Discover vibrant affirmations for meaningful change, inspired by Lucy Goff's empowering journey.
Mantras are powerful tools for anchoring intentions and catalyzing change, but why settle for mundane affirmations? It's time to make them fun and vibrant, just like you. This philosophy resonates with Lucy Goff, founder of LYMA, who turned a near-death experience into a journey of empowerment.
Sparkling Mantras for a Dynamic You
We use mantras to ground ourselves. To set an intention. To help us ignite meaningful change in our lives. But why be lacklustre? Why not have fun with them? Twist them? Make them sparkle. Just like you do…
If you find that your people are funny about the idea that you want to be alone more than you want to hang out with them, then perhaps it might help if you show them the mental doodles you are doing of pushing them off a cliff. Or maybe not. Just lock the door.
For the days when you are so strong, so powerful, so flowing with lady juju that all those naysayers, all the sneaky little voices in your head, all the folks that said you couldn’t do it, well they are TOAST. Hmmm ...bit hungry now.
They say that all the cells in our bodies renew themselves every seven years. So seven years ago you were an entirely different person. Fourteen years ago another person before that. You are like one of those scary algorithms that mutates as it gains knowledge. You don’t have to know everything. You don’t have to know anything. OK, some things. But mostly, just give yourself a break. You’re still mutating...
You might not believe this right now but with a little bit of work and a little bit of space and a little bit of time and some awfully painful bits, there are occasional tectonic plate movements inside that open up new neural pathways. And you see a hurt differently, or a past injustice, and you feel minutely changed all of sudden. A sort of tiny Heimlich manoeuvre in the heart. Nice.
For those days when you have done all the paperwork, made the bed, sewn on a button, given a talk, delivered a report, had six fights (three of them by yourself, in the shower) and now you are just going to order Chinese food and eat it in the bath.
Roots. That crunchy dryness. The terrible parched orange from years of dyeing - sorry, colouring, sorry, enhancing. So what if the time between hair appointments is getting smaller and smaller? So what if you wake up every morning looking like you’ve been wrestling with an alligator and you suspect your hairdresser wants to give you a ‘practical’ haircut? Never ever give up on your hair.
OK universe. I am here, I am present (sort of), I am in the moment (Is this the moment? Or is the moment over there?) and I am listening. Listening for the signs, ready for the riches, looking for the guidance, I am ready and listening. Still listening. Hello?
So today is difficult, difficult, lemon difficult. But you are not sour, you are sweet. You are carving out new neural pathways and fresh ways of relating to the world. You are smiling. And they weren’t expecting that…
Why wouldn’t you start your own business? Why wouldn’t you buy the red bikini or book a holiday with your best friend or have five coffees in a row? How much coffee is too much coffee? Sorry, I don’t understand the question.
Of course I can be funny, brilliant, kind, sexy, tend to your every need...oh no hold on, I am combusting. And I seem to be the only one bringing anything to the party. Go away.
Static is no good. Rut is bad. But sometimes we go wonky before we soar. Momentum is the thing; measured momentum. Understanding that life is made up of many chapters and that this will not be the one to derail you. That is not an option. Gently does it.

Mantras, as powerful tools, help us anchor our intentions and catalyze significant changes in our lives. They encourage us to embrace our dynamism and uniqueness, just like Lucy Goff, founder of LYMA, who transformed her own challenges into opportunities. Her journey, marked by a life-or-death experience, pushed her to redefine what is possible and commit to helping others change their lives. Just as mantras can be reinvented to become sparkling and inspiring affirmations, Lucy has been able to turn her failures into driving forces. She uses simple rules to overcome her fears and assert herself in her business. By integrating these principles into her life and work, she embodies the idea that each day is a new chance to reinvent oneself and live differently, while staying true to oneself.
Lucy Goff Redefines Possibility and Empowerment
It took a brush with death to open up LYMA founder Lucy Goff’s sense of possibility. And that’s why she became determined to challenge limits and to empower people with the ability to change their own lives.
Love For Work And Empowerment
I love work. I love what we’ve created. I love it. Well, I don’t always love it when things go wrong but when I look back, I love thinking about all the things we overcame. And the memories that work has given me. You never forget how something makes you feel, and it’s only feelings that we carry forward. I definitely learn from feelings and some of them are bad feelings. I failed at school and I was left with such a terrible feeling of not being capable of achieving anything.
When I’ve got people telling me that I can only do the fluffy stuff - and there are always these people in our lives - I have trained myself to know that I can do so much more. So those bad, early feelings have strangely empowered me. When I was starting LYMA I would use the 123 rule: if I was really scared to speak up in a meeting, I’d think, “Well, it’s my company. I’ve got to say it. Nobody else is going to say it.” So I used to go, “123.. say it!” Almost like that 123 jump in the pool. And it would be shot down. And I’d do it again: “123...Go!” I’ve been driven by so many feelings all throughout my work life and that’s what inspires me to keep doing things a bit differently.

Innovation And Science
I guess the weird part about setting LYMA up was I never thought that I couldn’t do it. After the birth of my daughter, I nearly died from septicaemia. I just couldn’t get well, and I ended up in Geneva at one of these clinics. I bumped into a longevity professor, this incredible guy called Paul Clayton, and he introduced me to a category of ingredients that changed my life.
Four weeks after taking these patented, medical-grade supplement ingredients, I just felt myself again and that was the premise for starting LYMA: empowering people to change their lives. The one thing that I couldn’t do was get the money to fund it. I had to re-mortgage my house.
And then, after the supplement had proved itself, I returned to the frontline of longevity science and genetics because nothing we do comes out of the beauty or wellness industries.
We are looking for far more proven efficacy than they can deliver. Which is how we launched the laser. Of course everyone thought I was insane – again! It is an amazing technology but it’s not new. It’s actually been used since the 1960s in hospitals, but nobody had engineered it in such a way that the consumer was protected from the laser. It has a deep biological penetration which triggers a genetic switch to turn off the cells associated with aging and switch on the cells associated with renewal, empowering your skin to behave as it did before the aging process set in. It gives me skin that I wasn’t genetically born to have at my age and using it has become a sort of meditation which turns into a manifestation. I kind of mentally unpack the day while I’m using my laser. I’d like to say that I read Shakespeare while I do it, but mostly I’m either mentally processing or scrolling on Instagram.
A Personal Journey
“I’m always excited about doing things differently and about empowering and emboldening people to really step into their power, to cut through the noise and go forth and flourish. I truly believe that every day is a chance to begin again and to live your life differently, and I always think this when I take my supplement. I’m not interested in frills in any area of my life. No frills. No shouting. No lies. Just proof.”
In a world where challenges often feel insurmountable, Lucy Goff's journey with LYMA serves as a powerful reminder of the strength within each of us to redefine our paths. By embracing vibrant, personalized mantras, we can transform our mindset and catalyze meaningful change in our lives. Lucy's story exemplifies how adversity can be a catalyst for empowerment, inspiring us to confront our fears, pursue our passions, and embrace our unique journeys.