The Hottest Skincare Trends

The Hottest Skincare Trends

Make your move in 2022 and 2023 to look and feel your best.

2022 is fast upon us and we thought it high time we looked into the skincare trends that you can expect to see sweeping the beauty world over the next 12 months.

Last year it was all about clean beauty, organic skincare and specialist facials. In 2021 we’ve seen an evolution towards at-home and DIY skin treatments and skin toning devices, peer-reviewed proven beauty and a shift towards skin rejuvenation from within: true inside-out wellness.

From skincare devices and beauty supplements, to laser treatments, skin renewal protocols and taking a gentler, more natural approach to achieving that elusive healthy glow, these are the trends that are taking the industry by storm this year:

1. Clean beauty will be replaced by proven beauty.

Knowing how to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the claims that skincare companies make is essential if you want to see results.

Consumers are fast waking up to the fact that labelling a product ‘clean’ or ‘organic’ merely indicates that the product’s ingredients were grown without pesticides. ‘Clean’ and ‘organic’ do not mean that a lotion, potion, supplement or treatment is guaranteed to work or to fulfil any kind of function.

Whether or not a product is ‘clean’ or ‘organic’ is in fact not the question we should be asking. Rather, we should be asking whether the ingredients in our skincare solutions are ‘proven’. That is, whether they are guaranteed for efficacy as well as for safety. As the consumer, you want to be asking: “Is what I’m about to buy clinically proven?” and “Is what I’m about to buy backed by peer-reviewed evidence confirming that it does what it claims to do?”

Proven skincare is also referred to as evidence-based skincare. Evidence-based skincare is the gold standard when it comes to beauty. Nothing else comes close.

LYMA’s formula contains only patented, peer-reviewed and science-backed ingredients so you know that you are always getting the absolute best. This is the LYMA difference.

The LYMA formula contains two ingredients in particular that have proven beauty benefits far superior to any other beauty supplement on the market:

- Lycored Lycopene™ is a powerful, technology enhanced natural carotenoid. It is the most famous lycopene in the world for research and technology and can help to protect against the visible signs of ageing, protect the skin from sun damage, and keep you looking radiant during times of stress. The body is unable to manufacture lycopene itself, thus supplementation is recommended. LYMA provides a stable, microencapsulated form of lycopene to preserve and protect this carotenoid's special properties. Lycored Lycopene™ is backed by extensive pre-clinical and clinical testing and its patented single solvent technology preserves nutrients and guarantees standardised tomato carotenoids available at efficacious levels. Proven beauty at its best.

The world’s first solubilised, active keratin, Cynatine® HNS, is at the beating heart of the trend towards nutricosmetics. Keratin is a major structural component of hair, skin and nails, but it is not naturally soluble, bioavailable or digestible. Supplementation with this special material is scientifically proven to provide significant beauty benefits. Cynatine® HNS uses only the best technology to deliver a highly bioavailable, stable and clinically proven natural keratin peptides that are capable of being delivered directly to skin, hair and nails to repair, protect and strengthen.

LYMA packs powerful ingredients into one ultimate formula, setting a new quality benchmark for skin-benefitting supplements.

Consumers are increasingly on the lookout for products that are backed by peer-reviewed evidence, and this trend is only set to continue.

2. The rise of damage-free skin renewal.

Why damage your skin when you don’t have to? No pain, no gain is so 2020. The latest at-home skin rejuvenation devices are pure gain, zero pain.

The development of cutting-edge skincare technologies means there’s now no need to destroy your skin in order to encourage it to renew. Traditional LED, diode and microcurrent lasers, on the other hand, work by inducing intentional localised tissue damage, and rely on the triggering of your body’s innate stress repair response in order to bring about desired results - which basically means that they have to harm your skin in order to bring about change. The LYMA Laser changes this.

As testified by our Expert Facialist Joanna Czech, The LYMA Laser causes no damage to the skin and instead uses low-energy laser light at the near infrared end of the spectrum to encourage non-ablative facial rejuvenation with no damage to the tissue and no pain. The LYMA Laser can be used to effectively treat and target fine lines, wrinkles, scars, cellulite, blemishes, skin redness, pigmentation and bruising.

The traditional paradigm of skin rejuvenation was typically carried out in a clinic setting and relied on controlled chemical or thermal injury to initiate a wound healing cascade. The new paradigm calls for damage free skin renewal with no side effects, no recovery time, and no need to even leave the house. Plus you won’t have to wait months to see results: improvements in the quality and appearance of your skin will become visible within weeks.

3. Professional results delivered at home.

2020 has been the year of bringing everything into the comfort of your own home because, let’s face it, we’ve had no other choice. Since the world went into lockdown back in March, DIY skincare solutions have become the default. And we don’t see this trend reversing. In fact, now that people have seen the calibre of results that are achievable at home - without the hassle, and for a fraction of the price, of visiting a professional - we predict that the thirst for professional results from home is only going to grow.

The LYMA Laser is the most exciting and innovative at-home skin rejuvenation device in a generation where beauty tech is dominating mindsets: it captures the efficacy of powerful laser-based light therapy that was previously only available in the clinic setting and puts it in the palm of your hand.

The world’s leading facialist and skin expert, Nichola Joss recommends the LYMA System (mist, serum and laser) to her A-list clients including Gwyneth Paltrow, Margot Robbie, Scarlett Johansson and Meghan Markle. Nichola has reformulated her exclusive LYMA Facial so that her clients - and now you - can experience it at home. If that isn’t a sign of the times then we don’t know what is. By following her expert guidance, just 15 minutes a day with the LYMA Laser will utterly transform your skin.

4. The rise of inclusive skincare.

As in 2021, 2022 also sees a move towards inclusive skincare. That means skincare that is equally effective on all skin tones, is suitable for all genders, and will provide the desired results no matter which of the five basic skin type categories you fall into.

The LYMA Laser is completely safe to use even for people with darker skin. The LYMA Laser is unique in that it induces non-thermal photobiomodulation, setting it apart from generic lasers that don’t work on darker skin shades. It doesn’t matter how dark your skin is, you can rest assured that you will see changes with the LYMA Laser.

For one reason or another, we’re all going to be pleased to see the back of 2021. 2022 brings with it the hope of a virus-free world and more time with our loved ones. Coronavirus has taught us all to slow down, has forced us to figure out our priorities, and has meant that many of us have had to scale back our lifestyles. There are some things we’ll be glad to wave goodbye to: hello maskne, poor Zoom connections and queueing to buy a pint of milk. But there are some newly acquired habits that we’ll hold onto as we move into the new year: we’ll be holding on tightly to our banana bread baking ritual, our daily walks and our newfound love of at-home skincare; particularly when the beauty treatments are inclusive, proven and deliver results of a professional standard.

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The LYMA Laser

The power to change your Skin

The LYMA Laser

The power to change your Skin