When having it all turns into doing it all, Juliet Angus has the much-coveted solution.
From Chicago to London via LA and NYC, Juliet Angus is the epitome of metropolitan elite. She’s the ultimate jetsetter, consulting on global luxury brands for decades before taking a leap and starting her very own. An unapologetic femme de force with a fashion closet to rival American Vogue, Juliet is just the kind of grown-up influencer we all need. It’s tempting to gawp at her glossy lifestyle and pass it off as perfection, but alongside that constant whirlwind, sits a busy family life and a lot of emotional management. So how does she keep such a full life in check and the overwhelm at bay?
As much as you’d presume she is comfortable in any societal setting that entails a tray of champagne flutes, Juliet still feels the uncertainty of fitting in. “As an American living in London, I do feel there is pressure to prove myself, to find my place in society and in my career.
Trying to fit into a social environment can be very stressful and I manage it in the opposite way you would expect. Rather than being quiet and sitting in the corner, for me that social anxiety comes out in trying to tell my life story all at once because I don’t want to not say anything at all.”
Uncertainty has a knock-on effect
“Anxiety is very unsettling and it’s the unknowingness of what it is inside your body and mind that doesn’t really know how to calm down. I think I operate at a very high frequency at all times which I tend to bottle up and it layers on top of me and that turns into anxiety, which then turns into mass disorganisation.”
Perfection is my biggest anxiety
“Every woman will know the feeling of trying to be the perfect parent in the school yard, of striving for perfection whilst making everything look effortless. Aiming for that image of having everything with a perfect bow on it, is enough to make you spiral out of control. Add the pressure for everything to run smoothly in the household and that in itself can be completely exhausting, frightening and scary and make you feel more anxious than anything else.”

I’m on a race against time
“Time management is also a definite trigger for me; trying to get everything done in one day. I think women put a lot of pressure on themselves to make sure the children are all organised, to make sure the whole house is well organised and then to have a career on top, I want to do all of that but sometimes I realise I can’t”.
City life is ever-evolving but that’s okay, so am I
“Over the years I have been constantly reinventing myself, and that comes with its own pressures. Moving to London, having children, making new friends, starting a new career over and again - that within itself is a lot. You don’t go to school for a career in social media and consulting roles - no one taught me a class on it. I‘ve had to evolve in my career whilst also being a mom, a wife and living in a new city.”
Chaos is my comfort zone
“I feel that in a city, amongst all that chaos, I can manage well because it reflects the way I am too. You see I also operate in that way; quite wild and at full tilt, so all that noise and chaos surrounding me, actually allows me to work more calmly. I do take the time to check in with myself and question if something worked for me or if I need to manage the aftershock of it all but sometimes it’s actually in those moments of quiet, that I sense the tension more.”

Treating your tension is good for everyone around you
“Who would have thought that focussing on yourself has surprisingly positive benefits to those around you? They say that as you get older you get wiser, and I definitely feel that I am getting wiser in two ways. I’m learning how to manage stress better and whereas I used to focus more on others, now I’m putting a real focus on myself. Brain, heart and body - now they’re all in alignment.
Being more focused makes me more relaxed and better able to manage my tension. This creates a happier household, more clarity in my business and overall, life is more peaceful. I can see that this shift is making me both a better mom and a better partner.”
Beating tension takes consistency and dedication
“To manage tension you have to put in the work to get the results, I have realised that it isn’t just one thing that I have to do but it is a whole lifestyle routine of 360 changes. I go outside, walk the dogs, I connect with nature. I work out every single day - I love a good hiit session and part of managing my pressure levels is getting my body to really fight it out. I take care of my skin, I eat healthy, I meditate, I get a full 8 hours of great sleep and I take LYMA. All these are aspects of effectively dealing with my tension and LYMA is a big part of that.”
LYMA has been my path to managing tension
“I see LYMA working in all these small but powerful ways. LYMA has made such a difference in my life by making me more resilient. The other day I was driving the car and my husband said ‘I have never seen you drive so calmly, usually you are a terror on the roads’ and I suddenly wondered, what is that? Why do I feel so relaxed right now? Here I am on the craziest, busiest day and I’m completely calm. Could that be LYMA?”
“I still want to do it all and sometimes when I look at everything I want to accomplish, I worry that I can’t. But if you just slow it down a little bit, check in with yourself and take LYMA, you start to realise, ah this is so easy”.