Inge Solheim shares his wisdom and reveals how LYMA has taken him to levels he’d never felt before.
Inge Solheim is best known for leading the ‘walking with the wounded’ expeditions to the north and south poles with prince harry. He has been described as one of the modern explorers of his generation.
The internationally-renown guide and partnership-builder is one of the world’s leading authorities on the polar regions and an ambassador for brands, charities and countries alike. Having completed a number of Artic, Antarctic and Himalayan expeditions and delivered some of the world’s most difficult disabled expeditions, overcoming immense challenges in mobility, sight and mental impairment, he cites his boundary pushing career as the ultimate test for both the body and mind.
Below, he shares his wisdom and reveals how LYMA has taken him to levels he’d never felt before.

1 - What does life mean to you?
Life “does” nothing to me. Life does not happen to me. I am life. I am responsible for all the good and bad in my life and the journey ahead.
2 - How has LYMA helped your journey?
I believe that balanced nutrition, regular exercise, good sleep, a calm mind and Lyma has given me an extra edge in life. Being responsible for other peoples safety is something I take very seriously in my job. I need to be alert, strong, responsive but calm. I need to be my best when things are at their worst. Lyma has added another level to this feeling.
3 - What are your 3 pieces of advice to your fellow humans?
- Live an authentic life. Make it your own
- Be kind, and have positive impact on the World around you
- Don’t listen to people who eagerly dispense advice
4 - Has anyone ever told you that you won’t make it?
Many people have told me that. Both as a guide in general and on specific projects or challenges. But I have also had many people who have believed in me and given me the chance to prove myself. Not sure what has inspired me most. I often think of the quote that 'there are no shortcuts to any places worth going'.
5 - What keeps you going if you ever feel like giving up?
I remind myself why I wanted to do it in the first place. I think that the reward on the other side will outweigh the pain and hardship. And I sometimes think about how stupid it looks to give up.

6 - What are you most proud of?
My daughter - she is brave enough to live her dreams.
7 - What’s your happiest travel memory?
I probably have short memory, but it is from a trip in the mountains where I grew up. The crispy cold air, beautiful pastel coloured sky, and the friends I was with, made me think that it was of the happiest times of my life.
8 - What’s always in your bag – no matter what adventure you’re on?
Duct tape, rope, compass, chocolate, knife - and LYMA!

9 - Plans for future challenges?
Lots of plans and hopefully some surprises. The best experiences, coolest expeditions and useful lessons are ahead of me. That’s a great feeling. As humans we have so much potential to experience, learn and grow.