What makes LYMA Skincare unlike any other product on the market?

While conventional skincare aims to reverse the signs of aging, LYMA Skincare's bioactive formula is the first to target the 8 underlying mechanisms of aging, reversing the process and regenerating through all layers of the skin. Developed by an expert team of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, biochemists, and geneticists, LYMA Skincare's bioactive formula works on the remaining 80% of living skin cells that traditional skincare isn't able to reach, transforming the skin at every layer. 

LYMA LaserLYMA Laser

LYMA Laser

Engineered to instruct your skin to behave as if it’s younger. Leaders in world-first, clinic-grade cold laser technology. Transformational results for face, neck and body. From 3 mins daily. Results in 30 days. Portable, powerful, painless. All skin tones.

Wrinkles Pigmentation Skin tightening Rosy skin Scars