Gemma’s incredible menopause story of how LYMA brought her back to herself.
The following article was published in the Daily Mail and became one of the most shared articles of 2020, installing LYMA as a go-to Supplement to help with the many symptoms of menopause.
It was shortly before her 50th birthday, when emerging menopause symptoms left Gemma Asim feeling exhausted and flat. Life began to feel like a struggle and even small life hurdles sparked stress and overwhelm.
After confiding in a friend that she was struggling to cope, Gemma was recommended an evidence-based, scientifically proven super Supplement called LYMA, which she now credits with transforming her physical and mental wellbeing and treating every symptom of menopause she was experiencing.
Life became a stress symptom cycle
"I started feeling the menopause symptoms six months before my fiftieth birthday. Everyone thinks menopause is just hot flushes but it is so much bigger than that. It affects your whole life in lots of different ways; I was sleeping so badly that I became anxious about bed time and I was frequently irritable and stressed."
The physical symptoms of menopause also had a knock-on effect to her stress levels, "Everything was dry - my hair, nails and skin were all suffering. And all the tiny things were affecting my mental health. I felt like it was a huge effort to do anything. I felt all out of sync, dull, flat and emotionless."
The menopausal stress and low mood also meant Gemma found herself at the centre of all the arguments. She recalls it came to a head after her husband asked her, "Why is it always you?" A comment that hit hard but perhaps rang true.

LYMA improved all my symptoms of menopause
After taking two LYMA capsules in the morning and another two in the evening for just a week, Gemma noticed her mood lifted almost immediately. "I felt like within a week of taking LYMA, I had got my bounce back. It also helped with my sleep pattern; I wasn't feeling so anxious at night and I had a better immune system. Then followed the visible benefits of taking LYMA and I saw my nails, hair and skin had also improved."
Now I'm more fast than furious
Now taking four LYMA tablets a day in order to maintain her health and wellbeing, Gemma's realising the physical performance benefits of being in optimal health too.
"The best effects have been on my joints and body - I feel much lighter and more supple."
She runs regularly, takes part in 5km long cancer runs yearly - and since taking the supplement, has beaten her personal best by a whole 2 minutes. "I'm in my fifties and have more energy than girls half my age."
Testament indeed that menopause doesn't have to rule you and investing in your long-term health reaps rewards on every front.