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Tackling Menopausal Brain Fog: Why Nootropics Could Be the Key

Tackling Menopausal Brain Fog: Why Nootropics Could Be the Key

Brain fog is a vague but frequent problem, especially during the menopause. Here's how LYMA helps.

Brain fog is not a medical term, but rather a way of describing common symptoms of different causes, such as poor concentration, confusion, memory lapse and thinking slower than usual. It can feel extremely frustrating, and is one of the symptoms women experience during the menopause.


Luckily, issues with concentration and memory can be somewhat abetted (though, of course, situations vary). If your current medical record allows for you to consider taking supplements, then nootropics – and particularly the one in the LYMA Supplement – are well worth considering.

What are nootropics?

Nootropics are natural substances that, in different ways, assist with focus and concentration. Some are better in the short-term – such as caffeine – and provide a crash following an intense boost. Others provide a very small boost to concentration and memory immediately, but proactively work to nourish your brain by feeding it right, allowing it to produce more of what the brain needs to function at its peak and improve the communication cells known as neurons.


Think of it like giving your brain the right meal plan for it to develop a six pack. Some also help to stimulate the production of phospholipids, fatty cells that make up a large percentage of cell membranes, which help to keep cells in the brain supple.

What is citicoline?

Citicoline is one of the most lauded nootropics, and is a type of choline: an essential nutrient produced in the body, which helps make phospholipids. Phospholipids keep your brain well-fed by improving the transfer of nutrients and the like around the brain, while also keeping your memory sharp as you age.


Phospholipids are available as supplements themselves, so why – you might ask – should I take something that synthesises them instead? Well, phospholipids are such big molecules that they are not always easy for the body to absorb. Citicoline is much easier to absorb, and helps to produce the good stuff from the inside.

This makes citicoline ideal if you’re looking for a nootropic that prioritises long-term brain nourishment, rather than an immediate rush. “You’re helping the brain structures and cells be as healthy as possible,” explained Danielle Citrolo, resident pharmacist at US nootropic company Kyowa Hakko, “and maintain their health over time, for as long as you continue to take it.”

What is Cognizin, and how does it help brain fog?

Cognizin® is a patented form of citicoline, and backed up by dozens of peer-reviewed trials and clinical studies. That’s why we use it in our LYMA Supplement.

How the LYMA Supplement helps concentration: In one study, people taking Cognizin® did a fancy type of MRI known as a Phosphorous Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The scan showed a significant increase in phosphorous in the brain, and also that the brain's focus and concentration centre - the anterior cingulate cortex – was particularly benefitting.


How the LYMA Supplement helps memory: A recent study tested 500mg of Cognizin® on American 50-85 year olds who experienced ‘age-associated memory impairment’ - aka normal decline in memory associated to ageing. Over 12 weeks, this high dosage of Cognizin® allowed the subjects to improve their performance in cognitive tests measuring short-term spatial, working, and episodic memory.


Brain fog and the menopause

One of the symptoms of the menopause is brain fog, which some people find particularly crippling. The team behind Cognizin® have carried out a study specifically on citicoline’s benefits for middle-aged women, and subjects who took upwards of 250mg of Cognizin® made fewer errors, focused more, and were more attentive. That's one of the reasons why so many women experiencing the menopause find relief from taking LYMA's proven supplement.


The data backs up Cognizin ®, but sometimes we know it can help to hear from real people, too. Here are a couple of case studies from menopausal women demonstrating how LYMA helped their mental health and cognitive performance:


  • Ivana’s story recounts how a combination of LYMA and HRT helped her to overcome her menopausal brain fog.
  • Emma’s story also shows how LYMA helped to clear the brain fog, panic attacks and memory loss she was experiencing.
  • Gillian recounts how LYMA helped her challenge the concentration issues she was experiencing due to menopausal brain fog.
  • Pari used to take 28 supplements and vitamins every day, but they weren't preventing the changes that came with the menopause. Then she found LYMA.


What else can help ease brain fog?

Alongside the correct supplementation, there are a few other habits you can cultivate to fight brain fog.


  • Aerobic exercise: there’s no need to go too hard or go into full HIIT mode. Exercise and brain health are linked, so aim to be active for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
  • A Mediterranean diet: olive oil, fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains can improve your brain’s health.
  • Avoiding alcohol and drugs: while complete abstinence might not be necessary, these are substances that muddle the brain. Cutting down could do you a world of good.
  • A good night’s sleep: in a shock to absolutely nobody, sleeping well continues to be something close to a complete panacea.
  • Socialising: seeing other people and doing activities with loved ones helps dust the cobwebs of your thinking and memory skills.
  • Use your brain: reading, puzzles, consuming culture, practicing mindfulness – all of these things help to improve your cognitive functions.
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