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LYMA: The Saviour Supplement That Got Emma Through Surgical Menopause

LYMA: The Saviour Supplement That Got Emma Through Surgical Menopause

Emma Skeates turned the turbulence of menopause into an unequivocal success story.

Through unabashed honesty and openly sharing her menopause experience in her Menopausal Mayhem Mothers blog, she gained a loud and loyal following, keen to share their menopause journeys too. Now that blog about the worst of times has been developed into a hilarious best-selling book.


"Six years ago I had a full hysterectomy and went into the surgical menopause. In other words I went from feeling normal one day to experiencing onset of mood swings, anxiety, depression and insomnia all virtually overnight. I started writing the blog to help women see that there is indeed a lighter side to menopause. By sharing my own experience, (including my ridiculous antics which are generally connected to unexplained brain fog and memory loss), I hoped to help women feel less alone. I wanted women to see that this was the harvest time of our lives rather than the twilight years."


Beware of menopause misdiagnosed as depression

Her low mood, brain fog and anxiety became so dire that Emma was put onto antidepressants by her GP, only they didn’t really work. "So I went to see a menopause specialist doctor who realised my oestrogen levels were scraping along the floor and immediately put me on HRT which helped tremendously. I also tried some high street supplements which had absolutely no effect at all."

My symptoms caused me to lose my coping mechanism

Emma found herself, along with so many others, having no energy, no patience and her moods all over the place. Then the thing she always relied on, her sense of humour and ability to see the positive, also disappeared.


"I looked in the mirror and barely recognised myself. I had gained over two stone, I had aged terribly, I was pale and unrecognisable to myself. I’d desperately tried to motivate myself to exercise to combat these feelings, but my 'get-up-and-go' had 'got-up-and-went'. And so the spiral began into a dark place all of my menopause symptoms combined and, with my self-esteem at a truly low ebb, I couldn’t see a way out."


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The quest for an effective solution

Emma quickly realised that something drastic had to be done. Not one for reaching for the pharma drugs, she did some research and came across the LYMA Supplement being lauded as the best menopause supplement out there.


"The one product that screamed out at me and was also recommended by several friends was LYMA. It was not an over the counter, generic supplement. It was a high-end, scientifically researched capsule that seemed to have everything I had been told was going to help this menopausal mess rediscover her va-va-voom and all in pretty meaningful doses and with some amazing reviews to boot."

"I decided then and there to invest in something that would actually make a difference to me, inside and out. The research began with a vengeance. To me, LYMA felt like a no-brainer. I needed to find my smile again and I needed to do it soon."


Boost mood copper pill container near water glass

Five days into LYMA and the unbelievable happens

Five days into her LYMA experience and for the first time in 18 years, Emma got her first full night’s sleep. "It was truly unbelievable. I nearly had to pinch myself when I actually woke up at dawn rather than the three or four times during the night that has become routine. But it happened and I cannot even begin to tell you what a difference that has made to my mood."


LYMA brought Emma back to herself, safeguarded her from her symptoms and returned that innate sense of humour she so relies on. Start your LYMA journey today and support your body and mind through menopause and beyond.

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