“Why do I own every product in the LYMA Ecosystem? Because I want to be the best version of myself”

“Why do I own every product in the LYMA Ecosystem? Because I want to be the best version of myself”

Lizzie Reed is fully invested in the LYMA Ecosystem and it pays her skin dividends.

“Youthful skin might be in your genes but you also have to look after it. I will spend money on my appearance and wellbeing hence why I own the LYMA Laser, the new Laser PRO and a monthly Supplement subscription,” explains long-term LYMA Member, Lizzie Reed.


“I want to feel good and keep looking as youthful for as long as possible. Plus I'm 46, I'm getting older and I can afford it, so why not?”

“LYMA is a one-stop shop for skin health”

“You don't have to have multiple skincare steps - my entire skincare regime is covered by the LYMA Laser Technology and the two skincare products. That's me set and I don't need anything else.”


Having worked at American Express for ten years, Lizzie now heads up credit strategy for consumer lending products at JPMorgan Chase. “I’m 46. I haven't been married and have no children. I just work hard and I want to do well but I’ve got a personality that’s very curious, very inquisitive. And people like that, right? You can’t just sit back, you have to be always asking questions. Always finding out the facts. That's my mindset.”

“It was actually Lucy the LYMA founder who first caught my attention”


“I'm a big consumer. I am very entrepreneurial and when I heard the LYMA story, it was really nice to see Lucy who started from scratch, actually competing against the big guys and girls out there. You want to see women be successful, right? And in Lucy I see somebody being successful through putting the science and statistics behind the products. She's very focused on making sure customers are happy. It’s clear that for LYMA, first and foremost is the customer.”


“It all started with the LYMA supplements, and now I use the full LYMA Ecosystem”


“I class my monthly LYMA subscription as a necessity”

“With regards to the LYMA Laser PRO, I know I'm lucky that I can afford a £5,000 laser. But it's cheaper than the numerous Hydrafacials I was doing in Primrose Hill in London, where a course of six was over £1000. Also, I don't know how much it costs to get Botox done but it'll add up over the decades for sure. The Laser PRO is far better value and it fits into your daily life without the need to be red raw, hide away at home or be booking multiple appointments all over the place.”


“I was one of the first people to buy the original LYMA Laser and I bought it with my work bonus.”


“I feel part of a community and part of the LYMA family”

“It counts for a lot when businesses choose to invest in the customer and make sure they're hearing from them and hats off to Lucy because she asks all these customers what they think and how they feel. That shows she cares about her end users.


Another thing that’s so great about LYMA is that you've got all that support as well. I often email the LYMA membership team with questions, knowing I’ll get an expert answer. I was buying the Supplement, Oxygen Mist and Glide and the LYMA Skincare refills separately, and when I emailed the LYMA membership team they immediately put me on a new subscription that has everything included to save me money and admin, that's great customer service. As a long-term member, LYMA feels like a friendly brand where you get the proven science and that emotional element that plays through.”

“I don’t want to spend hours on my skin, the outcome is what I’m focused on”

“I had really bad acne when I was a kid. I was on harsh prescription skincare in my 20’s and even into my 30’s, my skin was bad. I was using the full Chantecaille gold product range, the serum, cream, the mask, everything. It's expensive, right? So to be honest, in terms of buying into the LYMA Ecosystem, I don't feel like I shifted gears that much in terms of skincare price points because I’ve always prioritized and invested in my skin. I like to know that I'm using good products that work and get results.”


“My twin sister and I bought our Laser PROs together”

“We are incredibly similar and sometimes I'll Zoom her on my phone and we've both got our Lasers on. I'm trying to build the Laser PRO into my regime, using it every day if I can. I regularly focus a lot on my chin so I don't get saggy jowls and my jawline is nice and tight. I often hold the Laser PRO over my eyes for lifting and smoothing away any wrinkles and also fading out a stubborn sunspot. My face is looking good now, so next I want to work on my decolletage and the backs of my hands which I think are the biggest telltale sign of aging. I also want to make the most of using the Laser PRO’s supersize lens on larger areas like my under arms because I want to still be wearing vests well into my fifties.”


“I see the Laser PRO as a good investment and the science is compelling, so for me it’s a no-brainer.”


“Why did I need to get the Laser PRO?”

“I saw the insane results of the woman using the Laser PRO on her neck and that was it, I bought it. I don’t have a lot of spare time, so it’s cost effective for me to have the PRO and I get economies of scale. I'm sure it's all helping. I like the comments from people remarking that I don’t look 46, it feels nice. So if I can keep getting those comments for as long as possible as I get older, then that would be great. It makes me feel good.”


“People can’t believe I’m 46 but that's why prevention is better than cure.”

“Hand on heart, I sleep like a baby every night”

“The LYMA Supplement has got everything in one - it contains patented forms of saffron, ashwagandha and turmeric which are all scientifically proven and hands down I can feel it working. I'm not one of these ‘my body is my temple’ people - I like a drink and I like chips, so far from a health devotee, I just take LYMA and go to the gym. I just have the copper Supplement vessel in my bathroom and for four years now I have been taking two every morning and two at night, before I go to bed and they're clearly working.


For me, the key benefits are the sleep and the sharpness. I am much sharper at work, much sharper, plus my hair and nails are both in pretty good condition too. I tell people about LYMA supplements all the time. I met a guy in the pub at the weekend who is in his 50’s and he said he's stressed with a big job at Lloyd's Bank, really struggling with his sleep and it's not helping with his blood pressure. I immediately sent him the link to the LYMA Supplement and he said they might help his wife as well.”


“I'm of menopausal age and yet thanks to LYMA, I’ve never felt better”

“I think it's a mindset as well because of the way I've lived my life. I have a very full-on life but I don’t take things to heart and I don't stress about a lot of stuff. I keep quite a low profile at weekends and just hang out, maybe do a gym class, go to the pub. Have a few drinks and watch the football, I love football. I suppose I'm quite a guy's girl.”


“Now I’ve found LYMA, I won't look back”

I have never used any other skin gadget and I’m not even tempted. I’m certainly not tempted by any of those LED masks, what’s the point now I’ve got the LYMA Laser PRO? I’ve read up on how laser light is completely different to LED and how much deeper the Laser can travel into the skin. The technology, the science behind all the LYMA products as well as Lucy, make me passionate about the brand and the results speak for themselves.”

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