How a modern-day Renaissance Woman operates, with the help of LYMA's Supplement
Few people embody LYMA more than Laura Bailey, a long-time fan of LYMA’s Supplement, and now the face of LYMA’s ‘Exceptionals' campaign. A creative powerhouse, her work has entered the worlds of art, fashion, film, sport, activism and philanthropy.
“I’ve been taking the wonder supplement religiously morning and evening for two years and I definitely feel more energised and on less of an emotional rollercoaster," she explains. "It’s become my security blanket, my baseline health foundation that supports everything else.”
With a life as full and hectic as her’s, knowing your body is performing at the top of its game is a major necessity: Bailey is not just a photographer but a model, a contributing editor at British Vogue, a mother of two teenagers, an ambassador for Save The Children and the British Fashion Council, as well as a long-term brand ambassador for Chanel.
We wanted to show how a modern-day Renaissance Woman operates, spins all these plates, and how it feels to be at the top of your game.
What is a challenge you overcame recently?
All creative projects come with challenges ~ especially in current times. I have learned to be flexible, to not panic under pressure, and to ask for help or delegate when needed.
Juggling family and a busy work life will always throw the odd curveball - when a child is sick, or schedules go awry. Letting go of perfectionism and making space are both key to calm and focus!
How does it feel when you’re not performing well, and how do you fix it?
I want to perform at my best, whether I’m with my kids, shooting on location, or simply in action on the tennis court (my happy place!) If I allow myself to get run down or overwhelmed everything can feel stressful and I can make bad decisions or compromises.
My wellness routine revolves around doing all I can to stay on my toes, creatively and energetically. That means getting good rest and taking care of myself. Also really connecting to the things that make me feel good. My kids, work, sport but also my local community and giving back. Plus nature. Not much a dog walk with my girlfriends can’t fix!
What are your rituals before you take something on?
Depends on the challenge. At work I am lucky to have a brilliant agent in support, as well as a close circle of supportive friends and colleagues I can share ideas with, and be totally open and honest re: fears or questions. I am inspired by many of the brilliant editors, brands, photographers and creative teams I work with. I am always looking to learn and collaborate. But I am led by instinct. More and more.
I trust my gut, and have also learnt to protect more space around projects, that the time wondering and planning - or reflecting -- is valuable too. I also carry a notebook everywhere and often work in unconventional and unexpected ways - on the road or on the train - although my studio is my creative hub, the space I feel most inspired in, quiet and focused. Somewhere I can plan and shoot, and just be. Plus I walk and cycle all over London and that gives me precious decision-making headspace.

What's your biggest success, and how did it change you?
Motherhood. In all ways.
What's your biggest failure and how did it change you?
I really don’t think about failure. Most disappointments or heartbreaks make you stronger and more resilient. Success for me feels like curiosity and risk and trust and building strong relationships.
I value courage and kindness. In all worlds. Empathy when faced with both the highs and lows is the greatest gift of friendship. My gang have got my back and vice versa. I think about change and challenges, not failure. (Although I don’t like to lose at tennis...)
What is one thing everyone can do tomorrow to perform better in their day to day lives?
For me - it’s about passion. If you are engaged with what you love - at work and play - that’s everything. I feel so lucky to love my work on both sides of the camera and take nothing for granted ever.
But it’s sport that helps me focus and relax, since I was a kid really. Physical and mental health for me have always been so entwined. I have always craved the adrenaline and release of trainings and competition. I’ve also learned that rest is as key to performance as training. Even if it doesn’t come naturally to me!
I eat well - I need to. My life is high-energy. I’ve taken LYMA's Supplement religiously for two years now and I simply feel better, calmer, healthier, happier. I’ve got many of my friends hooked too. LYMA has become my baseline health insurance. The constant in my ever changing world. A security blanket. In the past I’ve dabbled with various vitamins and then forgotten - serious commitment issues- but LYMA I feel is for life. I’ll invest in my health as that is everything.
What is one habit you’ve never regretted bringing into your life, no matter how big or small?
Sport. And a love of nature. And dogs!