We caught up with the founder and driving force behind the world's best Supplement.
Introducing LYMA Lives. Each week we speak to thought leaders, wellness warriors, business pioneers and entrepreneurs from around the world to find out what motivates them, how they got to where they are and what they would have done differently given the chance.
We spoke to Lucy Goff, Co-Founder of LYMA to chat about what change means to her, how she faces challenges, meeting her husband in the middle of the road, and the guilty pleasure that is Dr. Pimple Popper.
Lucy grew up in Leeds and - by way of Switzerland, Monaco, and Rio - now lives in north London with her husband and daughter. Originally a journalist for the Daily Express before she moved into PR for big retailers such as Selfridges, Fenwicks of Bond Street and Waitrose, Lucy could never have imagined she’d end up where she is today.

Everything changed for Lucy in 2012 when she contracted septicemia following the birth of her daughter. The treatment Lucy received after she fell ill just didn’t make her feel better: she was prescribed a medley of supplements to get her back to health, but they just didn’t work. Lucy knew there must be a better way to get back to full fitness and so embarked on a journey to discover the ultimate Supplement that, ultimately, led her to create LYMA. She challenged an industry and, in doing so, has changed it forever.
Lucy Goff is the force behind the LYMA Supplement, the LYMA Laser and most recently LYMA Skincare.

1. Do you believe in the power of change?
Very much so. Change is often the antithesis of the way humans naturally tend to live. However, change is around us all the time and I’m a big believer in accepting change and welcome the opportunities and challenges that come with it. Life without change is uneventful and predictable. Once you accept that life comes with change and find a way of harnessing change for the positive, then change is exhilarating. Many of my most memorable moments have resulted from change, it’s a power that should be welcomed, not feared.
2. When was the last time you did something that truly challenged you?
Starting LYMA is the most challenging thing I’ve ever done. If I’d known everything I know now, I probably would have run a mile. It was never my intention to take on an entire industry with a new category of evidence-based nutrition. I was just passionate about bringing a formula to market that had literally saved my life at a time when nothing else had worked.
I now find myself continually challenged. I spend a lot of my time speaking out against the lack of regulation in a wellness industry that doesn’t have the consumer’s best interest at heart. Although technically valid, the majority of supplements on the shelves today mislead and obscure the real benefits that should be provided. I feel very strongly that change in the supplement industry is long overdue and consumers have a right to know what is and isn’t of real benefit to them. The more people tell me to back off, the more I want to keep on going. My passion is to change the wellness industry forever, and in doing so change people’s lives for the better.
3. What’s your biggest regret?
I don’t regret anything that I’ve done. In life there are many twists and turns and no matter how challenging or devastating, I try and find the positive in everything and build on my knowledge and experience so I can take on anything that’s thrown at me. I could have many regrets. Letting friendships go. Disrupting my life for failed relationships. Behaving in ways I wished I hadn’t. Will I regret anything in the future? I’m sure there'll be many occasions to consider regret, but I will always try to find the positive spin.

4. What piece of advice would you give you to your younger self?
Try anything at least once, only then are you allowed to have an opinion on said thing.
5. What’s the best gift you ever received?
Meeting my husband in the middle of a T junction - the metaphor is not lost on me - ten years ago.
6. What difference has LYMA made to your life?
LYMA has affected my life in so many ways. It saved my life at a time when nothing else could. It gave me the strength to bring the formula to market when everyone was telling me not to. It’s connected me with people with similar stories that I would never have met. It’s made me realise that failing at school isn’t a reason not to follow your dreams. It’s made me realise that working hard can be fun when you are passionate about it. LYMA balances me on a daily basis and helps me feel my best.
LYMA has made me look at the world differently and recognise that there is a genuine role for preventative wellness and how evidence-based nutrition can change lives and impact society in a way I could never previously imagined. LYMA is my life, it’s my business, it’s my health, my skin, my beauty and my future. I will never stop ensuring that the LYMA philosophy of preventative wellness spreads as far and wide as possible.

7. How do you wind down at the end of the day?
Putting my daughter to bed. We always lay next to each other with the lights out. She’s holding a torch with her right hand and my elbow with her left, and I’m holding her book with my left hand and using the LYMA Laser with my right. She insists we read together and uses it as an opportunity to poke fun of me for my northern accent. Half an hour later she’s nodded off, my face is glowing, and I go downstairs to my husband and Netflix.
8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
It’s a close call between Curb Your Enthusiasm and Dr. Pimple Popper. I once spent an entire flight to LA watching Larry David and Dr. Sandra Lee on repeat.
9. How do you cope with the low moments in your life?
By remembering that life is a rollercoaster and the only guarantee is that nothing lasts forever. You need to make the most of it while you have it there in front of you. The lows turn into highs when you’re least expecting, and you never know what’s around the corner. LYMA helps too of course.