Doctors are prescribing testosterone for women going through menopause and it’s worth a deep dive.
Trinny Woodall is Fearless. So much so in fact, that in her new book of the same name, she details exactly how she takes her testosterone - three times a day, as a shot in her bottom. Not the most comfortable of treatments but she swears it gives her a turbo energy boost, laser focus and skyrockets her libido. But how does stocking up on testosterone help you through menopause?
We know women have testosterone
Naturally a hormone we associate with the male species but testosterone is an androgen (sex hormone) that the premenopausal female body also produces in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Along with estrogen and progesterone, testosterone is vital for reproductive, mental and musculoskeletal health. The female body needs a steady supply of testosterone, but at a much lower level, in fact testosterone in the male body is typically twenty times higher than normal testosterone levels in women.
In women, testosterone is vital for:
Libido (sex drive or desire for sex)
Bone and muscle mass
Mood and energy
Menstrual cycle and fertility
Testosterone and menopause, what’s the connection there?
So focused are we on our plummeting estrogen levels, that testosterone and menopause don’t usually reside in the same sentence. Testosterone levels in women vary by individual but also by age. Levels gradually begin to decrease as women enter their thirties and by the time a woman reaches menopause, her testosterone levels may be half of what they once were. Research has confirmed that testosterone is key to female sex drive so when it comes to a loss of sex drive during menopause, it’s not uncommon for this low testosterone to be the culprit.
How do we get hold of Trinny’s testosterone shots?
Testosterone for menopausal women is available in the UK but with more high profile women advocating it, the NHS are struggling to meet the resulting demand. However, many women are going to private doctors and menopause specialists who fully back prescribing testosterone for female sex drive, because it also seems to have a positive effect on flagging energy levels and diminished cognitive function.
Testosterone can come in many forms including:
Injections like Trinny
Creams gels to rub on your wrists
Slow release patches
Pills and capsules
Side effects of testosterone for women
The scarcity of research on the subject means there isn’t a standard for treatment yet. Ergo medical experts treat low testosterone in women the same way it would be treated in men. This can be problematic though because even women with very low testosterone levels require a much lower dose of medication than men. Therefore, any treatment has to be monitored carefully because of the possible harmful effects of excessive levels of testosterone, even with so-called natural testosterone..
Natural alternatives to taking testosterone for menopause
Supporting a woman’s body and mind with a proven, whole system health supplement is a great way to avoid taking testosterone for menopause, should you not wish to. The LYMA Supplement's adaptogen nourishes the adrenals and balances hormones to pave a steady path through menopause as well as containing standout natural ingredients for aiding menopausal sex drive.
Does ashwagandha boost testosterone in females?
There are perceived benefits of taking ashwagandha for testosterone but findings are anecdotal and the studies conducted are in the most part based on boosting men’s testosterone levels, not women’s. Having said that, there is plenty of peer-reviewed evidence that ashwagandha quietens the mind and puts the body in a more relaxed state, therefore perfectly supporting the female libido during menopause.
Saffron for boosted libido
affron®, the worlds’ most scientifically researched saffron extract is well documented to both boost the female sex drive and increase blood flow to encourage orgasm. LYMA includes it at a daily clinical dose of 28mg.
Whether you want to make like Trinny and meet the needle or receive testosterone in any other form, there is mounting evidence that it can make a difference to your menopause quality of life.
Alongside that decision, there’s LYMA; which patented peer-reviewed ingredients quietly support vital organs, nourish hormonal production and create a clearer, more positive mindset to see you through menopause and beyond. More power to you.