology that targets all layers of the epidermis that conventional formulas cannot reach. It is designed to promote a noticeable change deep within the epidermis, helping to enhance the overall appearance and condition of your skin.

“LYMA Skincare is formulated to be the most effective topical skincare product on the market, bar none”, lauds Dr Graeme E. Glass MD PhD Plastic Surgeon, Associate Professor of Surgery and the chief scientific mind behind LYMA Skincare’s ground-breaking formula.

Traditional skincare is typically formulated with a 20:80 ratio of water to actives. LYMA Skincare sets a new standard in anti-aging potential as the first formulation bio-engineered with 80:20 ratio of active ingredients to water. The result? A transformation of the 80% of living dermal cells that conventional skincare has never before been able to target.

“This is understanding how skincare regimens can achieve more than was previously thought possible in terms of profound changes, addressing the root causes of aging,” says Glass.

Tackling the 8 mechanisms of skin aging

Scientists recently identified eight systems in the skin that contribute to skin aging as a whole. By regulating each and every one, there’s the potential to significantly slow, if not halt the skin’s aging process.


1. Hydration

The Extracellular Matrix is where all cellular rejuvenation and collagen building happens. With age, the loss of proteins and water content, the ECM becomes flaccid, wrinkled and less healthy. Increasing both the number and osmotic potential of proteins and glycoproteins in the ECM, draws water in, thus making the ECM plump and healthy once more. Skin is brighter, tighter and more voluminous.


2. Microcirculation

Well vascularized skin equals healthy skin, but a common feature of aging is the decline of blood supply to the lower dermis. Replenishing that blood supply with increased microcirculation better delivers nutrients for a marked boost in skin health.


3. Microbiome

Scientists have discovered that the bacteria on our skin change as we age. Using prebiotics that alter the conditions of the skin on a microscopic level creates a more favorable environment for the skin microbiome to flourish, improving its youth, vitality and capacity to thrive.


4. Immune regulation

Skin’s innate immunity regenerates and repairs in response to the many intrinsic and environmental stresses that accelerate the aging process. It’s now possible to ‘fire up’ skin’s immune response and prevent imflammaging, not through a physical or thermal attack, but via bio-engineered skincare ingredients.


5. Mitochondrial decline

Every cell in the body has its own battery pack called a mitochondrium and the energy state of these mitochondria is intimately linked with cellular regeneration. By increasing the energy of the mitochondria, the skin’s epigenetic ecosystem is boosted, shifting the aging trajectory in a far more positive direction.


6. Epigenetic shift

There are now skincare ingredients proven to alter our gene expression and change the way our cells behave. Tipping the balance in favor of upregulating the genes associated with tissue repair and regeneration, whilst down regulating genes associated with age-related decline, means cells are focused towards anti-aging rather than aging.


7. Cell senescence

As we age, there’s an accumulation of senescent or ‘zombie cells’ that produce chemicals responsible for increased inflammatory dysregulation and the degradation of the ECM. The selective removal of these disruptive cells allows the ECM to be re-populated with healthy, viable cells instead.


8. Regulation of the ECM

The ECM makes up skin’s underlying architecture and key active ingredients now exist to increase its regeneration, whilst simultaneously reducing its genetic decline. This has the anti-aging effect of boosting elasticity and delaying the formation of wrinkles.


Oh and for reason number nine? The proof.

LYMA conducted a doctor-led, double-blind, placebo-controlled, trial of its formula. The testing took place over four-weeks on 50 people aged between 30 and 65. The results were phenomenal, including 72% improvement in skin hydration, 51% improvement in skin firmness, 24% improvement in skin elasticity and 21% reduction in redness.


“The gold standard of clinical testing is a randomised controlled trial. It's safe to say that no skin care regimen has ever been subjected to a randomized controlled trial because no manufacturing company has ever been particularly interested in subjecting their product to such a rigorous form of clinical appraisal," explains Dr Glass.


"So in committing the LYMA skincare regimen to a randomized controlled single blinded trial, we've gone farther than anyone else has in terms of providing peer-reviewed evidence that the ingredients of this product actually work.”


Can your current skincare routine do all these things? Didn’t think so. In which case, it’s well worth upgrading to Genolytics™ driven formulations and getting on the front foot with the aging process.


Read our first skincare reviews from top beauty editors and skin experts.

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