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Gabby Bernstein Shows How Manifesting Can Change Our Genetic Future

Gabby Bernstein Shows How Manifesting Can Change Our Genetic Future

What happens when you think so positively, you interrupt cellular aging?

Last year, a group of women lowered their biological age by an average of 5 years in just 8 weeks, through lifestyle intervention alone. Sorry, what?

Using diet, sleep, relaxation, exercise and phytonutrients, subsequent blood tests showed every one of them had wound back their biological clocks. Chronological aging might be the number of years we’ve been alive, but biological age is how old a person's cells and tissues are based on physiological evidence, meaning that these women anti-aged the contents of the cells. Suffice to say, that’s the closest most of us will ever come to actual time travel.

How Positive Thinking Influences Cellular Aging

It’s impressive studies like this that have catapulted living positively from good life practice to the forefront of epigenetic research and scientists now believe the brain could hold the key to the longevity matrix. The most visionary minds see this as evidence of epigenetic processing in action; that when we fully harness the power of positive thought, we can redirect our gene expression away from aging and towards regeneration.

The calm and positivity achieved through manifestation make it a much explored method to trigger DNA methylation and reverse biological aging. Renowned spiritual teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Gabby Bernstein has been hailed as a next-generation thought leader on maximizing human potential, she advocates that manifesting is epigenetics in real terms.

“When we change our inner being, we're actually changing on a molecular level and changing our genetics. So if we talk about epigenetics, we can restore our inner cellular functioning when we start to truly undo those traumas from not only our past, but from our ancestors and our parents and all the lineage before us.”

Bernstein teaches the importance of manifesting from a positive mindset. “Your words have power. Through overthinking and over processing them, negative thoughts become beliefs and that’s what manifests. When we start to reprogram those stories, we start to create momentum around better feeling thoughts and better feeling energy and it's that better feeling energy that manifests. Change your core belief systems and you can change your life.”

Gabby Bernstein on Manifesting and Its Impact on Epigenetics

In fact, Bernstein insists that effective manifesting can only come from a place of positivity and calm, “Manifesting starts when you spark a seed of energy of joy and put it out into the universe. You say a desire, hold it, and then let it go. The universe has a plan that is better than ours. When you stop being stressed, you’re relaxed and having fun, you become your authentic self and you are a super attractor.”

For those temporarily stuck in a place of frustration and angst, Gabby Bernstein’s step-by-step ‘Choose Again Method’ is a practical way of actively exiting negative thought loops.

STEP 1: A fear-based storyline is an anxious storyline and the first step is to check in with it. Notice which fear-based thoughts are playing on repeat.

STEP 2: Forgive yourself for having that thought.

STEP 3: Reach for the next best feeling thought you believe in, and then the next best and the next and the next best.

STEP 4: Do this at least once a day, if not all throughout the day, and you start to reprogram your beliefs and your energy.

Combat Stress to Prevent Accelerated Aging

Stress is such an aging hobby, we should really all knock it on the head. Studies conclusively show the direct link chronic stress has on accelerated aging, suppressing mitochondrial activity and triggering inflammation.

And even if you don’t have a high-powered, stressful job, there are emerging studies into psychosocial stress; a form of emotional stress that can be triggered by negative social interaction. It’s something we all get exposed to constantly in the complexities of modern life through social interactions, family feuds, divorce, even office politics.

“Emotional stress causes physical stress in the body, which in turn stores it as trauma; this then causes inflammation which compromises the immune system, affects brain function, exacerbates our propensity  for disease and accelerates skin aging,” says world-leading clinical Pharmaco-nutritionist and longevity expert, Professor Paul Clayton.

Clayton also cites studies that show emotional stress also drives telomere shortening which happens when the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes (called telomeres) gradually get shorter each time a cell divides, which is linked to aging and cell deterioration.

Reversing the Aging Effects of Stress Through Manifestation

The Hunza Tribe are often credited as having the lifestyle zenith of living the happiest, healthist, longest lives, free of disease in a superior emotional state within a peaceful close-knit community. However, for those who wish to retain a metropolitan existence with good cell reception, the stress aging process is still modifiable and using the right tools and technologies, all can be turned around.

“Research studies show that developing a mental resilience to stress, combatting its inflammatory response and protecting telomeres, can stop the accelerated aging effects,” assures Professor Clayton.

Manifestation and the undoing of negative thought patterns are reachable tools for any of us wishing to start epigenetic stress reduction and prevent accelerated aging. Building emotional resilience, instilling calm and warding off stress is certainly the answer to reversing the damage stress has already instilled and extending the human health span.

The power to change comes from a strong mind and that building work can start right now. Feel better and live healthier for longer, the power is in your hands.

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