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What Foods Help Reduce Pigmentation on Face

What Foods Help Reduce Pigmentation on Face

Here is what foods and supplements you need to prevent and reduce skin pigmentation on face.

Wondering what diet best prevents and reduces skin pigmentation on face? Looking for easy home remedies for glowing skin? There are a number of ways to treat hyperpigmentation from the comfort of your own home, starting with the food you put in your body.

Pigmentation 1

What is skin pigmentation?

Skin pigmentation is when changes in the melanin levels in your skin cause changes in your skin’s colour. When your skin, or parts of your skin, turn darker this is called hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is generally harmless and can happen for a number of reasons. Although it can occasionally be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, more often than not it is a cosmetic concern for those involved and not something to be worried about.


What are the causes of hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation can be caused by inflammation, environmental stressors, hormone imbalances, sun damage and more. If you want to restore your skin to its natural state you need to incorporate more antioxidant foods into your diet.

Here are the best foods for skin pigmentation and to restore your natural glow:

1. Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are chock-full of vitamins A, B-6, C, and K, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium and magnesium. All of these nutrients combine to improve the alkalinity and balance of minerals in your skin, reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation.


In addition, the high vitamin C content in particular vegetables such as kale help to boost collagen production, giving your skin an extra dose of goodness. Leafy green veg should be a fundamental part of your diet if you’re looking to clear up your skin. Broccoli and spinach are also fantastic for getting back your glow as they are a great source of Alpha Lipoic Acid - a potent fat and water-soluble antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Green herbs also fall into this category.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes get their colour from lycopene. Lycopene can be a great antidote to sun damage and to hyperpigmentation. It has been shown in clinical studies to have a gentle lightening effect on skin, and can help to reduce rosy skin, dark patches and protect against sunburn. Lycopene is also present in grapefruit, guava, and papaya and has the added benefits of being a powerful anti-ageing nutrient and helping to reduce blemishes.


Lycopene, however, is best absorbed by the body in supplement form. Lycored Lycopene™ as formulated at 30mg in LYMA is a powerful, technology-enhanced natural carotenoid, and the most potent strain of lycopene there is. Lycopene can not only give you a powerful beauty-boost and help to reduce excess pigmentation, it also has potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help to restore your body’s natural balance and improve your overall health.

3. Turmeric

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is highly anti-inflammatory and can work wonders in the fight against the not-so-skin-friendly effects of free radicals. Try adding turmeric to curries, soups, smoothies and stews for its delicious flavour and exciting colour, or make a turmeric latte before bed to send you off into a peaceful slumber (you can add extra spices for added benefits).


However, the curcumin content of turmeric is super low and you’d have to eat a huge amount of the root to see any reduction in excess pigmentation. Furthermore, the bioavailability of curcumin in dietary form is negligible due to its fat-solubility (studies suggest that the human body is only able to absorb as little as 5% of the curcumin you feed it). You’re better off supplementing if you want to see results, and to see them fast. LYMA’s formula contains HydroCurc™ - the only patented form of curcumin on the supplement market. It has been proven that when supplementing with HydroCurc™, the body is able to absorb 250% more curcumin than when turmeric is eaten or added to beverages.

4. Berries

Berries are really high in antioxidants and, hint: the darker the berry, the higher the antioxidant content. So blueberries are going to provide your skin with more goodness than strawberries or cranberries. With this in mind, blackberries are one of the best fruit for hyperpigmentation. Adding berries to your diet can help to remedy any environmental damage to the epidermis that may have led to hyperpigmentation. Try adding a serving a day to your morning smoothie or on top of your granola or oats, or enjoy a handful atop a scoop of high-protein yoghurt as an after-dinner treat.


Goji berries are also a great option. Goji berries usually come dried and can make a great addition to baked goods or work well stirred into porridge. They are naturally high in antioxidants (more so than other berries), but also in vitamin C. Remember, vitamin C is fundamental to collagen production. By combining free-radical fighting with collagen plumpness, your skin can look rejuvenated in just a few short weeks. Add in a daily supplement and you can hope to say goodbye to excess pigmentation and hello to even skin tone.

5. Beans and legumes

A diet geared toward reducing excess pigmentation should ideally be low glycemic index, meaning you’ll want to reduce the amount of carbohydrates you’re consuming and make sure that any carbs you do eat are the slow-release type and contain lots of fibre. By reducing your intake of quick-release carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice and potatoes, you are easing the glycemic load on your body that can contribute to inflammation, sluggish digestion and stressed-out immune system. All three of these can wreak havoc with your skin and lead to hyperpigmentation among other unwanted symptoms.


Beans and legumes are a great source of complex carbohydrates, but are also really high in protein. Protein is the fundamental building block of healthy, plump and hydrated skin. The high fibre content of beans and legumes will also, crucially, help to keep your digestive system ticking over, thereby improving the body’s ability to flush out excess estrogen and progesterone; the build up of which can cause excess skin pigmentation and brown patches.


If you want to improve the appearance of your skin, reduce excess pigmentation and feel more confident then a few dietary tweaks and a daily supplement regimen can help. LYMA’s evidence-based formula contains unrivalled ingredients that give extra benefits, beyond what you’ll get from a healthy diet alone.

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