How LYMA Laser's
technology works

How LYMA Laser's
technology works

LYMA’s zero-damage approach to skin transformation is unrivalled. Here we explain how this technology works inside your skin, and why the results are so astonishing.

Welcome to the future of zero-damage laser technology

The birth of Low Level Laser Therapy

Originally developed in the 1960’s as a medical laser in a research unit in Leipzig, the primary purpose of this technology was to heal a range of injuries. An astonishing side effect was discovered; in order to reach the damaged tissue, it needed to pass through the skin, which began to visibly transform.

This marked the first laser light engineered to pass through tissue without damaging a single cell on its path of regeneration.

In 2020 LYMA re-engineered this technology, delievering a new category of power that changed the beauty industry forever. The LYMA Laser was born.

LYMA’s intelligent laser technology Engineered to deactivate the aging process

The LYMA Laser works to deactivate both intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Intrinsically, the Laser is the only light device able to reach the base layer of the dermis, where its powerful near infra-red light energy triggers a genetic switch inside the skin cells telling them not to die off, but to recharge, regenerate and repair. The destruction of healthy skin cells is reversed.

Extrinsically, the near-infrared light energy of The LYMA Laser also instructs the existing cells to produce more proteins to fight free radicals. Less free radicals means more collagen and elastin.

No other light device come close to the regenerative transformative power of LYMA’s Laser technology.

How LYMA’s laser speckle phenomenon has changed the cosmetic industry forever

How LYMA’s laser speckle phenomenon has changed the cosmetic industry forever All the evidence for photobiomodulation is from laser, not LED. The LED market boomed in the 1990’s because laser had not been engineered into a device suitable outside a clinic. LED is commercial, but vastly inferior to laser light because the healing aspect of LED cannot penetrate beneath the skin’s surface.

The technology behind the LYMA Laser is second to none in revolutionising our epigenetic profile through the phenomenon known as laser speckle. Near-infrared laser light energy travels into skin cells to switch their energy centres back on, increasing mitochondrial activity. This in turn optimizes collagen production, reinforces the skin barrier and strengthens the Extracellular Matrix, providing improved structural support for tighter, more sculpted skin.

“Think of the laser as the master energy switch that acts at a genetic level inducing a process of tissue repair and regeneration and suppressing ageing and decline,” explains Dr Glass.

How LYMA tackles skin ageing

No other cosmetic technology comes close. LYMA is leading the way with its most advanced skin
protocol that transforms the dermis with an epigenetic and senolytic benefit.

How LYMA tackles skin ageing

No other cosmetic technology comes close. LYMA is leading the way with its most advanced skin protocol that transforms the dermis with an epigenetic and senolytic benefit.

Verified science

Verified science

The world’s leading surgeons, doctors and medical facilities trust the Low-Level Laser Technology used in the LYMA Laser.
Unrivalled results both in clinics and at home.

The world’s leading surgeons, doctors and medical facilities trust the Low-Level Laser Technology used in the LYMA Laser. Unrivalled results both in clinics and at home.

LYMA Laser technology Vs LED

There is no comparison. LED has no biological penetrative power and results are superficial. LYMA Laser technology has unrivalled biological power, penetrating up to 10cm into the body. The only laser technology engineered to transform skin and muscle tissue simultaneously.

There is no comparison. LED has no biological penetrative power and results are superficial. LYMA Laser technology has unrivalled biological power, penetrating up to 10cm into the body. The only laser technology engineered to transform skin and muscle tissue simultaneously.

LED loses 90% of its healing power as it passes through skin

The wavelength of LED is the only aspect able to penetrate through the skin. However, wavelength is not a measure of biological healing power. For light to have a healing effect, the light source has to be monochromatic, coherent and polarised.

These three characteristics are exclusive to laser light, not LED. This is why the biological effects of LED are superficial.

LYMA Laser technology penetrates up to 10cm without losing healing power

LYMA’s patented laser technology delivers the most powerful monochromatic, coherent, and polarised laser light into the epidermis, dermis, fat muscle and bone tissue simultaneously, reparing, healing and transforming cells as it goes.

An epigenetic breakthrough, the LYMA Laser Pro renews the way our body is able to read our genes. Genes associated with aging are switched off and genes associated with renewal are switched on. All without damaging a single cell, setting a new beanchmark in cosmetic excellence.

LYMA Laser technology.
Unrivalled. Proven. Powerful. Painless.


Microcurrent disperses in the form of cell-damaging heat. The long-term effects of passing microcurrent through nerve and muscle rather than skin is unclear.

Near-Infrared LED

Breakthrough ultra-diffused lens delivers targeted, controlled power through all the layers of the skin. It's 100x more biologically effective in the dermis1.

At-home Laser

At home diode lasers (between 2mW and 20mW) are designed to focus on water, and the by-product of this is heat. As a result this induces the body's own repair response to bring about the production of collagen and repair the dermis.

LYMA Laser Technology

Breakthrough ultra-diffused lens delivers targeted, controlled power through all the layers of the skin. It's 100x more biologically effective in the dermis than LED.

Skin Depth





How does the LYMA Laser technology compare to other cosmetic devices


LYMA Laser Technology Clinic Laser LED Masks Microcurrent Microneedling
Sun Damaged Skin
Short Term Glow
Collagen Production

An epigenetic breakthrough

An epigenetic breakthrough

LYMA Laser technology combined with LYMA Skincare has been engineered as the most powerful age reversal skin solution ever created. LYMA Laser technology combined with LYMA Skincare has been engineered as the most powerful age reversal skin solution ever created.

The world's first epigenetic technology that delivers a profound restorative effect.


Epigenetics is the way in which cells control their genetic activity. One of the most common ways is through DNA methylation - when methyl groups are attached to DNA to effectively 'turn off' the gene that they've been added to. Aging is strongly associated with changes to DNA methylation, and as skin cells age methyl groups are lost, reducing genetic control.

It's thought that increasing the number of methyl groups available to skin cells can prevent these changes and ultimately, reduce the skin ageing process. Betaine is able to provide a source of methyl groups to cells and has a proven epigenetic impacti.

The LYMA Laser acts as a ‘master energy switch’ dialing up the gene expression associated with tissue repair and regeneration and dialing down the genes responsible for cellular decline and destruction. By intervening with the epigenetic balance and tipping it in favor of repair, cells act younger and optimal rejuvenation is restored.

Key active ingredients:
Genencare® Natural Betaine

Clears the way for new active cells to deliver a significantly more youthful looking skin.


Senescent cells are cells that have stopped multiplying, but instead of dying off when they should, they remain within the skin releasing inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals result in the breakdown of structural proteins in the skin (such as collagen and elastin), leading to wrinkle formation and loss of elasticity.

Certain polyphenols, including quercetinii and those from plants such as milk thistleiii, have senolytic activity - they are able to reduce the occurrence of cellular senescence, and seek out and kill pre-existing senescent cells.

Through direct communication with fibroblasts, the Laser instructs cells to renew efficiently, act younger for longer and adopt a healthy turnover. By instilling this, the Laser discourages senescent or ‘zombie cells’ from forming and cells can continue with a healthy life cycle.

Key active ingredients:
Ephemer™, Quercevita® Quercetin, Spermidine, Procyanadin C1

Helps accelerate skin renewal to reveal fresher, youthful-looking skin.


As the skin ages its immune competence declines - production of anti-inflammatory cells is reduced and the adaptive immune response slows down. This accelerates skin ageing by allowing pro-inflammatory cells to degrade structural proteins, reducing the elasticity and firmness of skin.

Yeast beta glucans are one of the most well-known immune-modulatorsxi, able to exert anti-inflammatory effects on skin cells and enhance the formation of the skins structural proteins - increasing skin elasticity and preventing wrinkle formation.

When polarized laser light enters skin, cellular signals are activated that trigger a chain reaction to increase defense. This stimulates the production of smart surveillance cells that patrol skin for any infection or damage. This newly improved immune surveillance system begets optimum epidermal health.

Key active ingredients:
Wellmune® Hydrolysed Beta Glucans, Levagen®

Accelerates skin renewal and reduces wrinkle formation.


Mitochondria are the energy-makers of every cell in the body, including skin cells. During the energy-making process, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated. These ROS are able to damage the mitochondria themselves, reducing their energy producing capacity. Without optimal energy, skin cells are unable to regenerate as quickly.

The amino acid ergothioneine is able to enter skin cells and accumulate in the mitochondria, scavenging ROS and protecting them from oxidative damageix. Improved mitochondrial function results in regenerated, more youthful skin.

Near-infrared laser light energy in the Laser supercharges the battery packs of cells. Switching these energy centers back on optimizes collagen production for a reinforced skin barrier and a fortified Extracellular Matrix. The result is stronger scaffolding for firmer, sculpted skin and sharper contours.

Key active ingredients:
MitoPrime® Ergothioneine, Genencare® Natural Betaine, Ephemer™

Revolutionary anti-inflammatory ingredients support oxygen and nutrients in skin cells.


Oxygen and nutrients for optimal skin health are provided to cells by a network of capillaries, these same capillaries also remove damaging waste products from the skin cells. Over time, the function of the capillaries deteriorates, simultaneously diminishing the health, function and appearance of the skin. By the age of 70, blood flow to the skin has fallen by 40% below the level it was at age 20v.

Polyphenols such as quercetin are able to enhance the function of the microcapillary systemxi, improving blood flow to the skin. Improved blood flow means skin cells are more hydrated and nourished, resulting in healthier, firmer and more elastic skin.

Pure laser light reawakens vascular growth factors that rebuild the tiny blood vessels vital for an improved dermal capillary network. Once this is established, a healthy blood supply can deliver fresh oxygen and essential skin nutrients more rapidly to feed cells.

Key active ingredients:
Quercevita® Quercetin

Breakthrough approach to restore the skin's underlying architecture.


The number of structural proteins within the skins extracellular matrix (ECM) determines the elasticity, hydration capacity, thickness, and ultimately appearance of the skin. One of the major causes of aging is the loss of structural proteins in the skins ECM, mostly due to decreased collagen production and increased degradation of already existing collagen fibres.

Polyphenols such as those from olive leafvii and Zizania latifoliaviii plants reduce the breakdown of structural proteins within the ECM through their antioxidant properties. Retinoidsix, such as retinyl palmitate, and yeast beta-glucansx promote the formation of structural proteins within the ECM, actively increasing the skins thickness and slowing down the aging process.

Low-level laser light energy increases the production of non-cellular material (collagen proteins, elastin and fibronectin and glycoproteins) that make up the ECM. Once again through its epigenetic action, the Laser manipulates gene expression to favor a dual action of slowing down the breakdown of ECM proteins and enhancing the rate of their formation.

Key active ingredients:
Telangyn™ Peptides, Retinyl Palmitate, Wellmune® Hydrolysed Beta Glucans, Zizania latifolia Stem Extract, Quercevita® Quercetin, Levagen®

Floods all layers of skin and creates an anti-dehydration shield.


Aging skin becomes thinner and less capable of holding onto moisture, and over time its natural moisturising factors are reduced. Increasingly dry skin loses elasticity and becomes creped and wrinkled.

Betaine, hyaluronic acid and propanediol all have strong water binding capacity and are able to attract water and retain it within the skin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the major water binding molecules - able to hold 1000 times its own weight in waterxii.

Skin loses water content with age but the transfer of laser light energy can reinstate it. Not only does the Laser increase microcirculation for better delivery of hydration throughout every layer of the dermis but it also increases the water content in skin by improving the osmotic potential of glycoproteins that draw water into the ECM making skin plump, firm and resilient.

Key active ingredients:
PrimalHyal™ 50 Hyaluronic Acid, Aquaxyl™, Zemea® Propanediol

Recreating the optimum microbiome environment of younger skin.


The aging process is reflected by changes in the skin's microbiome. Younger, more elastic skin is associated with an abundance of streptococcus bacteria. Increasing the streptococcus population on the skin upregulates the production of structural proteins, improving skin barrier function, hydration and elasticity.

Spermidine from wheat germ extract mediates the skins bacterial population, in particular the number of streptococcal bacteria species presentxiii.

Through its powerful anti-inflammatory action, the Laser increases keratinocyte production in the basement membrane of skin. Kerationoytes make up the microbiome and this proliferation provides the ideal environment for the skin’s microbiome to thrive.

Key active ingredients:
L22®19, Spermidine20, aurafirm21


The world's first epigenetic technology that delivers a profound restorative effect.


Clears the way for new active cells to deliver a significantly more youthful looking skin.


Helps accelerate skin renewal to reveal fresher, youthful-looking skin.


Accelerates skin renewal and reduces wrinkle formation.


Revolutionary anti-inflammatory ingredients support oxygen and nutrients in skin cells.


Breakthrough approach to restore the skin's underlying architecture.


Floods all layers of skin and creates an anti-dehydration shield.


Recreating the optimum microbiome environment of younger skin.

01 Epigenetics

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Epigenetics

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

02 Senescence

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Senescence

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

03 Immunity

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Immunity

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

04 Energy

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Energy

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

05 Circulation

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Circulation

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

06 Elasticity

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Elasticity

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

07 Hydration

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Hydration

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

08 Microbiology

Key ingredients: Something to go here for Microbiology

Julian had a serious sleep problem that caused him to wake every night, and once awake, “there was zero hope of drifting back off”. After years of trying every sleep remedy recommended to him, LYMA caught his eye and within days his sleep changed dramatically.

“When you're an eight-year-old kid, you need an orchestra to wake you up. But I found that as I got older, I would wake for no reason. Over the years, my sleep patterns changed significantly.

I've never had an issue getting to sleep, I drift off easily, it's just staying there that's my problem. Everyone in my family sleeps less as they age, so it must be in my genes. But that doesn't stop it being incredibly annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night, fully switched on as though it's morning. I was repeatedly waking up at 3am feeling completely ready for the day but I didn't want to be.

I tried all the sleep aids that everyone assured me would work, but all of them were disappointing. I took zinc and magnesium, various droplets, herbal remedies and endless different supplements that all promised to fix my night-time waking, but nothing delivered that deep sleep I was after. Melatonin worked for a while but nothing got close to truly solving my sleep problem. That was until LYMA.

The science behind the Supplement was robust. I was compelled to try it. Most importantly, the claims of what each ingredient could do had been proven, so I was hopeful that LYMA would make the difference I needed. Why not give it a go?

Shortly after I began taking LYMA, I put my children to bed at nine o'clock and went to bed too. I woke up at 1am but I read for a short while and then I went straight back to sleep again. I didn't wake up again until gone 8am. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that I couldn't remember the last time I got seven straight hours sleep.

Now with LYMA, I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night but I'm completely at ease because I know LYMA will get me back off to sleep again shortly. I just think about sleep and I drift back off and when I'm asleep again, it is very, very solid.

Life for everyone is full of challenges. I've been building a green industrial technology business in the last few years, and it's been tough. I've also been going through a divorce, so everything has been feeling dislocated.

But I'm super chilled compared to where I was. I'm calmer. I've been taking LYMA for 2 years now, and not only is my sleep is so much better but I'm feeling and looking good. I'm a 50 year old man but I feel much younger than my age, and clear as a whistle mentally.

I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to stop taking LYMA. I know I could stop and see if things return to how they were but I simply don't want to. LYMA has been a wholly positive experience for me and there's no looking back.

How long have you been taking LYMA? Two years, and I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to give it up.

01 Epigenetics
The world's first epigenetic technology that delivers a profound restorative effect.

01 Epigenetics

Key active ingredients:
Genencare® Natural Betaine

01 Epigenetics

Epigenetics is the way in which cells control their genetic activity. One of the most common ways is through DNA methylation - when methyl groups are attached to DNA to effectively 'turn off' the gene that they've been added to. Aging is strongly associated with changes to DNA methylation, and as skin cells age methyl groups are lost, reducing genetic control.

It's thought that increasing the number of methyl groups available to skin cells can prevent these changes and ultimately, reduce the skin ageing process. Betaine is able to provide a source of methyl groups to cells and has a proven epigenetic impacti.

02 Senescence
Clears the way for new active cells to deliver a significantly more youthful looking skin.

02 Senescence

Key active ingredients:
Ephemer™, Quercevita® Quercetin, Spermidine, Procyanadin C1

02 Senescence

Senescent cells are cells that have stopped multiplying, but instead of dying off when they should, they remain within the skin releasing inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals result in the breakdown of structural proteins in the skin (such as collagen and elastin), leading to wrinkle formation and loss of elasticity.

Certain polyphenols, including quercetinii and those from plants such as milk thistleiii, have senolytic activity - they are able to reduce the occurrence of cellular senescence, and seek out and kill pre-existing senescent cells.

03 Immunity
Helps accelerate skin renewal to reveal fresher, youthful-looking skin.

03 Immunity

Key active ingredients:
Wellmune® Hydrolysed Beta Glucans, Levagen®

03 Immunity

As the skin ages its immune competence declines - production of anti-inflammatory cells is reduced and the adaptive immune response slows down. This accelerates skin ageing by allowing pro-inflammatory cells to degrade structural proteins, reducing the elasticity and firmness of skin.

Yeast beta glucans are one of the most well-known immune-modulatorsxi, able to exert anti-inflammatory effects on skin cells and enhance the formation of the skins structural proteins - increasing skin elasticity and preventing wrinkle formation.

04 Energy
Accelerates skin renewal and reduces wrinkle formation.

04 Energy

Key active ingredients:
MitoPrime® Ergothioneine, Genencare® Natural Betaine, Ephemer™

04 Energy

Mitochondria are the energy-makers of every cell in the body, including skin cells. During the energy-making process, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated. These ROS are able to damage the mitochondria themselves, reducing their energy producing capacity. Without optimal energy, skin cells are unable to regenerate as quickly.

The amino acid ergothioneine is able to enter skin cells and accumulate in the mitochondria, scavenging ROS and protecting them from oxidative damageix. Improved mitochondrial function results in regenerated, more youthful skin.

05 Circulation
Revolutionary anti-inflammatory ingredients support oxygen and nutrients in skin cells.

05 Circulation

Key active ingredients:
Quercevita® Quercetin

05 Circulation

Oxygen and nutrients for optimal skin health are provided to cells by a network of capillaries, these same capillaries also remove damaging waste products from the skin cells. Over time, the function of the capillaries deteriorates, simultaneously diminishing the health, function and appearance of the skin. By the age of 70, blood flow to the skin has fallen by 40% below the level it was at age 20v.

Polyphenols such as quercetin are able to enhance the function of the microcapillary systemxi, improving blood flow to the skin. Improved blood flow means skin cells are more hydrated and nourished, resulting in healthier, firmer and more elastic skin.

06 Elasticity
Breakthrough approach to restore the skin's underlying architecture.

06 Elasticity

Key active ingredients:
Quercevita® Quercetin

06 Elasticity

The number of structural proteins within the skins extracellular matrix (ECM) determines the elasticity, hydration capacity, thickness, and ultimately appearance of the skin. One of the major causes of aging is the loss of structural proteins in the skins ECM, mostly due to decreased collagen production and increased degradation of already existing collagen fibres.

Polyphenols such as those from olive leafvii and Zizania latifoliaviii plants reduce the breakdown of structural proteins within the ECM through their antioxidant properties. Retinoidsix, such as retinyl palmitate, and yeast beta-glucansx promote the formation of structural proteins within the ECM, actively increasing the skins thickness and slowing down the aging process.

07 Hydration
Floods all layers of skin and creates an anti-dehydration shield.

07 Hydration

Key active ingredients:
PrimalHyal™ 50 Hyaluronic Acid, Aquaxyl™, Zemea® Propanediol

07 Hydration

Aging skin becomes thinner and less capable of holding onto moisture, and over time its natural moisturising factors are reduced. Increasingly dry skin loses elasticity and becomes creped and wrinkled.

Betaine, hyaluronic acid and propanediol all have strong water binding capacity and are able to attract water and retain it within the skin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the major water binding molecules - able to hold 1000 times its own weight in waterxii.

08 Microbiology
Recreating the optimum microbiome environment of younger skin.

08 Microbiology

Key active ingredients:
L22®, Spermidine, aurafirm

08 Microbiology

The aging process is reflected by changes in the skin's microbiome. Younger, more elastic skin is associated with an abundance of streptococcus bacteria. Increasing the streptococcus population on the skin upregulates the production of structural proteins, improving skin barrier function, hydration and elasticity.

Spermidine from wheat germ extract mediates the skins bacterial population, in particular the number of streptococcal bacteria species presentxiii.

LYMA Laser

LYMA Laser

Experience the power of 500mW laser. Transforms face, neck and targeted areas. Prevents degeneration.

Experience the power of 500mW laser. Transforms face, neck and targeted areas. Prevents degeneration.

LYMA Laser Pro

LYMA Laser Pro

The power of 3 LYMA Lasers in 1 device. Transforms face, neck and body. Ultimate regeneration for mature skin.

The power of 3 LYMA Lasers in 1 device. Transforms face, neck and body. Ultimate regeneration for mature skin.

Your Questions About The LYMA Laser

Is blemish laser treatment permanent? 

Laser treatment for blemishes is highly effective but no treatment can ever be deemed permanent because new breakouts can always appear as a result from hormonal, dietary, stress or emotional changes.

Is laser treatment for pigmentation safe?

The LYMA Laser uses clinical grade technology, but is completely safe to use at home thanks to its patented triple lens technology. It has the highest safety certification for lasers available: the IEC 60825 and IE 60601-1. It also carries the German TUV SUD Functional Safety Certification. Read this to see how LYMA helps to reduce pigmentation.

What is ND YAG laser for skin and how does it differ from The LYMA Laser?  

Unlike the LYMA Laser that emits coherent focused light energy to energise skin cells, ND YAG lasers all wound the skin to cause reparative collagen synthesis. Like The LYMA Laser, the ND YAG laser is used to treat many skin conditions such as wrinkles, scarring, and pigmentation. ND YAG lasers can be both ablative and non-ablative but both types are highly intense hot laser beams that cause varying levels of pain and trauma to the skin. In contrast The LYMA Laser is completely painless and uses the process of skin rejuvenation without cell damage.

Can laser treatment help skin redness and inflammation?

Laser treatment in clinics can achieve results for rosacea but not without further damaging skin that is already suffering from acute sensitivity and inflammation. Moreover, redness is a long-term, recurring condition so future treatment is guaranteed.

The LYMA Laser is ideal for treating skin redness as it contains no heat or damage to skin, and it is possible to continually upkeep results naturally.

Do spider veins come back after laser treatment? 

Laser ablation can impressively break up spider veins, but like any skin condition, they can return even following full removal. Spider veins on the face are caused by environmental fluctuations, hormonal shifts, hypersensitivity or hereditary ageing. Any of these can reoccur at any time which is why an at home laser like LYMA is the simplest, most effective solution.

How much does laser skin rejuvenation cost? 

With The LYMA Laser the cost of skin rejuvenation is a one-off purchase price. The cost of laser skin rejuvenation in clinic is a moving target - multiple sessions are required within the initial course of treatment, potentially followed by numerous maintenance sessions over ensuing years. In addition to this, there are hidden costs of local anaesthetic for treatment pain, post-treatment pain relief and prescription skincare. The LYMA Laser, as a one-off purchase, is therefore a far more straightforward acquisition.


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