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Aging is Canceled: The Next Frontier of Longevity Is Here

Aging is Canceled: The Next Frontier of Longevity Is Here

Why the ultra-rich are switching out hedge funds for ‘give me the edge’ funds.

When UBS surveyed its multi-millionaire investors, they found that more than half of them expected to reach 100 years old, a landslide 90% of them agreeing that ‘health is more important than wealth’. Their top tier clients would even compromise half of their gargantuan fortunes to guarantee an extra decade of good health. Health, as it turns out, is wealth, billions in fact.



Any UH WI worth their coloured diamonds just wants to enjoy life, and for that life to last forever. But living to a hundred isn’t really the goal here, is it? Lest we get longevity confused with immortality, it isn’t just how long we live, but how long we live well. After all, what use is that superyacht if you’re not limber enough to jump aboard it?



The notion of living an aspirational life is changing. It is no longer about amassing possessions but experiences, ones you can only have through a strong body and a healthy mind. A clean bill of health just became the ultimate status symbol. The ultra wealthy were already making reservations at longevity clinics costing $50,000 a week, only now, the 0.001% club is moving onto curated genetics.



The Science of Epigenetics and Longevity

The future of longevity is epigenetics; the artful manipulation of gene expression so as to realize one’s genetic potential. “The genome is the genetic hand of cards you are given at conception and the one you remain with but epigenetics is the science of how the activity of your genes fluctuates in accordance to your environment and what the body is exposed to. Pioneering research shows that you can change the way they function, and this can then modify the aging process considerably,” explains Professor Paul Clayton, world leading expert in the fast-developing science of preventative aging and LYMA Director of Science.



Epigenetics is a fairly new science. The term was first coined in 1942 by Professor Conrad Waddington, who led the world’s first university research department of epigenetics at Edinburgh university. Clayton’s own mother was principal scientist for Waddington, (she named him godfather to the then infant Paul), so his entire life has been epigenetics and indeed, waiting for us all to catch on.

As the world’s leading clinical pharmacologist and pharmaco-nutritionist, Clayton says all evidence suggests that epigenetics in food and supplements favorably modify the epigenome and aid D A methylation.



“From eating an epigenetic diet, evidence indicates your risk of degenerative disease would be reduced by 80-90%. By this he means a diet replete with nutrients known to provide positive health outcomes including isothiocyanates (from cruciferous vegetables), isoflavones (soy products), stilbenes (plentiful in red grapes), curcuminoids (turmeric and ginger) and prebiotic fibers. Professor Clayton also stresses that evidence-based, proven nutraceuticals are the only health supplements worth taking.


“Never before has so much validated science and patented technology been combined into one formula, in a combination that no diet or multi-vitamin could ever deliver.”


Ultra-processed foods, inflammation, prolonged stress and a sedentary lifestyle may all accelerate the biological aging process but flip the coin and there’s a wealth of positive epigenetic action to be taken to live healthier, for longer. Take sirtuins genes for instance; enzymes that repair D A and optimize them are considered next-level epigenetics. Sirtuins combat cellular inflammation, increase metabolism and make the body work more efficiently, so as to age slower. Time Restricted Fasting, ice baths and HIIT all increase your sirtuin activity and trigger epigenetic shifts to revive biological youth.



The Future of Aging: Resetting the Epigenetic Clock with Innovative Tech

And where will epigenetics progress next? Professor Clayton believes the next frontier lies where curated genes meet innovative tech. Which is why he made the move to become LYMA Director of Science. Perhaps a somewhat unpredictable move for a clinical scientist but Clayton has been integral in the developments of the LYMA Laser; the first FDA cleared clinic-grade cosmetic laser for home use followed by the launch of LYMA's powerful epigenetic skincare to treat the root causes of aging.



“LYMA is resetting the epigenetic clock and the results are ground-breaking. We are rewriting the textbooks at this point, redrafting the rules and reversing aging in the most fundamental way.”

Professor Paul Clayton, LYMA Director of Science




Aging may appear chaotic but in fact many of the drivers are hackable and their course able to be changed. Consider epigenetics the dials on your health motherboard, you just have to twist them the right way. When we do, we can future- proof our bodies and minds, prolong our health spans and rewind the clock on aging because billionaire or not, what better long-term investment is there than becoming your optimal self for as long as possible?




Always consult your medical professional if you have a medical condition, or existing health protocol, before beginning any new supplementation regime.

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