Professor Paul Clayton Biography.

Professor Paul Clayton Biography.

Leading scientist in the field of nutrition and medical pharmacology

Professor Paul Clayton, PhD





Professor Paul Clayton is the world’s leading expert in the fast-developing science of pharmaco-nutrition. He graduated summa cum laude in Medical Pharmacology from Edinburgh University, prior to obtaining his PhD. He is former President of the Forum on Food & Health at the Royal Society of Medicine (UK), and Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government’s Committee on the Safety of Medicines. Prof.



Clayton works with leading doctors and clinical scientists at centres of clinical expertise worldwide, designing and supervising pre-clinical and clinical trials of pharmaco-nutritional interventions. He frequently presents and chairs international conferences on nutrition and health and sits on or leads the advisory boards of many of the world’s leading nutrition institutions. Prof. Clayton’s books include ‘Health Defence’, ‘After Atkins’, ‘Natural Defences’, ‘Out of the Fire’ and ‘Let Your Food be Your Pharmaco-nutrition’.



As a leading figure in the supplement industry, Prof. Clayton has published the following features for LYMA:






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