Maximise on hydration with minimum effort and get the true benefits you want to see.
Hydration is every bit as important as it’s made out to be. Every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies require water to function; it’s the foundation of all health. Water regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, transport nutrients around the body, removes waste and circulates the blood.
If you lose more fluids than you put in, the body becomes dehydrated and unable to properly perform these functions. Hence, it’s imperative not to wait until you feel thirsty because that dry mouth sensation is the salivary glands in your mouth signalling that they don't have sufficient fluid to produce enough saliva. And if your body’s struggling to produce saliva, rest assured your organs have been parched for a long time.
But how do you fit all those hydrating efforts into your already busy life and what can you do to get the most out of your water intake? No matter your lifestyle, here’s how to be smart with your sipping.

How to get hydrated with food.
A common misconception is that we need to be glugging two litres of water a day. Although admirable, it’s not quite accurate. The 2-litre recommendation is for all fluids and just over half of that intake should be water. Eating your water is the most effective way to stay hydrated, so prioritise water-rich foods like berries, watermelon, courgettes, peppers, salads, cucumber, tomatoes, and aubergine. Yoghurt is also water-rich and counts towards your recommended daily intake.
How to hydrate when you’re on a heath kick.
Activated charcoal is a highly effective water filter, absorbing impurities like chlorine, toxins, bacteria and chemicals, preventing them from entering your body. Place a block in your regular water bottle you drink throughout the day. Alternatively, adding a wedge of lemon to your water helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body, aids digestive health and lemons are a rich source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Lemon water is also more hydrating and the Vitamin C boosts the immune system. Double down on your immunity defence by taking LYMA daily. The hero nutraceutical contains our Wellmune® Blend, a patented beta glucan clinically proven to bolster white blood cells and protect the body against disease and decline.

What to do if you suffer with joint pain.
Start the day with a post-wake up warm water. Warm water helps aid in the contraction & relaxation of muscles and eases the joints into movement following their resting state during sleep. Cold water first thing in the morning tends to shock the senses but room temperature water helps prepare the muscles for movement.
How to stay hydrated if you’re a caffeine fiend.
Coffee and tea aren’t complete villains; they too can contribute to your daily fluid intake but only to a point. Caffeine becomes dehydrating around 250–300 mg, the equivalent of two to three regular cups of coffee, or five to eight cups of tea. It’s also a stimulant though and can affect sleep even multiple hours before you go to bed. Have your final caffeine hit around midday and following that, switch your coffee to decaf and your tea to herbal.

How to drink if you’re bossed by a weak bladder.
It’s understandable for those with bladder conditions to be nervous of drinking lots of water. Persistent loo dashes are inconvenient and disrupt the day but your fluid intake needn’t suffer. How you drink makes a huge difference. Research in Canada found that when we sip water intermittently, rather than glugging down large amounts in one sitting, urine excretion is six times lower. Fill up your water bottle first thing, sip slowly throughout the morning, then refill your bottle at lunch and take the whole afternoon to drink it again. The body stays hydrated but it doesn't result in increased trips to the bathroom.
Post-workout hydrator for a gym bunny.
If you’re looking for an effective post-workout hydrator, surprisingly milk is the best. 90% water and containing high concentrations of electrolytes, milk naturally balances the amount of water in your body. In fact, research shows milk is even more hydrating than plain water because it contains lactose, protein and fat, all of which help to slow the emptying of fluid from the stomach and keep hydration happening over a longer period. If you don’t partake in dairy, alternatives such as coconut and oat milk are equally beneficial.

How to hydrate skin if you’re a beauty buff.
Skin is the largest organ of the body and the last to receive hydration. The body delivers water throughout the body, distributing it to the organs that need it most and this complex triage system leaves skin last in line. This is why skin can look dull, lacklustre and rough in texture very quickly when we fall short on drinking fluids.
One of the patented power ingredients in LYMA, HydroCurc® 600mg is the world’s first 100% cold water dispersed turmeric extract. Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it’s the most bioavailable and effective form of curcumin in the world. Alongside Lycopene, a highly potent antioxidant and Cynatine, the world’s most bioavailable form of keratin, the mighty compound mix in LYMA contributes to plumped skin, a brighter complexion, and the return of your natural glow, so skin never need look drab again.
How to cancel the dehydration impact of alcohol if you like an after-work wine.
No matter how you flip it, alcohol doesn’t count towards your daily fluid intake. When it comes to alcohol the numbers add up and alcohol percentage content dictates how dehydrating a drink is. If you don’t want to go T total though, adopt a 1:2 ratio of wine to water. The two glasses of water will cancel out the dehydration impact of the wine and the consequent hangover will be far gentler too. Life is about balance, after all.