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How to Stop Menopause Night Sweats

How to Stop Menopause Night Sweats

The best tips, vitamins and supplements to find relief from menopause night sweats

When your ovaries slow their steady production of hormones, eventually grinding to an almighty halt, understandably your body reacts in all sorts of inconvenient ways. Night sweats being one of them. Waking up in the darkness to the feeling of soaking bed sheets easily qualifies amongst the most undesirable of menopause symptoms. In fact, it's not uncommon to experience hot flushes during the daytime and night sweats during the nocturnal hours.



So what should you do if menopause night sweats are getting you down? And, more importantly, how to stop night sweats during menopause? First and foremost you need to focus on nutrition, and ensure that you’re getting all the micro- and macro-nutrients your body needs to thrive. A woman’s body needs more support during menopause than perhaps at any other time in her life.



Menopause supplements and specific vitamins for perimenopause can help to combat night sweats without you having to resort to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), as can tailored nutrition and dietary intervention. In this article we’ll walk you through the various steps you can take to cure menopause night sweats and to treat other menopause symptoms so that they don’t interfere with your ability to live life to the full.


1- Take supplements that help with night sweats

Night sweats are caused by newly imbalanced hormones and, specifically, the depletion of the female sex hormone, oestrogen. LYMA's formula contains Sensoril®Ashwagandha, an industry-leading, full spectrum adaptogen able to bring hormones back into balance. Sensoril®Ashwagandha can help to put a stop to night sweats, and never more so than when it's supported by sister ingredient affron®; a powerful anti-anxiety, mood-lifting antioxidant. affron® determines the regulation of the mood-determining hormones serotonin and dopamine that often become unbalanced during perimenopause and, when left unchecked, can lead to low mood, anxiety and depression. The two together are unrivalled in their efficacy.


2- Switch to a diet rich in vitamins and minerals

As with most other areas of health, what you eat can have an enormous bearing on your wellbeing during menopause. There are particular foods you should focus on if you’re looking to balance your hormones and ease menopause symptoms such as night sweats:



Generally you’ll want to stick to a low carbohydrate whole food diet with a focus on leafy greens, healthy sources of fats and beans and legumes as your main fuel.


Healthy fats are really important for reducing the frequency and intensity of night sweats in particular; particularly the omega-3s found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.


An anti-inflammatory menopause diet containing a rainbow of fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of your plate at every meal. Researchers have discovered that the high levels of vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants present in fruit and vegetables can help to reduce menopause symptoms: in one study, menopausal women eating more fruit and vegetables reported a 20% decrease in the frequency and intensity of night sweats when compared with a control group.


3- Don’t eat these foods

We recently took a deep-dive into food that should be avoided during this period in a woman’s life. Certain foods and groups of foods can exacerbate hormone imbalances, make menopause symptoms worse and trigger menopause weight gain. Such foods include alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar and processed carbohydrates. Try to avoid these foods where possible, and if you can cut them out completely, even better!


4- Keep your bedroom cool

A cooler environment means your body will be cooler. Hot flushes and night sweats are triggered by tiny alterations in your body’s core temperature, so maintaining a low and stable core body temperature is key. Our journals on how to sleep in the heat and 12 ways to sleep better will give you useful tips but you can start by keeping your windows open and your air conditioning on. Try and use a thermostat to ensure your bedroom remains below 20°C (68°F).


Have a consistent bedtime routine, keep a cool drink by the side of your bed, and consider hunkering down to sleep under a linen throw or lesser tog duvet.

Keeping your bedroom at a cool temperature can also help to improve the quality of your sleep and keep the dreaded menopause insomnia at bay.

5- Watch your weight

Studies have shown that menopausal women who are overweight or obese may experience more frequent and intense night sweats than healthy weight women. This can be a bit of a catch-22 as weight gain is a common side-effect of menopause for many women.


You might consider upping the exercise you do to offset any weight gain. An easy way to incorporate more movement into your week is to park a little further away from where you’re going, or get off the bus or train a stop early, and to walk the remainder of the distance. Changes like this add up faster than you’d think, and you’ll notice not just a change in your body, but hopefully a reduction in frequency and intensity of night sweats, too.


LYMA contains patented ingredients thought to help women move through the perimenopause to menopause smoothly and with fewer symptoms. In addition to Sensoril® Ashwagandha, LYMA’s formula includes vitamin D3, in the form of Vita-algae D3™ which has been clinically proven to reduce loss of bone density caused by depleted estrogen during menopause and Cognizin®, a potent nootropic that can help to keep your brain sharp and agile as you age. Cognizin® is a form of brain-health nutrient, citicoline, and has been proven to slow mental decline in menopausal women.


Find out more about how LYMA can help you to navigate menopause and get back to feeling like yourself.


Always consult your medical professional if you have a medical condition, or existing health protocol, before beginning any new supplementation regime.



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