The LYMA Laser brings you the best at home skin device.
40% of people who have had pimples report severe scarring, and many more report mild scarring as a result. Scarring can be incredibly damaging to self-esteem and mental health. It comes as no surprise then that the treatment of scarring is a burgeoning industry worth billions of pounds. Whilst scarring can be mitigated by refraining from picking or scratching spots, this is no guarantee that acne scarring will not ensue.
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, and affects around 50 million people each year in North America alone. Acne usually has a hormonal basis and as such will usually begin during puberty or early adolescence. It is estimated that 85% of all people will suffer from some form of acne during their lifetime. Acne can affect any part of the body, but is most common on the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest.
Adults are not immune to acne either: it has been said that between 40 and 55% of adults aged between 20 and 40 experience some form of persistent, low-grade acne. Adult acne tends to affect women more than men, with 54% of women aged 25 or over complaining of some form of acne.
The truth behind in-clinic acne scar treatments
There are many options available for treating acne scars, but, as we will see in this article, most are either invasive or severely damaging to the skin around the scar. Treatments for acne scarring can also be incredibly expensive.
But what if you’re looking for an effective home treatment to cure your acne scarring that is totally non-invasive? If your confidence has been knocked by acne scarring, and you’re looking for a solution that is straightforward, won’t cause any further damage to your skin, is safe, and - most importantly - offers unparalleled results quickly and effectively, there is one treatment that trumps all others: The LYMA Laser. Chris tells us his story on how he finally gained his confidence back in this LYMA Laser review.
First, let's evaluate some of the most common acne scarring treatments on the market, and then we will take a look at the three types of acne scarring that you might experience.
Read on to find out why LYMA’s at-home Laser system is the ultimate home treatment to fade scars.
What are the most popular acne scarring treatments?
Whilst this can be done through skin laser treatment, most dermabrasion involves removing the top layer of skin using a specifically-made wire brush. This can be painful, and your skin might remain red and sore for many months. As your skin heals, you should notice an improvement in the appearance of acne scarring. However, there is so guarantee that you’ll see results after just one session and the side-effects of wire brush dermabrasion are not to be taken lightly.
Punch techniques
Although costly and quite time-consuming, punch techniques can be an effective treatment of both ice pick scars and boxcar scars.
Punch techniques can be split into three categories:
- Punch excision – this involves the surgical removal of a scar and the closing of the wound to create an even appearance. Punch extension is used to treat mild ice pick scars.
- Punch elevation – In punch elevation, a boxcar scar’s base is removed and then brought up and attached to the sides so that the base and sides of the scar are on the same plane, creating an even and level appearance. Punch elevation, when done correctly, should result in the scar being ‘flush’ with the surrounding skin.
- Punch grafting – This is the most invasive of the punch techniques as it involves taking skin from elsewhere on the body and using it to plug very deep ice pick scars. The skin is usually taken from behind the ear. Punch grafting can dramatically improve the appearance of ice pick scars but can be fairly traumatic.
Subcision is an invasive surgical treatment used to treat rolling scars. The procedure involves removing the top few layers of skin from the scar tissue underneath. Blood will then rush to the area, eventually clotting and forcing the scar upwards so that it can be treated with additional laser and/or dermabrasion.
There are many types of costly and painful clinic laser resurfacing treatments to treat scarring out there but if you're looking to do it yourself, from the comfort of your own home, the LYMA Laser is in a class of its own.
The LYMA Laser uses laser rejuvenation technology to stimulate collagen production that encourages the skin to rejuvenate and renew itself. It is completely non-invasive and pain-free and, in fact, you can’t even feel it working its magic. This is the first time a clinic-grade near-infrared 500mW laser can be used safely at home. So no need for multiple trips to the dermatologist - or actually any trips at all. You can use the laser safely and privately in comfort of your own home.
The different types of acne scarring.
Ice pick scarring – this type of scarring looks like your skin has been punctured over and over again with a sharp, pointed object. Holes are usually small but numerous and thus noticeable.
Boxcar scars – these can be any shape and their appearance is sometimes likened to craters in the skin.
Rolling scars – these are the most difficult to treat; they are caused by build-ups of scar tissue under the skin that form in bands. These scars can give the skin’s surface a ‘rolling’ and uneven appearance.
Why the LYMA Laser is a great choice
The LYMA Laser contains a state-of-the-art and incredibly powerful filtered beam which works to diffuse near-infrared laser light over the targeted skin area. It works by encouraging the production of both collagen and elastin, and enabling the body to start breaking down the scar tissue. The LYMA Laser then encourages the regeneration of this scar tissue so that it more closely resembles the surrounding skin.
The LYMA Laser LLLT technology is a powerful and effective way to fight both pimples and the scarring they causes. Applying the Laser to the scarred skin for just 3 minutes each day for 12 weeks will significantly diminish scars.
Other acne scar treatments
- Silicone gels or sheets; scar removal cream : Silicone gels or sheets are used while skin heals – normally post-surgery – to help prevent scars forming. To be effective, silicone gels or sheets must be placed over the healing skin for twelve hours per day for at least three months, which isn’t always practical.
- Steroids: Corticosteroid injections into the acne scars can be used to shrink or flatten the scar tissue and improve its appearance.
- Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy involves freezing your scar with liquid nitrogen. It risks discolouring the skin surrounding your scar.
- Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers are substances that can be injected in an attempt to "plump up" pitted scars. This type of treatment tends to be costly and the results are temporary.
- Skin needling: Skin needling is a painful procedure where a device covered in hundreds of tiny needles is rolled extensively across the skin to stimulate the repair processes. Multiple treatments are normally required and results vary considerably.
- Surgical excisions: Yes, it’s possible to have surgery to remove scars however you may require additional treatments after surgery to prevent the formation of new scar tissue.
- Supplementing: Taking the right mix of supplements can really support a healthy skin in the comfort of your own home. The underlying issue behind acne breakouts is often a state of inflammation in the body but also stress and a lack of sleep can be important factors. At LYMA we have created a super Supplement made out of 10 patented ingredients, peer-reviewed in clinical trials and at the recommended daily dosage. LYMA contains Cynatine® HNS, the world’s first fully solubilised keratin and Lycored Lycopene™, a potent carotenoid; 2 highly effective nutrients that have proven benefits on skin and not available through nutrition alone. Supporting overall health and balance, the other LYMA formula nutrients also have great anti-inflammatory properties which are all contributing to balancing the skin’s natural bacteria and reducing the appearance of pores, pimples and blemishes.
Always consult your medical professional if you have a medical condition, or existing health protocol, before beginning any new supplementation regime.