Men, Listen Up. How Getting Your Health In Check Will Stop Hair Loss

Men, Listen Up. How Getting Your Health In Check Will Stop Hair Loss

A hi-tech clinic treatment and a fresh health focus proved a radically effective hair loss treatment

Despite what popular culture might lead us to believe, women don’t hold the monopoly on cosmetic aging concerns. Hair loss is an aesthetic concern that crosses the gender divide and in fact, hair loss is often male confidence kryptonite.

Male pattern baldness; the genetic loss of hair, accounts for 80% of a man’s predisposition to baldness, and there are in fact, 63 different genes that contribute to it. However, health-related factors such as nutritional deficiencies, smoking, hormones, lack of sleep and high-stress levels easily exacerbate hair loss. It’s estimated that there are 6.5 million male hair loss sufferers in the UK, 350 million in the USA and at a global glance, 2 out of 3 men experience hair thinning by the age of 35. As technology moves on and science evolves, the smart and the savvy are now initiating full system health overhauls to reinvigorate hair follicles and get growing once more.

Hugo Taylor is one such individual. A wholeheartedly devoted husband and father, managing a demanding career and trying to stay healthy, all whilst approaching forty, Hugo wanted to take decisive, science-based action to reinstate his hair health. “After having my two children, I was experiencing a large reduction in the quantity of good sleep and it was during a prolonged amount of time spent traveling abroad, I noticed my hair had started receding so suddenly, almost without me even noticing. Once or twice, I witnessed my hair coming out in my hands, which was horrible, truly unpleasant. It's always been something that I've been immensely sensitive about and I really felt I needed to be able to do something to solve it.”


So much of one's identity is tied up in their hair

“When you're younger and finding your own style, everyone experiments with their hair. I must have had every haircut under the sun. I dyed my hair green, had bleached blonde tips, grew it long, shaved it off, I even had cornrows. I did everything David Beckham did - he was my hero at the time. Hair is that ability to express yourself and self-expression is so tied to confidence, that when that’s taken away from you involuntarily, it can be very traumatic. Also men aren’t particularly nice to each other about that stuff like that. We don't really put an arm around each other, we actually just poke fun. I've had friends who've lost their hair very young and actually, very gracefully. But I've also had friends whom I haven't seen without a hat on for many years and to be honest, I'm tall enough. I simply don't need the added height of a hat.”

“When it comes to hair loss, men aren’t nearly as confident as we might make out”

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With hair loss, prevention is the best cure

“Once you've got no hair, it's too late. So my whole ethos is to get out in front of it. I started taking good care of my hair, which mainly entailed stealing my wife’s £50-a-bottle shampoo and using it as liberally as if it were shower gel. She was not best pleased. Next I decided to look into the preventative measures that I could take both to treat my scalp from the outside and also nourish from the inside for good overall health through lifestyle choices and supplementation.”


I watched my father lose his hair, only to have a shocking hair transplant

“My father had a hair transplant when I was in my mid-teens and he came up to my school speech day having just had his hair transplant without a hat on, and it was just so utterly shocking. He thought it was hilarious but to me, he looked like Frankenstein's monster. Reading up on the Ouronyx Clinic, their hair restoration treatment was the polar opposite of my father’s archaic and drastic hair transplant. The reviews seemed much more of my vibe because it was backed by science and developed using leading technology.”


Hair Restoration is such an interesting treatment

“It was the uniqueness and advanced technology of the Ouronyx Hair Restoration Treatment that really appealed to me. They take a biopsy from the healthiest part of your hair, which tends to be the back of your neck. They then extract the cells from the healthiest hair follicles and mix that with a special formulation of stem cell proteins and administer a shallow injection just underneath the scalp where your hair is thinning. You go through a couple of cycles of this over six months and the thickness returns. I certainly noticed after about three months, the thickness all over my head had increased.”

“The hair thickening results were so noticeable that when I next visited the hairdresser they had to get the thinning scissors out because it was so thick. I was delighted.”

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Whilst I was treating my hair from the outside, LYMA was working inside

“Throughout my treatment, LYMA was working on the inside, playing an instrumental part in my hair growth and thickness returning by fortifying my hair’s structure and resilience. Everyday I am taking the LYMA Supplement, it's proactively protecting and stimulating my hair follicles and boosting my hair health.”

"LYMA is my long-term lifestyle fix"

“LYMA has also benefited my wellbeing; giving me a sense of calmness even in stressful environments, moving me into greater efficiency and having increased levels of energy. Now I sleep uninterrupted, I will close my eyes at about 9.45pm and I will wake up at 5.45am bang on the dot, without stirring or moving once. That’s not bad going. I went on holiday recently and I forgot to take my LYMA supplements with me. After five days, I felt my mindset slipping and I could really notice a kind of difference in my sleep. I won’t forget to have them with me again.”


Life is about repetition, perseverance and discipline

“When your top priorities are to keep your family safe and fed, naturally your own self-care diminishes. But I think self-care and self-respect is really important, not just mental self-respect, but physical self-respect. You have to help yourself. I'm not saying to be obsessive over it, I'm saying there is certainly a healthy level as a man that you can do to make yourself feel better. I do carve out time for myself but it’s short and I keep it very consistent; just 45 minutes in the gym every single day. Realistically that means I've got to be up at 5.45am to spend an hour with my children, have my work gear packed in advance and bring my food to work.”

“If you'd said at age 20, adopt healthy habits now and you’ll have hair until you're 60, I don't think there's a man out there who wouldn't go back and do all of those things.”


Hair is a good indicator of overall health

“As a man, you can actually see your hair going thinner, the more you disrespect yourself, the more late nights, the more you're drinking. Now I do the utmost good for myself and I make every effort to get a really good night's sleep, something that the LYMA Supplement really plays into. I’ve taken generic supplements in the past and never noticed any benefit and I'm extremely skeptical by nature but every LYMA ingredient is peer-reviewed and scientifically proven to work. LYMA has access to the best scientists and health experts in the world and every ingredient has proven itself at that exact dosage. That level of scientific backing speaks to me and offers concrete evidence that I'm doing myself some real good.”

The Ouronyx Hair Restoration Treatment is available in both Ouronyx London and Ouronyx Dubai Clinics. Find out more information here. Start your LYMA journey to optimal health today.

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