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The Best Supplements You Need for Dry and Damaged Hair

The Best Supplements You Need for Dry and Damaged Hair

Here are the supplements and vitamins that are proven to work.

It’s not called a ‘bad hair day’ for nothing. How our hair looks and feels can determine whether we have a stellar day, or a terrible one. It can also be a sign that we are deficient in a fundamental nutrient, or that something else is going on with our health. If you find yourself having more bad hair days than good ones, then making just a few small tweaks to your diet - and incorporating the right nutrients into your routine - could pave the way for stronger, healthier hair.



There are tonnes of products that promise to prevent hair breakage and repair damaged locks. However oils, serums, shampoos or conditioners that are applied directly to the hair - unfortunately - are not going to be effective for getting healthier hair. Hair is not a living tissue; it has no living cells and so does not regenerate. The only way you can treat dry, tired hair is from within, and it must be done as a preventative measure, not once the damage has already been done.



Lotions, potions and creams may mask the appearance of damaged hair, but if you want naturally long, strong and healthy hair then you should consider supplementing. You need to divert your attention to your intake of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and will need to start taking hair supplements such as those outlined below.


If you want to prevent hair breakage and learn how to fix your damaged hair, supplementing with Cynatine® HNS is the way to go.




Which supplements and vitamins help with dry and brittle hair?


1. Keratin or Cynatine® HNS ensures healthy hair

Keratin is the amino acid responsible for hair health in terms of structure and quality. To encourage the growth of thick, glossy hair, we need to be upping our intake of keratin-boosting and beauty-enhancing nutricosmetics. Cynatine® is a cutting edge nutricosmetic and the world’s first solubilised keratin, meaning that it is much more readily absorbed by the body than other forms of the protein. Its potent bioavailability makes Cynatine® a really exciting ingredient for those who want to protect, repair and increase the health of their hair.


The Cynatine® vitamin has been formulated in LYMA with hair health - and the prevention of brittle locks - in mind. LYMA uses the latest technology to deliver a stable and clinically proven form of natural keratin peptides directly to the relevant cells.


In a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial to investigate the effect of Cynatine® HNS as formulated on hair, 65% of people who tried supplementing with LYMA reported glossier hair, more desirable hair structure, and improved hair growth.



2. Lycored Lycopene™ helps the body to produce collagen, supporting keratin production

Collagen is actually the precursor to your body’s natural keratin production. When you eat collagen-rich foods (note you do generally need to supplement with collagen as it is present in many foods), the amino acids are distributed through your body and turned into keratin. This aids healthy hair growth from the follicle. Keratin is the building block of thick and glossy hair, so it stands to reason that upping your intake of a collagen-supporting vitamin or supplement as it will have a knock-on effect on the appearance of your locks.



To support collagen production, and to reduce collagenases - the enzymatic breakdown of the body’s natural collagen with age - LYMA contains the vitamin Lycored Lycopene™ formulated at a daily dose of 30mg. Lycored Lycopene™ is a powerful cancer-fighting antioxidant vitamin and can help to protect your hair from free-radical damage such as sun and pollution, as well as the dulling effects of oxidative stress.



3. Biotin or Vitamin B keeps the scalp healthy

Biotin is the B vitamin responsible for keeping your scalp primed and in perfect condition for healthy hair growth. Is it a great vitamin for hair breakage? Well, a deficiency in this nutrient can result in a dry, itchy scalp and weak, dehydrated and easily-breakable hair. If your hair is prone to looking thin, dry or brittle, you may be lacking in biotin. Dry or lacklustre skin can also be an indicator that you need to start taking a supplement.



Since biotin is produced in the intestines, people with inflammatory bowel disease or other conditions that disrupt the balance of intestinal bacteria are more prone to a vitamin B deficiency. If you think you suffer from a lack of biotin, consult a doctor and/or check your vitamin levels through a blood test (with your doctor or at home).


At LYMA we have not included biotin to our formula, because it is found in a wide variety of foods and is easily absorbed by the body naturally. Also, as 9 ingredients of the LYMA formula out of 10 are anti-inflammatory, we believe our Supplement will help greatly in supporting healthy inflammation levels and would ensure a healthy production of biotin by the body's intestines.



4. Vitamin D supports the creation of new hair follicles

A deficiency in Vitamin D can induce a variety of health issues such as bone softening, low bone density, osteoarthritis, heart disease, and has been linked to some types of alopecia.



Additionally, several clinical studies have shown that addressing Vitamin D insufficiency with supplements can promote healthier hair growth and active hair follicles. Supplementing with Vitamin D not only boosts immunity, keeps bones strong and skin healthy and stimulates cell growth but it also helps create new hair follicles.

The best way to absorb Vitamin D is through sun exposure primarily, but you can take food supplements and eat certain foods to up your intake of the nutrient (note, however, it has recently been demonstrated that it is not possible to get the right amount of Vitamin D through diet alone).



At LYMA we are serious about evidence-based dietary supplements and believe in the various benefits of Vitamin D on mind and body health - hence why the powerful, proven Vita-algae D3™ is one of our hero ingredients, dosed at 2,000 i.u. (the optimal level proven by clinical trials).



5. Vitamin E calms the scalp and boosts collagen production

Vitamin E has long been touted by beauty experts for its beauty-enhancing properties, particularly as they pertain to skin. What a lot of people don’t know, however, is that vitamin E is also great for preventing breakages and strengthening hair. Generally, we do not need to supplement with vitamin E as it is potent in many foods such as sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts and avocado. It is highly anti-inflammatory and can calm the scalp when applied directly, but is even more effective for boosting hair health when ingested. Vitamin E also plays a role in collagen production.



Be warned: it can take up to a month for you to notice any discernible difference, but given time you may notice that your hair becomes greasy less quickly, appears thicker and glossier and grows faster.



6. Vitamin C helps produce collagen and keratin


Vitamin C is another vitamin that is key to the body’s ability to produce collagen, and could therefore be called a pre-precursor to keratin production. Unlike vitamin E and biotin, vitamin C also helps to stabilise and distribute the collagen already present in the body, so can get to work faster than some of the other supplements in the list.


The body cannot make vitamin C itself so, if you want to improve the texture and appearance of your hair, it is absolutely fundamental that you have an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. A healthy Mediterranean diet should give you all the Vitamin C your body needs; just make sure you do not drink caffeine shortly before or after your meal as it prevents the body from absorbing and retaining minerals such as zinc, iron and magnesium.


Available in a wide quantity of healthy and fresh foods, Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant - which is often recommended for immune function and can help to aid a speedy recovery from colds and flu - as such it helps to mitigate oxidative stress and free radicals, which are circulating in the body. Oxidative stress and the presence of free radicals have been shown to be associated with weak or dull hair, premature greying, and hair loss. In addition, Vitamin C supports iron absorption. If iron levels are low you may also experience hair loss, or dry and brittle hair.



At LYMA we do recommend you follow a Mediterranean diet to ensure you get your daily dose of Vitamin C.

If you want long, strong and luscious locks you need to make sure you are enjoying a variety of micronutrients in supplement form, that you are following a well-rounded and nutritionally-complete diet, and that you are keeping oxidation and free-radical damage at bay by keeping stress levels to a minimum (which, we concede, is easier said than done). If you follow these protocols you should start to experience notably shinier, tougher and bouncier hair, and an increased sense of confidence when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.

There are various supplements for dry hair on the market. However, not all supplements are equal, as the industry is regulated by the food industry. Always look out for peer-reviewed and patented supplements to complete your diet such as the ones contained in the LYMA formula.



Always consult your medical professional if you have a medical condition, or existing health protocol, before beginning any new supplementation regime.

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