Improve skin, nails and hair with clinically proven beauty vitamins, also called nutricosmetics.
We all want stronger nails, glossier hair and better skin. At LYMA, we know that beauty isn't something that begins with lotions or creams; it's something that radiates from the inside out. Our skin, hair and nails respond to what we put into our bodies much more than to what we put on them.
To improve skin texture, achieve stronger nails and encourage the growth of thick, glossy hair, we need to be upping our intake of beauty-supporting nutricosmetics.
If you’d like to see a rapid improvement in the appearance of your skin, hair and nails, LYMA knows how to help. Keep on reading to get answers to the following questions:
What Causes Bad Skin/Hair/Nails?
If your nails are weak or brittle, your hair dull and a little lacklustre, and your skin sallow and lacking in any discernible ‘glow’, chances are you’re suffering from a nutritional deficiency.
Deficiency can stem from not taking in the required nutrients, or it could be a result of an underlying issue pertaining to malabsorption of either micro- or macro-nutrients. Whichever is the case, the underlying issue can almost always be resolved by taking the correct supplements and making small adjustments to your diet. Also, read our journal about signs you’re ageing too fast and how to slow down the ageing process to find out if you're suffering from inflammation.
How Can You Prevent Bad Skin/Hair/Nails?
As the old adage goes, prevention is always better than cure. LYMA is the ultimate Supplement because it does both. It is never too early to start supplementing with skin-supporting nutrients.
In fact, why would you wait until you’re dissatisfied with the feel and appearance of your skin, hair and nails when you can start caring for and protecting them today? We recommend starting by adding keratin - namely our patented form Cynatine® HNS - to your daily routine. Click here to find out what Keratin is and how to get enough of it to make a difference.
What Nutrients/Food Help With Skin, Hair & Nails?
As with all aspects of wellbeing, it is super important to have a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals. As far as foods go, you want to make sure you’re focusing on getting a wide-variety of nutrients. This will help to support your skin, hair and nails, and will also encourage your microbiome to thrive.
Some of the most important foods to incorporate into your diet for healthy skin, hair and nails are as follows:
Fatty Fish
Salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout all contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. This important nutrient works to hydrate and lubricate your cells, which improves the cell’s appearance. Furthermore, omega-3s can act to balance hormones and stabilise mood (hormone imbalance and stress can be major contributing factors to less-than-lovely looking skin and hair). Omega-3s can also be obtained from walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds.
First, eggs are a great source of protein. Protein, specifically a specific strain of protein called keratin, provides the fundamental building blocks for healthy skin, hair and nail development.
Keratin encourage your cells to be more resilient, and protects your skin and hair from the oxidative effects of stress. Eating the right amount of protein is key to boosting the body’s ability to produce keratin.
In addition, eggs are a versatile food to include if you’re looking to ramp up your vitamin B12 intake. Vitamin B12 helps the body to assimilate iron from dietary sources, as well as playing an important role in the proliferation of red blood cells around the body, both of which can dramatically affect the appearance of nails in particular.
Dark Leafy Greens and Avocados
Both contain a tonne of vitamin B9, more commonly referred to by its other name: folate.
Folate, along with B12, plays a vital role in the development of red blood cells which transport nutrients to each and every part of the body, including your skin, hair and nails.
Leafy greens also contain a healthy dose of iron, magnesium, and vitamin C.
Don’t be afraid to go all out on incorporating nuts into your diet if healthy skin, hair and nails are what you’re after. Nuts serve as a nutritional powerhouse and are one of the ultimate beautifying foods.
Almonds and cashews, in particular, are choc-full of zinc. Zinc is responsible for cell division and growth. As your skin, nails and hair are constantly growing and replenishing, zinc is foundational to their good health and appearance.
Nuts also contain a good amount of magnesium, biotin and an array of B vitamins.
Citrus Fruits and Berries
Both citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruits, lemons, tangerines - and berries are packed full of vitamin C. Not only does vitamin C support the immune system, it is also central to the body’s ability to produce collagen. Collagen is a vital protein that is responsible for the building and maintaining many of the tissue cells in the body, including those which make up your skin, hair and nails.
Read more: What to Eat to Boost Thinning Hair
So, what is ‘CYNATINE® HNS’ and why is it better than other forms of keratin when it comes to building and maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails?
CYNATINE® HNS is a superior, highly bioavailable, active keratin which has been formulated by LYMA with incredible beauty benefits and smart ageing in mind. It is in fact the world’s first solubilised keratin, meaning that it is much more readily absorbed by the body than other forms of the protein. As such, Cynatine® HNS is a really exciting ingredient for those who want to protect, repair and increase the health of their skin, hair and nails; the form of Cynatine used in LYMA uses the latest technology to deliver a stable and clinically proven form of natural keratin peptides directly to the relevant cells.
Furthermore, Cynatine®HNS (keratin) supplements have been shown to reverse the toll that inflammation, stress and immune response can take on your appearance. Clinical studies have shown that a daily dose of 500mg/day over 3 months can improve the appearance of hair, skin and nails within 90 days.
So if it’s clearer skin, stronger nails and glossier hair that you’re after? Look no further. Diet is of course incredibly important to your overall health, and tweaking what you eat can definitely help you to glow through times of stress or overwhelm. But if you want to look and feel your absolute best then the addition of a daily dose of Cynatine® HNS to your routine could be just the ticket.
LYMA’s formula contains only scientifically proven ingredients that are working in harmony with each other for you to feel your best. Re-engineering nature, LYMA is superior to every other supplement on the market.
Our customers' testimonials attest to this:
- Lilian: “my hair colour has reverted to its former brunette and the grey receded.”
- Jules: “when I entered into my second and third month of taking LYMA I noticed an incredible improvement in the quality of my nails and hair.”
- Samantha: "my skin is glowing, and I’ve had no dryness, rosy skin, inflammation or spots."
Always consult your medical professional if you have a medical condition, or existing health protocol, before beginning any new supplementation regime.