Your skin, reinvented
No other laser device comes close. Protected by 38 global patents. 60 years of medical laser engineering.
Total transformation for face, neck and body
Your LYMA Laser PRO questions answered
The LYMA Laser PRO is engineered with a bigger treatment lens of 30cm2, optimized to transform skin on the face, neck and full body. Faster.
The LYMA Laser PRO is certified as a cosmetic device, engineered to deliver a deep biological penetration. There is a wealth of published medical evidence to demonstrate the power of low-level laser technology to heal torn muscles, heal skin and wounds, and repair soft tissue. The LYMA Laser however is a cosmetic device and is not a medical device.
Not only is there absolutely no pain or discomfort experienced when using the LYMA Laser PRO, its advanced laser technology causes no sensation whatsoever whilst using it.
This pain free cosmetic laser is engineered with powerful, patented ultra diffuse lenses which remove all the laser’s intense heat by the time the near-infrared light reaches the skin. The light from the LYMA Laser is engineered to work whilst retaining biological power; the result is transformed skin.
It’s the concept of causing damage in order to stimulate collagen production that makes other cosmetic laser technologies unsuitable for people with Black and Brown skin. This is because the more melanin present in skin, the greater the risk of inflammation, scarring and hyperpigmentation, which can leave the skin with dark pigmentation spots.
As this is a zero-damage cosmetic laser technology, there is no risk of scarring to skin which makes it a safe cosmetic solution for all skin tones. This is what sets LYMA Laser technology apart from other cosmetic laser technology and a safe solution for people with Black and Brown skin.
When it comes to home beauty devices LYMA’s laser technology is unique, offering monochromatic, coherent and polarized laser light, which can trigger regeneration to transform wrinkles, scars and blemishes. Conversely the light from LED devices is omnidirectional, this means that it lacks the penetrative ability of monochromatic laser light, experts estimate up to 95% of LED light bounces off the surface of the skin, and doesn’t have the power to trigger cell renewal.
The technology utilised in the LYMA Laser is used in hospitals across the world for its ability to regenerate skin, tissue and muscle, safely and painlessly. LYMA has engineered this proven science to develop devices that bring clinic power and unrivalled results for home use.
LYMA’s powerful zero-damage lasers offer clinic-grade results with no pain or downtime. While other at home lasers and beauty devices trigger the stress damage response, harming the skin in order to activate regeneration, LYMA’s technology offers superior renewal by delivering monochromatic, coherent and polarized near-infrared low-level laser light at the precise wavelength, 808nm, which will
improve the skin, with no damage. It is this superior science that allows those with melanin rich skin tones to use the LYMA Laser for skin rejuvenation with no danger of scarring whatsoever.
The LYMA Laser and Laser PRO are completely safe to use on areas that have received injectables or other cosmetic treatments.Unlike devices that rely on a stress-damage response, the LYMA Laser and Laser PRO does not compromise the integrity of these treatments, nor does it cause sensitivity or further damage to the skin. In fact, the Laser can help to help with bruising and swelling following treatment, making it an excellent choice for use after more invasive procedures.
Yes, you can use the LYMA Laser and Laser PRO if you are using a topical Retinal/Retinol/Vitamin A.
Your LYMA Laser PRO Starter Kit includes Oxygen Mist and Oxygen Glide, which have been optimized for use with the LYMA Laser PRO to give exceptional results.
However, we know everyone has their favorite products, and you can incorporate the LYMA Laser PRO with most skincare, LYMA Concierge can offer advice and recommendations.