Results and Reviews

Don't take our word for it. LYMA is the most widely praised and reviewed supplement in the world.

Real People, Real Results

"Not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. Clear as a whistle mentally."

Julian, 50

CEO, Green Industrial Technology Business

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, "there was zero hope of drifting back off". After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

"When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't wan to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

"I'm 39, but after taking LYMA I'm getting ID'd."

Lizzie, 39

Mother and Model

If you want a great takeaway about how effective LYMA is, try this. At the age of 39, Lizzie couldn't buy a bottle of wine the other day because she didn't have her ID on her. "They said they didn't believe I was 21!" she says, laughing. "It's a nice compliment."

Lizzie started taking LYMA because she was looking for a beauty shake-up. "I chopped my hair really, really short about six months ago," she explains. "If I showed you a before picture it's quite shocking." She had been suffering issues with the quality of her hair, but says since taking LYMA, her hair has improved beyond recognition.

The results, she says, have been amazing, and not just in how much it's grown in such a short period of time. "My hairdresser was so impressed to see the strength, volume and texture of my hair has massively changed. It's a huge improvement." But it's not just her hair that's changed: she's seen her nails transform too. "They're so long now! And strong. They used to be quite weak."

Her skin, too, has undergone changes: "My skin has definitely improved. Just the complexion is a lot smoother, and my lines have definitely faded out a little bit," she explains. "I feel the texture as well, it's more rejuvenated and hydrated." She says that travel used to be very hard on her skin, leaving it dry, but now she never suffers from dryness at all.

She even recommended LYMA to her best friend, who said her friend's hairdresser was also astonished by the change. "He couldn't believe how thick and shiny it's already got - because her hair is quite fine - and suddenly she's got a lot more volume and thickness," she explains. "And obviously it's from LYMA, as she doesn't take any other supplements."

Would she recommend LYMA? Absolutely. "You don't have to stop as you get older. I think you should carry on taking care of yourself, taking your supplements. Actually, it's more important as you get older," she says. "'m definitely continuing to take LYMA." Though she will make sure she has her ID with her in future.

"I hope to be able to run ultra marathons in my 80s"

James, 42

Wellness Consultant

James is a bit of a superhuman: a father of two at the peak of his physical health, running 80-90km a week as well as hitting the gym. His secret? He's been taking LYMA for two years.

"I would definitely say it gives me an advantage in life,"" he says. "The mental clarity, the focus, the drive and the recovery. I can train better, race better and deal with my family better." If he feels stressed? It calms him down. If he's tired? It helps with recovery: a better night's sleep means a better mood, and a body healed for bigger feats. "It just seems to fill into the gaps that are needed."

James says that within four to six weeks of taking LYMA, his mental resilience began to improve. But the physiological improvement was almost immediate. "I'm generally a much better person, and therefore my whole family is also happier.""

James had tried many ways to support his mental health in the past, he says, but "hand on my heart, this is truly the first thing that I've stuck at. Because it works." He recommends it to friends and family, who have also seen amazing results.

With the help of LYMA's ten ingredients, James says, he hopes to be able to run ultra marathons into his 50s, 60s and even 80s. But also, he says, he just wants to live "a happy, healthy life, and be there for my wife and family. That's the main goal." That, he says, is something LYMA gives him an advantage with too.

"Since I've been on LYMA, I haven't had a single panic attack."

Clare, 49

Heritage Sector

Over the last five years, Clare had begun to experience panic attacks for the first time. "It's really frightening," she explains, "your whole body goes hot, cold, sweating. You just lose all ability to function properly." She would struggle to breathe, she said, until her husband would come and help her to calm down "so that you don't get to the point of passing out."

She would experience one or two a year, she said, until August 2020. It was at that time that her oldest son was just preparing for university, "and I found myself in a very anxious disposition: how was he going to cope? How was he going to settle in? Would he make friends?"

As the attacks became more frequent, Clare would begin to worry about them happening, which compounded the exhaustion and stress. As they usually happened in the middle of the night, she would dread going to sleep, "because I don't want to wake up and have that happen to me."

It was at this point that a good friend saw how Clare was feeling and told her she had felt the same when her son had left home a few years before. "She knew exactly what I was feeling, and so she recommended LYMA to me."

Clare's father is a chemist, so she sent him the formula to see what he thought. Impressed, he urged his daughter to give it a try. As soon as Clare started with the supplement, the change was palpable. Clare says she now gets eight hours of sleep a night and has not suffered a single panic attack.

Clare initially took the supplement for just a month - having ordered the starter kit - and seeing progress in such a brief time made her think "perhaps I'm feeling better again. So I actually stopped taking LYMA." In those intervening months she began to feel anxious and stressed again. After one particularly bad night's sleep, she says, "I came downstairs and I said to my husband: 'that's it. I need to get back on LYMA.'"

It is an investment, says Clare, but she knows it is the right one for her. Even her father, a retired chemist, could not find fault in the combination of nutrients LYMA were adding into her day.

"It is nothing I can describe - it is game changing."

Emma, 49

Marketing Manager

Don't get Emma Skeates started on sleep. Actually, you absolutely should: she is evangelical about what the LYMA supplement has done for her shuteye. “It's really hard to explain to somebody who doesn't understand, but I know a lot of people will. I used to dread going to bed at night, and I used to dread getting up, because I was exhausted.”

With LYMA, she says, she not only gets more sleep, but also a better quality of sleep, completely different to that which she might be getting if she took a sleeping pill. “You look forward to going to bed at night because you know you're going to drift into this incredible, 20-year-old's sleep. It is a gift. And I cannot even begin to tell you how vital and life changing that is.”

Emma came to LYMA through two different routes. Following a hysterectomy, she was recommended LYMA by a friend “because my joints started to slightly give up going into early menopause, and LYMA is essentially an anti-inflammatory for your entire body.” Entering the menopause following the hysterectomy was softened by HRT, but her GP took her off it after five years and that was when the symptoms really hit: “anxiety, insomnia, joint aching, hot flushes that are just horrible,” she laments. “But it was the depression, it was the low moods, it was lack of libido. I was a different person. I was unrecognisable to myself, but also to my family.” This was when she decided something needed to be done, and a menopause expert got her back on HRT and also recommended she support with the LYMA supplement too.

Almost immediately her hot flushes disappeared, but the change to her mental health was what she found particularly notable. “Before I was fairly housebound. I would take the dog for a walk, but that was about it,” she admits. But now “my anxiety levels have dropped dramatically. My mood swings have disappeared.” She credits this, again, to the improvement in sleep quality. “It is like nothing I can describe. It is game changing.”

With improved sleep and all the other incremental benefits delivered by the LYMA formula, Emma says she has also seen her immunity improved. “I'm the only member of my family not to get COVID, interestingly, and I can't remember the last time I had a cold”. All kinds of aches and pains from a life spent running half marathons and marathons have also disappeared. “I had to stop running because my knees were pretty shot,” she explains, “but my knees don't hurt anymore. My hips don't hurt anymore. I have had a frozen shoulder for about five years; I don't get any pain from that anymore.” In fact, she says, she does not take any painkillers anymore.

With her sleep improved, Emma is also amazed at how much easier it is to make healthy choices. “I've lost three and a half stone since I started taking LYMA. I put that down, once again, to being able to sleep. When you're tired you're hungry, you comfort eat, you crave sugar.” Before taking LYMA, she says, she was pre-diabetic. “I've managed to stop type two diabetes in its tracks,” she says. The weight has vanished off her abdomen, (“that's where you get your bowl cancers,” she says, mindful that her family has a history of this disease) and now, when she does blood tests, they come back clear. “I feel 100 times better.”

LYMA, Emma feels, has been an angel on her shoulder. “It's almost like having someone tap you on the shoulder from time to time and saying: 'let's do something good today.' Let's go for a nice walk in the sunshine. Let's perhaps go for a swim.” A guide, she says, that gently chides her not to fall into bad habits if she's making such a conscious effort to look after her body. “It is interesting how my mindset around my body, my health, my mental health, has changed so dramatically. I put that down to not just taking LYMA but the effects that LYMA has. And it starts with the sleep.”

Emma won't deny LYMA is an expense, but she says it's a case of balancing out its cost against other forms of self-care. “My roots, my nails, my self care would normally cost me - and I would argue with any woman - about 100 pounds, 150 pounds per month” She used to spend two and a half hours getting her roots done for £150. Now she does it herself in £20. “And that's my LYMA.”

How to Sleep Better

Quality sleep is something many struggle with.

Julian, 50

Lizzie's Story

How To Keep Skin, Hair & Nails Strong.

Lizzie, 39


How To Operate At Peak Performance.

James, 42

How to Feel Better

"She knew exactly what I was feeling, and so she recommended LYMA to me."

Clare, 49

Coping With the Menopause

Real life challenges of the menopause still affect the majority of women daily.

Emma, 49

"Not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. Clear as a whistle mentally."

Julian, 50

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, "there was zero hope of drifting back off". After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

"When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't wan to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

"I'm 39, but after taking LYMA I'm getting ID'd."

Lizzie, 39

If you want a great takeaway about how effective LYMA is, try this. At the age of 39, Lizzie couldn't buy a bottle of wine the other day because she didn't have her ID on her. "They said they didn't believe I was 21!" she says, laughing. "It's a nice compliment."

Lizzie started taking LYMA because she was looking for a beauty shake-up. "I chopped my hair really, really short about six months ago," she explains. "If I showed you a before picture it's quite shocking." She had been suffering issues with the quality of her hair, but says since taking LYMA, her hair has improved beyond recognition.

The results, she says, have been amazing, and not just in how much it's grown in such a short period of time. "My hairdresser was so impressed to see the strength, volume and texture of my hair has massively changed. It's a huge improvement." But it's not just her hair that's changed: she's seen her nails transform too. "They're so long now! And strong. They used to be quite weak."

Her skin, too, has undergone changes: "My skin has definitely improved. Just the complexion is a lot smoother, and my lines have definitely faded out a little bit," she explains. "I feel the texture as well, it's more rejuvenated and hydrated." She says that travel used to be very hard on her skin, leaving it dry, but now she never suffers from dryness at all.

She even recommended LYMA to her best friend, who said her friend's hairdresser was also astonished by the change. "He couldn't believe how thick and shiny it's already got - because her hair is quite fine - and suddenly she's got a lot more volume and thickness," she explains. "And obviously it's from LYMA, as she doesn't take any other supplements."

Would she recommend LYMA? Absolutely. "You don't have to stop as you get older. I think you should carry on taking care of yourself, taking your supplements. Actually, it's more important as you get older," she says. "'m definitely continuing to take LYMA." Though she will make sure she has her ID with her in future.

How long have you been taking LYMA? 1 year

"I hope to be able to run ultra marathons in my 80s"

James, 42

James is a bit of a superhuman: a father of two at the peak of his physical health, running 80-90km a week as well as hitting the gym. His secret? He's been taking LYMA for two years.

"I would definitely say it gives me an advantage in life,"" he says. "The mental clarity, the focus, the drive and the recovery. I can train better, race better and deal with my family better." If he feels stressed? It calms him down. If he's tired? It helps with recovery: a better night's sleep means a better mood, and a body healed for bigger feats. "It just seems to fill into the gaps that are needed."

James says that within four to six weeks of taking LYMA, his mental resilience began to improve. But the physiological improvement was almost immediate. "I'm generally a much better person, and therefore my whole family is also happier.""

James had tried many ways to support his mental health in the past, he says, but "hand on my heart, this is truly the first thing that I've stuck at. Because it works." He recommends it to friends and family, who have also seen amazing results.

With the help of LYMA's ten ingredients, James says, he hopes to be able to run ultra marathons into his 50s, 60s and even 80s. But also, he says, he just wants to live "a happy, healthy life, and be there for my wife and family. That's the main goal." That, he says, is something LYMA gives him an advantage with too.

How long have you been taking LYMA? 2 years

"Since I've been on LYMA, I haven't had a single panic attack."

Clare, 49

Over the last five years, Clare had begun to experience panic attacks for the first time. "It's really frightening," she explains, "your whole body goes hot, cold, sweating. You just lose all ability to function properly." She would struggle to breathe, she said, until her husband would come and help her to calm down "so that you don't get to the point of passing out."

She would experience one or two a year, she said, until August 2020. It was at that time that her oldest son was just preparing for university, "and I found myself in a very anxious disposition: how was he going to cope? How was he going to settle in? Would he make friends?"

As the attacks became more frequent, Clare would begin to worry about them happening, which compounded the exhaustion and stress. As they usually happened in the middle of the night, she would dread going to sleep, "because I don't want to wake up and have that happen to me."

It was at this point that a good friend saw how Clare was feeling and told her she had felt the same when her son had left home a few years before. "She knew exactly what I was feeling, and so she recommended LYMA to me."

Clare's father is a chemist, so she sent him the formula to see what he thought. Impressed, he urged his daughter to give it a try. As soon as Clare started with the supplement, the change was palpable. Clare says she now gets eight hours of sleep a night and has not suffered a single panic attack.

Clare initially took the supplement for just a month - having ordered the starter kit - and seeing progress in such a brief time made her think "perhaps I'm feeling better again. So I actually stopped taking LYMA." In those intervening months she began to feel anxious and stressed again. After one particularly bad night's sleep, she says, "I came downstairs and I said to my husband: 'that's it. I need to get back on LYMA.'"

It is an investment, says Clare, but she knows it is the right one for her. Even her father, a retired chemist, could not find fault in the combination of nutrients LYMA were adding into her day.

How long have you been taking LYMA? 16 months

"It is nothing I can describe - it is game changing."

Emma, 49

Don't get Emma Skeates started on sleep. Actually, you absolutely should: she is evangelical about what the LYMA supplement has done for her shuteye. “It's really hard to explain to somebody who doesn't understand, but I know a lot of people will. I used to dread going to bed at night, and I used to dread getting up, because I was exhausted.”

With LYMA, she says, she not only gets more sleep, but also a better quality of sleep, completely different to that which she might be getting if she took a sleeping pill. “You look forward to going to bed at night because you know you're going to drift into this incredible, 20-year-old's sleep. It is a gift. And I cannot even begin to tell you how vital and life changing that is.”

Emma came to LYMA through two different routes. Following a hysterectomy, she was recommended LYMA by a friend “because my joints started to slightly give up going into early menopause, and LYMA is essentially an anti-inflammatory for your entire body.” Entering the menopause following the hysterectomy was softened by HRT, but her GP took her off it after five years and that was when the symptoms really hit: “anxiety, insomnia, joint aching, hot flushes that are just horrible,” she laments. “But it was the depression, it was the low moods, it was lack of libido. I was a different person. I was unrecognisable to myself, but also to my family.” This was when she decided something needed to be done, and a menopause expert got her back on HRT and also recommended she support with the LYMA supplement too.

Almost immediately her hot flushes disappeared, but the change to her mental health was what she found particularly notable. “Before I was fairly housebound. I would take the dog for a walk, but that was about it,” she admits. But now “my anxiety levels have dropped dramatically. My mood swings have disappeared.” She credits this, again, to the improvement in sleep quality. “It is like nothing I can describe. It is game changing.”

With improved sleep and all the other incremental benefits delivered by the LYMA formula, Emma says she has also seen her immunity improved. “I'm the only member of my family not to get COVID, interestingly, and I can't remember the last time I had a cold”. All kinds of aches and pains from a life spent running half marathons and marathons have also disappeared. “I had to stop running because my knees were pretty shot,” she explains, “but my knees don't hurt anymore. My hips don't hurt anymore. I have had a frozen shoulder for about five years; I don't get any pain from that anymore.” In fact, she says, she does not take any painkillers anymore.

With her sleep improved, Emma is also amazed at how much easier it is to make healthy choices. “I've lost three and a half stone since I started taking LYMA. I put that down, once again, to being able to sleep. When you're tired you're hungry, you comfort eat, you crave sugar.” Before taking LYMA, she says, she was pre-diabetic. “I've managed to stop type two diabetes in its tracks,” she says. The weight has vanished off her abdomen, (“that's where you get your bowl cancers,” she says, mindful that her family has a history of this disease) and now, when she does blood tests, they come back clear. “I feel 100 times better.”

LYMA, Emma feels, has been an angel on her shoulder. “It's almost like having someone tap you on the shoulder from time to time and saying: 'let's do something good today.' Let's go for a nice walk in the sunshine. Let's perhaps go for a swim.” A guide, she says, that gently chides her not to fall into bad habits if she's making such a conscious effort to look after her body. “It is interesting how my mindset around my body, my health, my mental health, has changed so dramatically. I put that down to not just taking LYMA but the effects that LYMA has. And it starts with the sleep.”

Emma won't deny LYMA is an expense, but she says it's a case of balancing out its cost against other forms of self-care. “My roots, my nails, my self care would normally cost me - and I would argue with any woman - about 100 pounds, 150 pounds per month” She used to spend two and a half hours getting her roots done for £150. Now she does it herself in £20. “And that's my LYMA.”

How long have you been taking LYMA? 18 months

"LYMA only uses peer-reviewed, validated ingredients. This is the highest category of supplementation available."

Dr Paul Clayton, PhD, Clinical Pharmacologist

What the experts say

Industry Reviews

Dr Donald Cox PhD

"The best way to protect yourself is to take a product like Wellmune® Blend, which is a component of the LYMA supplement, to enhance your immune system."

Dr Donald Cox PhD, Food Microbiologist at Cornell University

Diane Nivern

"Taking the formula daily has helped me stay focused, energised yet calm, whilst also giving my hair, skin and nails and real boost!"

Diane Nivern, Award winning skincare specialist & facialist

Heather Jackson

"GenM completely supports and applauds the ethos, vision and purpose of LYMA and its founder, Lucy Goff."

Heather Jackson, Co-Founder of GEN M, a digital platform helping women thrive during the Menopause

Dr Nina Bal, BDS

"Since starting to take LYMA daily, I have noticed dramatically improved skin and it has helped my hair to grow back thicker and stronger than ever following both of my pregnancies."

Dr Nina Bal, BDS, Cosmetic Dental Surgeon and Facial Aesthetics Doctor

Dr Keira Barr

"Using LYMA simplified my daily supplement regime."

Dr Keira Barr, Dual board-certified Dermatologist and Menopause Specialist

Kate Kerr

"LYMA is the most advanced supplement I have tried to date. I can honestly say that it’s, without question, the most effective supplement that I’ve taken."

Kate Kerr, Acclaimed Clinical Facialist

Dana James MS, CNS, CDN

"With LYMA, there's nothing that's superfluous, it's a synergistic product that works on many biochemical levels. It helps with sleep, anxiety, mood, skin and bones."

Dana James MS, CNS, CDN, Triple certified Nutritionist, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Dr Adrian Lopresti PhD

"LYMA contains an impressive combination of high-quality, research-driven, patented ingredients that can help people."

Dr Adrian Lopresti PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Researcher

Dr Michael A. Grandner, PhD, MTR

"Each ingredient has been tested, vetted and demonstrated its worth in a clinical trial and most importantly, at the dose that’s in there."

Dr Michael A. Grandner, PhD, MTR, Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona, and Director of the Behavioural at the Banner-University Medical Centre

Customer Reviews

4.5 Stars

From 232 people

4 weeks ago

A luxury company that really delivers. Quality product. The supplements are truly changing my skin, sleep and premenopause symptoms. Any time I have contacted customer service they have been prompt, respectful and knowledgeable. Shipping is quick. I have had zero issues and plan to be a lifelong customer, adding more products to my routine.

4 weeks ago

First, I saw wonderful results with the LYMA supplements after just 3 weeks - my skin is glowing, my mood is brighter. My overall experience with LYMA has been exceptional, 5 Stars Plus!!

1 month ago

Great supplement, equally good customer service….

2 months ago

I feel better generally since I began Lyma. So far, so good. I will continue the journey and see how it goes!

2 months ago

Sleep has improved after 2 weeks of using Lyma.

2 months ago

The Laser and the Supplement are life-changing! I feel amazing! I feel focused, energetic, HAPPY, and less anxious!!!! It's amazing!

3 months ago

I was skeptical about a few things such as sleeping - actually only 2 weeks on I'm sleeping more and more after several years or very poor sleeping.

3 months ago

Best all-round health supplement I've used. Definitely worth the price. I've used Lyma supplements for years. I took a break for a couple of months because I was given an alternative product to try. However, I noticed after a few weeks that I wasn't sleeping as well and my energy levels were lower. Since I started taking them again about 3 weeks ago I've noticed a huge difference in my sleep and my anxiety levels. I intend to keep taking them and with the new subscription model, it works out to be cheaper as well. Best all-round health supplement I've used.

3 months ago

Very efficient, and a fantastic product.

3 months ago

Supplements of Gold I have seen a noticeable improvement in my energy, hair, skin, and nails. The 2 biggest changes for me: 1. I am FINALLY able to get up early enough to work out before work. 2. I have transitioned from walking to running because I feel SO good. Worth every penny!!

The LYMA Supplement Starter Kit

The LYMA Supplement Starter Kit includes 30-day supply, copper storage vessel and membership that gives access to member pricing and benefits.

Monthly subscription from $199/USD

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