"After years of struggle, LYMA Supplement transformed my energy, focus, and overall well-being."
I have slept walked through the past decade. I have had some amazing times and experiences, but it is only in the past nine months that I have felt anything like ‘myself’, and I know without doubt, taking LYMA Supplement has played a huge part in my personal transformation.
From celebrity editor to cancer fighter: My story begins
Back in 2012, I was the Editor-in-Chief of the UK’s most successful weekly celebrity magazine and full of health and vitality. Life was a whirlwind of glamorous parties and star-studded weddings, but I always kept my Christian Louboutin clad feet planted firmly on the ground, preferring to spend time with family and friends than A listers.
However, the surge of reality TV shows and constant panic over dwindling circulation due to the rise of social media made me decide to leave the magazine and pursue a freelance career.
Within weeks, at the age of 42, I was diagnosed with aggressive cancer and underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. My husband Davey and brother Nich were by my side in hospital throughout this turbulent time and it was a huge relief to successfully complete all the treatment.
The aftermath of cancer and early menopause: A tough road ahead
Rather than being joyful, this was when my life truly collapsed. Because my cancer was oestrogen positive (the hormone helps the growth of cancer cells), I started to take the hormone blocker tamoxifen to lower the risk of cancer recurrence.
Overnight, I appeared to be thrust into an early menopause, and as my oncology nurse explained, most normal menopause is a steady drip effect of hormones leaving your body whereas tamoxifen makes it feel more like a waterfall. Plus, due to my oestrogen positive cancer, I can never take HRT.
My previous sunny and positive nature evaporated overnight. I didn’t understand why I had no energy or drive, it felt like my entire personality had disappeared. I then received the worst phone call of my life - my beloved brother had died suddenly, and I totally collapsed. The combination of intense bereavement and post cancer hormone treatment was too much to bear.
A decade of struggle: Finding relief and transformation with LYMA
The following ten years felt like I was walking through treacle, consisting of fighting to be my best self, but failing miserably. Fast forward to 2024... I had taken LYMA on previous occasions but due to my state of mind I took it sporadically and didn’t notice a huge improvement. Then my cousin, who’d also gone through cancer, said she’d started taking it and noticed a huge improvement in her sleep and state of mind. I decided to give it another go, and make sure to take it religiously every day.
After ten years I was taken off tamoxifen by my doctor and I decided to commit fully to LYMA and the change has been transformational. Unfortunately, cancer treatment had left me with debilitating osteoporosis, but LYMA has hugely helped me cope with previous excruciating joint pain, plus I have more energy and focus, and my sleep is incredible. I wake up feeling jolly – in stark contrast to my previous emotion of utter dread. Nothing seems overwhelming, I can now cope with anything thrown at me.
Aside from working as a freelance journalist I have now committed to writing two screenplays – one about the UK and Ireland’s first female MP Countess Markievicz and the other focused on the survival of the Princes in the Tower. Up until recently this would have been impossible.
Why the LYMA Laser became my ultimate skincare solution
Having spent years in Fleet Street trying a gazillion beauty products, I decided to also try the LYMA Laser. I’m pretty proud of my skin, I’ve always limited my time in the sun and as a journalist, I’ve been lucky enough to trial the best new and established products. But this Laser is an absolute game changer.
Combined with the LYMA Mist and Glide, I have been using the Laser every day. It feels so relaxing to glide it over your skin, knowing the red light is stimulating your skin and fat and muscle tissue. Several fine lines have disappeared, and my skin feels a lot smoother – this is down to the product producing a polarised light form which is able to reach the base of the skin making effective biological change.
Confidence restored: How LYMA changed my outlook and future
Post menopause, the Laser and Supplement have increased my confidence to epic proportions. Sitting in the garden with friends over summer I started to feel embarrassed by the number of compliments I was getting, with the main comment being that I appeared to be glowing from the inside out.
My career means I’m lucky enough to try anything and everything connected to the health and beauty industry – but it’s so rare to find a product so outstanding. I travel a lot for work, and now I never go anywhere without first packing my trusted Supplement and Laser.
So I thank my lucky stars that I have discovered my Holy Grail because with the LYMA Supplement by my side, I can tackle the next decade of life with all the joyous and tumultuous events it will bring.