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Forget January. Why February is the perfect power month

Forget January. Why February is the perfect power month

It's not you, it's January. It was never going to work. February is when change truly happens.

The more you think about resolutions being set as the calendar ticks over to 01.01, the less sense they make. First off, starting on the inaugural day of the new year is arbitrary and secondly, you’re coming off the back of weeks of excess everything, (except energy, you probably don't have nearly enough of that.)


Motivationally speaking, a January mindset is all wrong. January is often when we feel at our lowest, and yet rebounding off the indulgence of the holidays, we make lofty life goals in a reflex action against the temporary stagnation we feel in that moment. This means resolutions originate not from a place of what we want to achieve but more from a ‘just not this’ mindset. 


Societally, having now made January the official month of improvement, it’s also when the herd mentality kicks in and the virtue signaling takes full effect. This person isn't drinking alcohol, that person’s fasting, and did you see that person number three is running to and from the office every day? It's impossible not to get swept along in the panic soup of self-improvement plans. 

Why February has everything going for it

Psychologists advise that in direct opposition, February is go-time. Why so strong? We’re no longer in a state of holiday flux and back in the routine of reality for work and daily family life. After a month that feels like it’s had 48 days, those gainfully employed have finally received their January paycheck to invest in themselves and their new mission.


February is the shortest month of the year, so any target set feels infinitely more achievable and you’ll be a month in before you know it. It’s also the last of the winter months, so spring with all its positivity and additional daylight is imminent. Lastly, any goal set in February avoids all the tired cliches of new year's resolutions. Starting at a different time from the bandwagon crowd takes away all the unhelpful comparison and element of competition. It means you get to do something you’ve really given thought to and comes from a place of genuine intention. 


Use January to fully power up

However January is by no means a wasted month, we very much need January to recover and recalibrate after the holiday season, weed out our true wants and give the reset button a firm push. Figuratively, January is the month to draw in a deep preparatory breath before action.


Literally speaking, January is the vital opportunity for focus because any form of improvement requires careful consideration and planning to properly embed - something that January lends itself to well. Stay quiet for a few moments and listen to what your intuition is telling you. Your gut is your innate navigation system warding you against bad decisions, and towards what is right for you, so always listen to what it’s telling you. Each of those thirty-one days offers a valuable opportunity to refine our mindset, embrace wellness, and set the foundation for meaningful change and the creation of lasting positive habits.

How to make February a resounding success 

1- Put in the preparation

Identify what you want to achieve and why it makes sense for you personally. Next research into how it can happen, how long it will realistically take and make your goal setting metric abundantly clear. Decide if you want to enlist support in the form of accountability from friends or a professional, and get honest with what you best respond to. 


2- Eat yourself strong

After weeks of existing on sugar in all its forms, your state of wellness can be pretty compromised. Wean yourself off the UPFs and every week, take two bad things out of your menu and replace them with superfoods. The aim is that by the end of the month you’re on a nourishing diet of anti-inflammatory foods and sufficient hydration.


3- Get your sleep in check 

No one’s going out anyway, so now is ideal for establishing a strong sleep routine of regular bedtime and wake-up times as well as good sleep hygiene. Screens away, curtains closed, mind clear, non-fiction book at your side. 


4- Start moving

Wake the body up through gently stretching, morning yoga and walking outside on every sunny day that comes. Consider introducing a handful of breathwork exercises too. 


5- Power up your positivity

Do this in a way that works for you; be that through mindfulness, that one close friendship that feels good, daily affirmations or gratitude notes - whatever turns up your positivity dial.  


6- Set social media rules

Comparison is the quickest way to ruin motivation, especially when it comes in Lycra form, so be sure about what you look at. If in any doubt, put a temporary block on your apps and listen to a podcast instead. 


Okay, now you’re ready for February. 


Take LYMA every day of February

It’s time to start that wellness mission, mindfulness effort, fitness goal, creative challenge, whatever the focus, the journey starts here. With a gold standard, science-backed Supplement formulated with patented ingredients proven to aid sleep, focus, mindset and skin, LYMA is powerful, like you.


Make it part of your improvement efforts to take LYMA every day of February and by March 1st, you’ll already be feeling the improvements in your body and mind. Find out how to start your LYMA journey here for the most meaningful change to your life-long wellbeing. 

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