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The LYMA Laser, for Sun Damaged Skin

The LYMA Laser, for Sun Damaged Skin

When the sun damage situation ramps up, top dermatologists recommend laser treatment.

If you’ve spent years basking in the sun’s rays, the results may well be written across your face. Who doesn’t love a bronzed face or a generous scattering of freckles? But when the sun damage situation ramps up to hyper pigmentation, age spots, dark patches and even crêpey skin across the chest, laser is the best treatment to break up the uninvited party.


Whether in Bali or the backyard, most of us have suffered sun damage regret at some point. These days we’re well versed in slathering on high factor sun protection creams but sun damage can take its sweet time to show through. And show up it does, in the many guises of age spots, pigmentation, dark patches, tiny white spots and premature wrinkles.

When sunlight hits our bodies, melanocytes cells in our skin create melanin in a bid to protect skin cells from sun damage but rather than a nice even, bronze tan, they can cluster together to form irregular dark patches of pigmentation.


Age spots are dark spots that are down to the excessive localised production of melanin after sun exposure and are most prolific across the hands and face. When it comes to the neck and chest, sun damage often presents as premature wrinkles and that crêpey skin effect, whilst down the arms and legs, sun damage may appear as tiny white spots or larger dark patches.


So how does a laser reverse sun damage?

Thank goodness the age of bleaching creams is safely in the past and now top dermatologists recommend laser treatment. Laser light is a powerful, concentrated beam of light able to pass through the top layers of the sun damaged skin, reach melanocyte cells in the base layers and break up the unwanted pigmentation.


The dispersed pigmentation is then re-absorbed by the body and the skin appears clearer and more luminous. Previously, this process has only been possible with hefty in-clinic lasers operated by professionals but the LYMA Laser is an at-home laser capable of transformational results. The true power of the LYMA Laser is in the near-infrared 500 milliwatt laser inside.

How does the LYMA Laser help reduce pigmentation?

“The LYMA Laser has been proved to encourage tissue renewal at a genetic level, moving melanosomes around the base layer of the epidermis,” explains Dr Graeme Glass PhD Plastic, Craniofacial and Aesthetic Surgeon and LYMA Aesthetic Director. “By changing the signals, it changes the recruitment and the migration of the melanosomes, making them more evenly distributed which manifests as a more evenly pigmented skin tone.”


What's more, the Laser's skin rejuvenating results are amplified when using it as part of the LYMA Ecosystem whereby the LYMA products have been designed not only to compliment one another other, but to garner transformation results greater than the sum parts.


Whilst the Supplement supports collagen production, provides antioxidant protection and increases keratin synthesis in skin from within, actives in topical LYMA Skincare sink down deep to change key behaviors that cause skin aging. The LYMA Laser then works in conjunction with this world-class epigenetic skincare to boost the transportation of molecules and the uptake of the active ingredients into the skin. The Laser acts as the perfect trans-dermal topical delivery system, increasing the diffusion of lipid-soluble compounds whilst also enhancing the uptake of water-soluble compounds.


“The LYMA Skincare protocol has essentially closed the loop in that we now have three products which together are addressing different yet complementary aspects of the aging process to create youth and vigor in the skin,” says Dr Graeme E. Glass MD PhD Plastic Surgeon, Associate Professor of Surgery, and LYMA Aesthetic Director.

The LYMA Laser: a real-life sun damage solution.

Caroline, 47 loved the sun as a young woman and is now living with the legacy of many a day spent enjoying the sunshine with not a thought of high SPF on her body. After years of covering up the sun damage across her chest, she invested in the LYMA Laser to give her the courage to stop covering up for good. She tells LYMA about the results of the laser on her skin.


“I’ve been wearing polo necks for as long as I can remember, I dreaded the thought of anyone seeing my chest. Whilst my neck and face are ok in terms of wrinkles and sun damage, my chest was the giveaway. The skin texture was horrific and no matter how many lotions and potions I used, nothing seemed to help. I even tried some in clinic treatments; the Dermapen didn’t improve it and then a hyaluronic acid décolletage mask slightly improved the skin texture but it still wasn’t enough to convince me to show the world my chest.


My friend recommended the LYMA Laser to repair and resurface the skin in a pain-free way; she had seen some incredible results on her neck so I decided to take the plunge. I took my before shot and started using it whilst watching TV in the evening, about 30 minutes most nights. It’s funny because you don’t feel any pain or heat whilst using the laser so you feel it’s not working, but four weeks in I took another photograph of my chest and I was amazed at how the skin had started to transform.


I can’t tell you how excited I felt that finally after all these years I could see a glimmer of hope. Even though it was still a work in progress, I remember feeling such a sense of pride walking out to collect the kids from school in a v-neck jumper. A real sense of empowerment.

Three months in and the skin on my chest is incredible. I feel like a new woman! I didn’t realise how much my décolleté was getting me down, restricting what I wanted to wear and made me feel less feminine.


I still use the LYMA Laser a couple of times a week to maintain my results and I’ve now moved onto my face. I can’t wait to see what results I get. Thank you LYMA!”


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