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How The LYMA Laser Made My Heart Surgery Scar Invisible

How The LYMA Laser Made My Heart Surgery Scar Invisible

The LYMA Laser helped Jenny get her confidence back after undergoing open heart surgery.

What’s your health story?

I’m 35 and I work as a therapist for children and young adults in Brighton. I’ve had a few health wobbles in my life but in 2017 I was diagnosed with a heart defect that meant my heart had only been working at 60% capacity since I was born. I often felt breathless and unable to breathe properly, but always put this down to not being fit, rather than having something wrong with my heart.


The doctors who examined me had never seen anyone survive 33 years with this level of abnormality, which is almost always identified at birth. The NHS was fantastic, I was rushed to the top of the waitlist and a few weeks later I was having open heart surgery. Whilst the surgery was a huge success, I was left with a significant scar on my chest.


Before coming to the LYMA Laser, what did you try to heal your scar?

The first couple of years after the surgery I used Bio Oil, but I could see the scar was still very red and aggressive looking. I went to a clinic for a course of LED sessions, but it didn’t have much of an effect. I had heard such good things about the LYMA Laser and wanted to see what all the fuss was about and find out whether it could actually help my scar to fade.


How did you hear about LYMA?

Through a friend who is a doctor. She had originally bought one to help heal her pigmentation, but was also using it on a scar she had on her chin from childhood. I have to say I’d never noticed her scar, but when she showed me the difference the LYMA Laser had made, I was astounded. Around two months of using the Laser daily and her scar was almost invisible.


What were you hoping to get from the LYMA Laser?

My scar was a painful reminder of a time in my life that I wanted to transcend and leave behind. The less I saw of it, the more I could concentrate on where I wanted my life to go. I was willing to try anything that I thought might help me.


How long have you been using the LYMA Laser for? How long was it before you noticed results?

I would say a month or so in I started to notice a significant change. It’s weird, because you can’t feel the Laser, you can be deceived to think it’s not working. But the pictures I took say it all. I was really careful to stick to the LYMA protocol of using the Oxygen Mist and Glide too. That was super important to aid the results.


Has the LYMA Laser changed your life? If so, how?

Yes! It’s giving me more confidence and has contributed to a growing sense of inner strength. I used to feel self-conscious about wearing low cut tops because people would often stare and ask questions I didn’t really feel like answering. My scar is so faded now and that’s thanks to the skin Laser. I’ve recommended it to all of my friends and family - my mum is using it on a 50-year-old scar and she’s already seen results in four weeks. That makes me so happy.


Did anything about using the LYMA Laser surprise you? 

It’s just so easy to use and has no pain at all. We’ve been staying in more because of the pandemic and I got used to using it whilst I was watching TV in the evenings. It’s amazing because you can literally take it anywhere. It’s now always in my handbag, I take it everywhere with me. I guess it’s saved me many trips to a beauty clinic too.


Do you use the LYMA Laser for anything else?

To read at night! The light makes an amazing torch!

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