Lisa Byrne found the addition of the new eleventh ingredient had a surprising impact.
Lisa Byrne doesn’t need any convincing about the benefits of taking LYMA. She’s been taking the Supplement for a few years now and credits it entirely with restoring her energy, getting her sleeping again and rediscovering her love of life after cancer. Having been through the toughest of times with plenty of ups and significant downs, Lisa is in no doubt that the LYMA Supplement is what’s kept her steady throughout.
“I take the LYMA Supplement every single day. As soon as I wake up in the morning I pop two of those beautiful golden pills and then at the end of the day, I get into bed, drink a herbal tea, give the dogs a cuddle and pop my pills again. It’s a ritual that has transformed my life.”
Lisa is incredibly grateful for her positive outlook, improved focus and finally feeling like herself again, “I’m 54 now and I love it, it's an honour. I have definitely found my power.” Only just a few weeks ago, the newly updated formula of the LYMA Supplement changed things for Lisa once again.
“Now, I’ve just started taking the new ingredient and this is a very strange thing… I’ve been a certain weight for a long time which is obviously a combination of being menopausal, having been through cancer treatment, and now being a woman of a certain age, but I don’t overly monitor my weight. However, I did weigh myself two or three weeks later and I’d lost six or seven pounds! I looked at the scale thinking ‘what the heck?’”
Nothing else has changed to make me lose weight, it had to be LYMA
“I have been eating exactly the same, doing the same fitness regime, (which is next to zero apart from some long dog walks!) and at first, I couldn’t work out what had happened because I’d done absolutely nothing different. Then suddenly I realized I’d been taking the new LYMA Supplement formula and it became clear to me why.”
LYMA’s recent upgrade has incorporated an eleventh ingredient into its award-winning Supplement formula. Already engineered to make you look and feel your best, now, even when you are at rest, the LYMA Supplement gets the body reaping the post-workout rewards.
Resetting menopausal metabolism
The addition of powerful and patented adaptogen, ActivAMP® provides a metabolic reset by activating AMPK, a crucial enzyme for metabolic power. ActivAMP® is the first of a new class of natural compounds called 'exercise mimetics'. Hailed by some as 'exercise in a pill,' it flips on AMPK - the metabolic master switch, to induce the benefits of exercise.
“You have your days when you jump out of bed and you want to go for a run and then other days, especially in winter when the weather is bad in England, when you just want to hibernate. I walk the dogs every day and I have phases when I’ll go to the gym but that only lasts for a month before I stop. So I was thinking how come I have lost weight? Then I suddenly thought the new LYMA Supplement is like exercising in tablet form.”
The mind body power up
“I’m about to meet up with all my old journalist friends in London and I cannot tell you how many times I’ve cancelled on them over the years because my mood’s been low and I simply didn't have the energy.
This is the first time in six years and I cannot wait, I’m raring to go. LYMA has added something back into my life that I’ve been missing for a long time. Now it's so exciting I feel I can do anything, I’m back in the room. I feel alive again and that's absolutely priceless.”
“I’ve found this incredible power in these little pills. How can something so small make such a significant effect on your life? It's truly incredible.”
Read the scientific evidence behind ActivAMP® and LYMA’s powerful new formula here.