The power to change
your life starts now

The power to change your life starts now

There's no better feeling, than feeling your best.

Welcome to your LYMA Life

The world's most powerful anti-ageing innovations.

Welcome to your LYMA Life

The world's most powerful anti-ageing innovations.

The expert's trusted beauty device

The expert's trusted beauty device

The world's most sought after aestheticians and facialists are using the
LYMA Laser on their A-list clients.

The world's most sought after aestheticians and facialists are using the LYMA Laser on their A-list clients.

Leaders in longevity

Addressing all eight mechanisms of skin ageing

Engineering category-defining products by decoding how we age.
To help you look and feel your best
Engineering category-defining products by decoding how we age. To help you look and feel your best

The world's first epigenetic technology that delivers a profound restorative effect.


Epigenetics is the way in which cells control their genetic activity. One of the most common ways is through DNA methylation - when methyl groups are attached to DNA to effectively 'turn off' the gene that they've been added to. Aging is strongly associated with changes to DNA methylation, and as skin cells age methyl groups are lost, reducing genetic control.

It's thought that increasing the number of methyl groups available to skin cells can prevent these changes and ultimately, reduce the skin ageing process. Betaine is able to provide a source of methyl groups to cells and has a proven epigenetic impacti.

The LYMA Laser acts as a ‘master energy switch’ dialing up the gene expression associated with tissue repair and regeneration and dialing down the genes responsible for cellular decline and destruction. By intervening with the epigenetic balance and tipping it in favor of repair, cells act younger and optimal rejuvenation is restored.

Key active ingredients:
Genencare® Natural Betaine

Clears the way for new active cells to deliver a significantly more youthful looking skin.


Senescent cells are cells that have stopped multiplying, but instead of dying off when they should, they remain within the skin releasing inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals result in the breakdown of structural proteins in the skin (such as collagen and elastin), leading to wrinkle formation and loss of elasticity.

Certain polyphenols, including quercetinii and those from plants such as milk thistleiii, have senolytic activity - they are able to reduce the occurrence of cellular senescence, and seek out and kill pre-existing senescent cells.

Through direct communication with fibroblasts, the Laser instructs cells to renew efficiently, act younger for longer and adopt a healthy turnover. By instilling this, the Laser discourages senescent or ‘zombie cells’ from forming and cells can continue with a healthy life cycle.

Key active ingredients:
Ephemer™, Quercevita® Quercetin, Spermidine, Procyanadin C1

Helps accelerate skin renewal to reveal fresher, youthful-looking skin.


As the skin ages its immune competence declines - production of anti-inflammatory cells is reduced and the adaptive immune response slows down. This accelerates skin ageing by allowing pro-inflammatory cells to degrade structural proteins, reducing the elasticity and firmness of skin.

Yeast beta glucans are one of the most well-known immune-modulatorsxi, able to exert anti-inflammatory effects on skin cells and enhance the formation of the skins structural proteins - increasing skin elasticity and preventing wrinkle formation.

When polarized laser light enters skin, cellular signals are activated that trigger a chain reaction to increase defense. This stimulates the production of smart surveillance cells that patrol skin for any infection or damage. This newly improved immune surveillance system begets optimum epidermal health.

Key active ingredients:
Wellmune® Hydrolysed Beta Glucans, Levagen®

Accelerates skin renewal and reduces wrinkle formation.


Mitochondria are the energy-makers of every cell in the body, including skin cells. During the energy-making process, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated. These ROS are able to damage the mitochondria themselves, reducing their energy producing capacity. Without optimal energy, skin cells are unable to regenerate as quickly.

The amino acid ergothioneine is able to enter skin cells and accumulate in the mitochondria, scavenging ROS and protecting them from oxidative damageix. Improved mitochondrial function results in regenerated, more youthful skin.

Near-infrared laser light energy in the Laser supercharges the battery packs of cells. Switching these energy centers back on optimizes collagen production for a reinforced skin barrier and a fortified Extracellular Matrix. The result is stronger scaffolding for firmer, sculpted skin and sharper contours.

Key active ingredients:
MitoPrime® Ergothioneine, Genencare® Natural Betaine, Ephemer™

Revolutionary anti-inflammatory ingredients support oxygen and nutrients in skin cells.


Oxygen and nutrients for optimal skin health are provided to cells by a network of capillaries, these same capillaries also remove damaging waste products from the skin cells. Over time, the function of the capillaries deteriorates, simultaneously diminishing the health, function and appearance of the skin. By the age of 70, blood flow to the skin has fallen by 40% below the level it was at age 20v.

Polyphenols such as quercetin are able to enhance the function of the microcapillary systemxi, improving blood flow to the skin. Improved blood flow means skin cells are more hydrated and nourished, resulting in healthier, firmer and more elastic skin.

Pure laser light reawakens vascular growth factors that rebuild the tiny blood vessels vital for an improved dermal capillary network. Once this is established, a healthy blood supply can deliver fresh oxygen and essential skin nutrients more rapidly to feed cells.

Key active ingredients:
Quercevita® Quercetin

Breakthrough approach to restore the skin's underlying architecture.


The number of structural proteins within the skins extracellular matrix (ECM) determines the elasticity, hydration capacity, thickness, and ultimately appearance of the skin. One of the major causes of aging is the loss of structural proteins in the skins ECM, mostly due to decreased collagen production and increased degradation of already existing collagen fibres.

Polyphenols such as those from olive leafvii and Zizania latifoliaviii plants reduce the breakdown of structural proteins within the ECM through their antioxidant properties. Retinoidsix, such as retinyl palmitate, and yeast beta-glucansx promote the formation of structural proteins within the ECM, actively increasing the skins thickness and slowing down the aging process.

Low-level laser light energy increases the production of non-cellular material (collagen proteins, elastin and fibronectin and glycoproteins) that make up the ECM. Once again through its epigenetic action, the Laser manipulates gene expression to favor a dual action of slowing down the breakdown of ECM proteins and enhancing the rate of their formation.

Key active ingredients:
Telangyn™ Peptides, Retinyl Palmitate, Wellmune® Hydrolysed Beta Glucans, Zizania latifolia Stem Extract, Quercevita® Quercetin, Levagen®

Floods all layers of skin and creates an anti-dehydration shield.


Aging skin becomes thinner and less capable of holding onto moisture, and over time its natural moisturising factors are reduced. Increasingly dry skin loses elasticity and becomes creped and wrinkled.

Betaine, hyaluronic acid and propanediol all have strong water binding capacity and are able to attract water and retain it within the skin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the major water binding molecules - able to hold 1000 times its own weight in waterxii.

Skin loses water content with age but the transfer of laser light energy can reinstate it. Not only does the Laser increase microcirculation for better delivery of hydration throughout every layer of the dermis but it also increases the water content in skin by improving the osmotic potential of glycoproteins that draw water into the ECM making skin plump, firm and resilient.

Key active ingredients:
PrimalHyal™ 50 Hyaluronic Acid, Aquaxyl™, Zemea® Propanediol

Recreating the optimum microbiome environment of younger skin.


The aging process is reflected by changes in the skin's microbiome. Younger, more elastic skin is associated with an abundance of streptococcus bacteria. Increasing the streptococcus population on the skin upregulates the production of structural proteins, improving skin barrier function, hydration and elasticity.

Spermidine from wheat germ extract mediates the skins bacterial population, in particular the number of streptococcal bacteria species presentxiii.

Through its powerful anti-inflammatory action, the Laser increases keratinocyte production in the basement membrane of skin. Kerationoytes make up the microbiome and this proliferation provides the ideal environment for the skin’s microbiome to thrive.

Key active ingredients:
L22®19, Spermidine20, aurafirm21


The world's first epigenetic technology that delivers a profound restorative effect.


Clears the way for new active cells to deliver a significantly more youthful looking skin.


Helps accelerate skin renewal to reveal fresher, youthful-looking skin.


Accelerates skin renewal and reduces wrinkle formation.


Revolutionary anti-inflammatory ingredients support oxygen and nutrients in skin cells.


Breakthrough approach to restore the skin's underlying architecture.


Floods all layers of skin and creates an anti-dehydration shield.


Recreating the optimum microbiome environment of younger skin.

01 Epigenetics

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Epigenetics

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

02 Senescence

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Senescence

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

03 Immunity

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Immunity

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

04 Energy

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Energy

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

05 Circulation

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Circulation

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

06 Elasticity

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Elasticity

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

07 Hydration

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Hydration

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

08 Microbiology

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Microbiology

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

01 Epigenetics
The world's first epigenetic technology that delivers a profound restorative effect.

01 Epigenetics

Key active ingredients:
Genencare® Natural Betaine

01 Epigenetics

Epigenetics is the way in which cells control their genetic activity. One of the most common ways is through DNA methylation - when methyl groups are attached to DNA to effectively 'turn off' the gene that they've been added to. Aging is strongly associated with changes to DNA methylation, and as skin cells age methyl groups are lost, reducing genetic control.

It's thought that increasing the number of methyl groups available to skin cells can prevent these changes and ultimately, reduce the skin ageing process. Betaine is able to provide a source of methyl groups to cells and has a proven epigenetic impacti.

02 Senescence
Clears the way for new active cells to deliver a significantly more youthful looking skin.

02 Senescence

Key active ingredients:
Ephemer™, Quercevita® Quercetin, Spermidine, Procyanadin C1

02 Senescence

Senescent cells are cells that have stopped multiplying, but instead of dying off when they should, they remain within the skin releasing inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals result in the breakdown of structural proteins in the skin (such as collagen and elastin), leading to wrinkle formation and loss of elasticity.

Certain polyphenols, including quercetinii and those from plants such as milk thistleiii, have senolytic activity - they are able to reduce the occurrence of cellular senescence, and seek out and kill pre-existing senescent cells.

03 Immunity
Helps accelerate skin renewal to reveal fresher, youthful-looking skin.

03 Immunity

Key active ingredients:
Wellmune® Hydrolysed Beta Glucans, Levagen®

03 Immunity

As the skin ages its immune competence declines - production of anti-inflammatory cells is reduced and the adaptive immune response slows down. This accelerates skin ageing by allowing pro-inflammatory cells to degrade structural proteins, reducing the elasticity and firmness of skin.

Yeast beta glucans are one of the most well-known immune-modulatorsxi, able to exert anti-inflammatory effects on skin cells and enhance the formation of the skins structural proteins - increasing skin elasticity and preventing wrinkle formation.

04 Energy
Accelerates skin renewal and reduces wrinkle formation.

04 Energy

Key active ingredients:
MitoPrime® Ergothioneine, Genencare® Natural Betaine, Ephemer™

04 Energy

Mitochondria are the energy-makers of every cell in the body, including skin cells. During the energy-making process, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated. These ROS are able to damage the mitochondria themselves, reducing their energy producing capacity. Without optimal energy, skin cells are unable to regenerate as quickly.

The amino acid ergothioneine is able to enter skin cells and accumulate in the mitochondria, scavenging ROS and protecting them from oxidative damageix. Improved mitochondrial function results in regenerated, more youthful skin.

05 Circulation
Revolutionary anti-inflammatory ingredients support oxygen and nutrients in skin cells.

05 Circulation

Key active ingredients:
Quercevita® Quercetin

05 Circulation

Oxygen and nutrients for optimal skin health are provided to cells by a network of capillaries, these same capillaries also remove damaging waste products from the skin cells. Over time, the function of the capillaries deteriorates, simultaneously diminishing the health, function and appearance of the skin. By the age of 70, blood flow to the skin has fallen by 40% below the level it was at age 20v.

Polyphenols such as quercetin are able to enhance the function of the microcapillary systemxi, improving blood flow to the skin. Improved blood flow means skin cells are more hydrated and nourished, resulting in healthier, firmer and more elastic skin.

06 Elasticity
Breakthrough approach to restore the skin's underlying architecture.

06 Elasticity

Key active ingredients:
Quercevita® Quercetin

06 Elasticity

The number of structural proteins within the skins extracellular matrix (ECM) determines the elasticity, hydration capacity, thickness, and ultimately appearance of the skin. One of the major causes of aging is the loss of structural proteins in the skins ECM, mostly due to decreased collagen production and increased degradation of already existing collagen fibres.

Polyphenols such as those from olive leafvii and Zizania latifoliaviii plants reduce the breakdown of structural proteins within the ECM through their antioxidant properties. Retinoidsix, such as retinyl palmitate, and yeast beta-glucansx promote the formation of structural proteins within the ECM, actively increasing the skins thickness and slowing down the aging process.

07 Hydration
Floods all layers of skin and creates an anti-dehydration shield.

07 Hydration

Key active ingredients:
PrimalHyal™ 50 Hyaluronic Acid, Aquaxyl™, Zemea® Propanediol

07 Hydration

Aging skin becomes thinner and less capable of holding onto moisture, and over time its natural moisturising factors are reduced. Increasingly dry skin loses elasticity and becomes creped and wrinkled.

Betaine, hyaluronic acid and propanediol all have strong water binding capacity and are able to attract water and retain it within the skin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the major water binding molecules - able to hold 1000 times its own weight in waterxii.

08 Microbiology
Recreating the optimum microbiome environment of younger skin.

08 Microbiology

Key active ingredients:
L22®, Spermidine, aurafirm

08 Microbiology

The aging process is reflected by changes in the skin's microbiome. Younger, more elastic skin is associated with an abundance of streptococcus bacteria. Increasing the streptococcus population on the skin upregulates the production of structural proteins, improving skin barrier function, hydration and elasticity.

Spermidine from wheat germ extract mediates the skins bacterial population, in particular the number of streptococcal bacteria species presentxiii.

The Story of LYMA

The Story of LYMA

Continually breaking boundaries, LYMA redefines what’s possible.
No promises, just proof.

Continually breaking boundaries, LYMA redefines what’s possible. No promises, just proof.

Your next chapter awaits

Your next chapter awaits

Join the thousands of people whose lives LYMA changed forever.

Join the thousands of people whose lives LYMA changed forever.

Industry Reviews

Dr Dendy Engelman

"It's thrilling to now have an at-home device that addresses wrinkles, skin redness, blemishes, scars, pigmentation and cellulite."

Dr Dendy Engelman, Board certified Dermatologic Surgeon at Shafer Clinic Fifth Avenue

Dana James MS, CNS, CDN

"With LYMA, there's nothing that's superfluous, it's a synergistic product that works on many biochemical levels. It helps with sleep, anxiety, mood, skin and bones."

Dana James MS, CNS, CDN, Triple certified Nutritionist, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Dr Graeme Glass PhD

"The LYMA Laser captures the efficacy of a Laser-based light therapy previously only available in the clinic and delivers it into the hands of the consumer for use at home."

Dr Graeme Glass PhD, Plastic, Craniofacial and Aesthetic Surgeon Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery

Mary Greenwell

"To have healthy skin in the long-term, your focus needs to be on looking after it in the kindest way possible. The LYMA Laser, truly, is that kindest way."

Mary Greenwell, Makeup Artist

Dr Michael A. Grandner, PhD, MTR

"Each ingredient has been tested, vetted and demonstrated its worth in a clinical trial and most importantly, at the dose that’s in there."

Dr Michael A. Grandner, PhD, MTR, Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona, and Director of the Behavioural at the Banner-University Medical Centre

Dr Adrian Lopresti PhD

"LYMA contains an impressive combination of high-quality, research-driven, patented ingredients that can help people."

Dr Adrian Lopresti PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Researcher

Heather Jackson

"GenM completely supports and applauds the ethos, vision and purpose of LYMA and its founder, Lucy Goff."

Heather Jackson, Co-Founder of GEN M, a digital platform helping women thrive during the Menopause

Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram, BEM

"The LYMA Laser is a ground-breaking laser technology that works for all skin types and improves a range of concerns such as scarring, blemishes, pigmentation and skin aging. "

Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram, BEM, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and the Clinical Lead for Innovation-Temps Belgravia

Pati Dubroff

"The breakthrough beauty device of the decade. I use it on clients’ skin before makeup and it massively reduces inflammation, erases under-eye bags and gives the face a fabulous glow."

Pati Dubroff, Hollywood's Leading Make-Up Artist

Katelijne Lecleir

"I am happy to connect clients a next-level skin reviving system to perform at home, unlike anything ever seen before. What is also very important to me is that it is very powerful and safe."

Katelijne Lecleir, Gua Sha Expert and Founder of Yuu Studio

Diane Nivern

"Taking the formula daily has helped me stay focused, energised yet calm, whilst also giving my hair, skin and nails and real boost!"

Diane Nivern, Award winning skincare specialist & facialist

Nichola Joss

"The LYMA Laser takes skin regeneration to a new level. Clinic grade performance for everyday home use that I can’t live without."

Nichola Joss, Facialist to the stars and Skincare Expert

Joanne Evans

"I’ve found that The LYMA laser gives a really lovely finish to the skin at the end of the treatment, which I was really surprised about."

Joanne Evans, Leading facialist and Founder of Skin Matters

Dr Paul Clayton Phd

"The LYMA System is the break-through beauty product of the decade."

Dr Paul Clayton Phd, Medical Pharmacologist

Diane Nivern

"The Laser is revolutionary in skincare as a remedial and preventative tool helping my clients reverse the signs of ageing and improve their wellbeing."

Diane Nivern, Award winning skincare specialist & facialist

Dr Keira Barr

"Using LYMA simplified my daily supplement regime."

Dr Keira Barr, Dual board-certified Dermatologist and Menopause Specialist

Joanna Czech

"The LYMA Laser not only aligns with my philosophy of protecting and supporting skin but it can be used on all skin types and tones, truly representing inclusive beauty. LYMA is a total game changer - incredibly powerful, portable and most importantly, completely safe."

Joanna Czech, Celebrity Skin Care Expert

Anna Zahn

"I am so impressed with the LYMA Laser's ground-breaking technology. I’m not surprised everyone wants one with results so powerful."

Anna Zahn, Founder and Owner of Ricari Studio Health Spas, with locations in LA, NY and London

Romy Solemini

"The LYMA Laser heals the skin, calms any redness before an event and overall makes the skin appear firmer and bouncier."

Romy Solemini, New York-based Makeup Artist

Dr Nina Bal, BDS

"Since starting to take LYMA daily, I have noticed dramatically improved skin and it has helped my hair to grow back thicker and stronger than ever following both of my pregnancies."

Dr Nina Bal, BDS, Cosmetic Dental Surgeon and Facial Aesthetics Doctor

Dr Costi

"It's beautiful for the skin and very easy to use and it doesn't cause any damage to your cells"

Dr Costi, Cosmetic Dermatologist, Beirut

Kate Kerr

"LYMA is the most advanced supplement I have tried to date. I can honestly say that it’s, without question, the most effective supplement that I’ve taken."

Kate Kerr, Acclaimed Clinical Facialist

Katharine Mackenzie Paterson

"With no downtime, this portable magic wand can be used for a few minutes every day, at any time of the day.  I’ve seen skin looking brighter, more even and just healthier with continued use."

Katharine Mackenzie Paterson, Skincare Expert and Founder of KMP Skin

Dr Donald Cox PhD

"The best way to protect yourself is to take a product like Wellmune® Blend, which is a component of the LYMA supplement, to enhance your immune system."

Dr Donald Cox PhD, Food Microbiologist at Cornell University

Customer Reviews

4.5 Stars

From 391 people

1 month ago

The laser is a miracle worker. It takes commitment but I found myself adding it to my evening routine while chilling or watching a movie. It has definitely improved the laxity around my jawline and eye area and the customer service is outstanding.

1 month ago

Absolutely exceptional concierge service. She was so unbelievably helpful and kind. The facial line is wonderful and the glide is outstanding. Lyma laser is cutting-edge technology in the comfort of your own home and is safe and effective. I use it AM and PM and it fits in routines with ease. I cannot rave enough about everything.

1 month ago

I really see a big difference with the laser, the skin is much brighter, and healthier… Also, the marks disappear much faster with it, really I cannot thank them enough!

1 month ago

So I'm around 6 months in and the results are brilliant, it fixes those jowls right up. My husband uses it every day on his forehead and his lines are so much smoother, I can't wait to see the long-term use of these lasers. Definitely worth the money.

1 month ago

Lyma Laser has proven to be a game-changer for my complexion. Using it regularly has brought my 59-year-old skin clarity, smoothness, tautness, and a youthful glow! Kat in customer service is exceedingly above and beyond in her concern and ability to ensure one’s Lyma experience is superb!

Your Questions About LYMA

Does LYMA work?

Yes. But 90% of the supplement market does not. Most supplements are little more than placebo, containing little or no active ingredients, often in a form that is not able to be absorbed by the body. LYMA is the vanguard of a new category of supplements. We formulate and source our ingredients with methods that are leagues ahead of anyone else on the market: read our reviews to see how LYMA changes lives, and check the studies on our formula’s components to learn how each has been proven to give you an advantage.

Where can I buy LYMA?

You can buy LYMA here on our site: here to buy our super Supplements - either as a subscription or as a one off - and here to buy our Laser. Our products are also available in select outlets: Harrods in the UK and Joyce Beauty in Hong Kong.

Are there any alternatives to LYMA?

No other supplement on the market does everything LYMA does. All ten of our ingredients are available separately as individual, patented supplements. However, it would be impossible to recreate the dosages of these luxury supplements yourself at the same price we offer it to you monthly, and you would go from taking four of our super supplements a day to taking up to 20 capsules daily.

What are the benefits of LYMA?

LYMA is formulated to give you the advantage above and beyond a balanced diet. Our ingredients cannot be sourced from good nutrition, certainly not in the dosages we prescribe. Our formula is engineered so that the benefits of each of the ten ingredients build on the advantages of the next. This is why we have been described as miracle pills. However, it’s not a miracle: it’s science. All our ingredients are proven to work in peer-reviewed studies. Read our customer reviews to see how LYMA has helped their wellbeing and gave them the advantage within weeks.


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