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How The LYMA Laser Fixed my Pigmentation Issues. Lizzie's Review.

How The LYMA Laser Fixed my Pigmentation Issues. Lizzie's Review.

She read the reviews and with years of pigmentation to reverse, she was expecting great things.

Lizzie, 51, knows everything there is to know about skincare; she’s the one to tell her girlfriends about the latest hi-tech serum or beauty gadget. So, when she came across the LYMA Laser online, she instantly wanted to try it for herself. Her standards are high, so with a wrinkle she wanted to fix and years of pigmentation to reverse, she was expecting great things.


I’d heard the hype.

I’d seen the LYMA laser all over the press and on social media – the reviews were pretty impressive and the results looked even more so. Then I saw that some of the top dermatologists and aestheticians like Debbie Thomas and Nichola Joss were using it at home and I knew I wanted to give it a go myself.


I’ve seen my face change over the years.

I’ve been a model for over thirty years now so I’m used to seeing my face change but more recently I’ve lost volume in my cheeks, my nasolabial folds have become more pronounced and I have patches of pigmentation. I grew up in Abu Dhabi so I’ve had a lot of sun exposure over the years but I’ve always been good with applying SPF50, although I’ve certainly noticed my pigmentation increasing with age.


Skincare is my thing.

I stay clued up on all new serums and ingredients, I watch expert tutorials on Instagram, I do face yoga most days and have a conscientious step by step skin routine. I start with vitamin C and antioxidant serums with a layer of SPF50 in the daytime, then before bed, I use retinol and apply a rich night cream or oil. I’ve had a few treatments in clinics over the years; micro-needling (that, was so painful!), radiofrequency and the odd HydraFacial here and there.


I love a face tool.

I was one of the first people to get my hands on the Face Gym Pro and then the NuFace, which were both great fun but I never saw results from them even though I was using them daily because I understand you can’t let it slip and have to keep topping it up every day or the dreaded droop returns.


I did my homework.

I wanted to get the best possible results as quickly as I could, so I watched online tutorials on the correct movements to do with the LYMA Laser. I watched an Instagram live video with the LYMA founder, Lucy and she said about placing the laser for longer time periods on problem areas that you wanted to see more results, so I’ve been doing that on my Nasolabial folds and around my eye area.


The laser makes a good sofa buddy.

I’ve been using the laser for three months now every single night. After dinner, I take off my make-up and do my skincare steps, then I apply the LYMA mist and the serum and then settle on the sofa with the LYMA Laser.


I’ve also started to add a few drops of squalene to create a little more glide and help the laser slip over my skin without any drag. I do my whole neck area first and work all the way up and outwards along my jaw, then up each side of my face. The advice is to use it for 15 minutes a day but I move it over my skin for a whole episode of a TV show, so it’s often half an hour each time. After a while, you don’t have to think about it so you can just get on with something else.


I wasn’t fazed by an at-home laser.

I knew the device had been rigorously tested and the technology had been around for seventy years or so. Also, I was sure a cold laser wouldn’t burn me in any way so I used it around my eyes after just a few days. In fact, I've been slowly increasing the time the laser is around my eyes and I think it's really helped dark circles and puffiness underneath my eyes.


Things got experimental.

The LYMA Laser was making the skin texture and pigmentation on my face so much better, I thought, “I wonder what it can do for my body?” So, I started using along my arms, over my chest and on the backs of my hands too. A few weeks ago, I started running the laser over my lips and friends have already said they look much plumper.


Where I go, my LYMA laser comes too.

I’ll be taking it away with me on holiday. It’s super portable and comes in a little carry case that’s easy to pack. I keep it fully charged on four bars because I want to make sure I always get the full-strength laser effect.


Anything that will help slow down the aging process, I'm on it!

My skincare habit has intensified over the last few years and I’m terrible, if I read about a face cream that gets results, I want it there and then. But if something’s not working for me, I’ll finish the pot, (because I can’t stand waste), and I move on to the next thing. Dermatologists have told me the key is to stick with one thing, not chopping and changing but if something doesn't work for me then I'll park it and pass it on to my husband!


It’s been such a positive experience.

With the LYMA Laser there's been no down time and it's not interfered in my life in any way. Some days, I can’t quite put my finger on what’s improved but all around the lines are just softer.


I have one fine line on my right cheek that’s really been bothering me though and now it’s almost completely disappeared! I’m thrilled with that. My under-eye areas are definitely brighter and smoother too. Honestly? I'm much more likely to go out bare faced and I’m just curious now to see what else the LYMA Laser can do for me!

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