The LYMA Laser PRO: Skin Transformation Designed for Clinics, Used by Everyone

Bigger, stronger, smarter. Meet the groundbreaking at-home skin gadget developed for the derms.

6 Minute ReadNews by Jessica Lacey


There’s a reason we all seek out the top dermatologists to solve our skin concerns - not only do they possess the expert knowledge to take our skin to flawless heights but their clinics also house all the cutting edge technology. But clinic appointments can be hard to come by and what if we want our professional skin treatment on tap?

The world’s most powerful, transformative laser engineered for professionals, just got released for everyone. The LYMA Laser PRO has successfully crossed the ravine-like divide between at-home skin gadgetry and in-clinic modality.

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Where did the LYMA Laser PRO come from?

You know a product is good when you spy it in the professional’s kit and that’s exactly what happened with the LYMA Laser. A 500mW coherent, monochromatic laser, the first at-home skin gadget powerful enough not only to be taken seriously by professional skin experts, but even adopted into their treatments.

“When we launched the LYMA Laser, it didn’t take long for top facialists and dermatologists across the globe to start using it in their clinics. Suddenly we were seeing them adding the Laser into their most iconic treatments, often using two Lasers at once on their A-list clients. It was incredible,” reports LYMA Founder Lucy Goff who openly admits she never foresaw the demand the Laser would garner from estheticians and dermatologists the world over.

The great wall of at-home skin gadgets

Until that point, existing at-home skin gadgets had hit a power wall; in order to be approved safe enough to use at home by the untrained amateur, they simply could not emit the kind of clinic level power output required to create a meaningful cellular shift in skin. The standard was set.

Only by some inspired reimagination, the LYMA scientists found the solution in Low-level Laser Therapy - a specific wavelength and formation of laser light possessing profound transformational abilities, whilst emitting zero heat or damage to the skin. Rather than inflicting thermal damage to trigger repair, LLLT is the intracellular conversion of light energy into chemical energy. Cells absorb the laser light energy and use it to recharge themselves into their optimal youth state. A discovery that could never have come from the cosmetics industry but only from the science community itself.

“In life, when we get presented with a limitation or told something is fundamentally impossible, that’s when our brains should start going into overtime to invent a brand new solution,” says LYMA Founder Lucy Goff who has made it her mission to break technological boundaries.

“LYMA was born from turning a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ and I fully intend to stay on that path. As scientific research continues to evolve, so should we.”

Suddenly a whole new category of power was in our expectant hands. In direct comparison, the LYMA Laser transmits 100x more biological power in the dermis (the base layer of your skin) than near infrared LED, delivering a transformational healing effect that LEDs cannot achieve. The LYMA Laser is also 250x more powerful than other at-home lasers, making it the first FDA cleared clinic-grade laser ever approved for use at home.

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The LYMA Laser PRO: More power to you

Now the Laser PRO takes the unrivalled power of the LYMA Laser and turbocharges it. Because what's better than the LYMA Laser? Three LYMA Lasers. The Laser PRO contains three near-infrared 500mW lasers and a lens that’s nearly four times bigger, meaning larger areas can be quickly and effectively treated in less time. Plus, it makes it easier to use on the body as well as the face. It currently stands as the most powerful and biologically effective form of LLLT ever engineered, exhibiting 4x the power of the leading clinic-grade cold laser and 12x the power of the leading in-clinic LED.

“The LYMA Laser PRO was born out of the want for bigger, faster, stronger,” explains Lucy Goff.

“The feedback from professionals and clinics was that everyone loved the LYMA Laser so much, they wanted more. They wanted to turbocharge their clients’ transformation results with more power, in less time. So I took that to the LYMA scientists and they said that although the laser beam in the Laser was already 250x more powerful than any other at-home laser, they thought they could master putting three lasers into one device. I loved the idea and now, here we are with the Laser PRO; the world’s most powerful anti-aging laser therapy.”

How does the LYMA Laser PRO work?

The laser technology in the Laser PRO works on a principle called photobiomodulation. Tiny energy generators within human cells absorb near infrared laser light, converting light energy to the chemical energy used by all living tissue. This high energy state causes genes associated with tissue repair and regeneration to be switched on while at the same time genes associated with tissue breakdown and aging are switched off. Crucially, this process does not rely on heat so just like the LYMA Laser, the Laser PRO offers clinic-grade results with zero pain and zero downtime.

Also just as with the original LYMA Laser, the regenerative LLLT beam is able to penetrate through every layer of the skin to the muscle that supports it, lifting and tightening to restore the underlying architecture on which the skin sits. And it does this while simultaneously stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in an unprecedented reversal of the skin’s aging process. Fine lines and wrinkles are radically reduced, pigmentation, stretch marks, thread veins and scarring are all faded. Cellulite is smoothed, muscular discomfort eased, redness relieved and skin elasticity vastly improved. The Laser PRO reignites skin’s ability to heal, repair and strengthen itself so skin not only looks younger, it is younger.

Lucy LYMA high tech Laser PRO technology

The first laser technology to benefit clinics and customers alike

Until now there’s been a compromise to make - will you take the professional skin treatment route for dramatic results but manage the drawbacks of pain, downtime and prolonged courses of treatment? The Laser PRO marks a seismic shift in professional skin treatment because all of a sudden you have a laser with all the power of a professional device, used in the home. Beyond this, the Laser PRO has the biological penetration depth that enables clinicians to treat more issues than any other in-office device. With the LYMA Laser PRO, professionals finally have the power to treat the untreatable. “Dermatologist clinics will always be vital, we need professional skin experts to guide us, advise and treat us for all manner of skin concerns. We are already seeing world-class skin experts raving about the Laser PRO, even calling their clients to tell them to buy it. LYMA’s laser technology opens up the accessibility of the professional clinics and introduces more choices to the customer in how they treat their skin.”

A recent LYMA found in a survey of over 2,000 people, 80% said they would prefer to age naturally without the use of a cosmetic procedure. For the first time ever, the Laser PRO achieves truly transformational results without the need to go under the knife.

“In the hands of a skin professional, the LYMA Laser PRO is a world-class skin rejuvenating treatment, but I have no doubt it will be used just as much by people wanting to transform their bodies at home. You can achieve the revolutionary skin results of the Laser PRO through the experienced hands of your favourite therapist, treat your body yourself, or a mixture of both.”

LYMA has always stood firmly in scientific discovery creating possibility and whether for revered professionals or complete beginners, the Laser PRO holds the future of proven skin transformation for all.



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