The Power To Change From Inside Out

We are here to put the power in women’s hands.

4 Minute ReadFeature by AllBright


Here at AllBright, we are particularly interested in businesses that aim to put the power in women’s hands; that embolden change, evolution and even ...transformation. And, if they are female founded, all the better.

Meet LYMA – a flourishing business that embodies the remarkable boom in a wellness industry that is now worth over $5.6 trillion globally. LYMA was founded by Lucy Goff after she became seriously ill following the birth of her daughter. She recovered only after igniting a conversation with the world’s leading longevity scientists.

LYMA was created to deliver science-backed innovations that are proven to help women look and feel their best; empowering them to realize their full potential by radically upgrading the body’s systems as well as achieving unprecedented anti-aging benefits.

Who is LYMA?

LYMA exists in a category of it’s own. They are the creators and leaders of WellTech™, a new industry fusing the worlds of wellness and technology. Founded in 2018, LYMA’s original product, inspired by its founder’s experience, is the world’s highest-grade Supplement aimed at transforming your overall wellness in five areas: sleep, health, performance, mood and beauty (hair, skin and nails).

Since then, LYMA has gone on to disrupt other categories by launching a ground-breaking skincare range, engineered by geneticists and plastic surgeons, that has been hailed as “an epigenetic breakthrough and the most active skincare formula in existence.” Not only that, but the most powerful at-home beauty device in the world, the LYMA Laser.

The technology within the LYMA Laser was originally developed for medical use to help with things like rebuilding cartilage post-injury. Whilst observing the results of treatment, an astonishing side effect was discovered by LYMA’s Director of Science, Prof Paul Clayton. In order to reach damaged tissue, the Laser beam needed to pass through the skin which, he noticed, began to visibly transform. This happy accident resulted in the creation of a clinical-grade Laser that treats signs of aging, redness, pigmentation, scars and blemishes with unprecedented results. The LYMA Laser diminishes the look of fine lines and wrinkles, makes the skin firmer through renewed elastin levels. The results have been globally hailed as unmatched.

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How does its laser technology work?

The LYMA Laser’s differentiator is its ability to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, rather than simply working on its surface like most topical skincare and LED masks. The LYMA Laser has 100x more biological effect on the dermis than any LED device, all whilst being a damage free, pain free experience that works on all skin types and tones.

Now for the science part: Dr Graeme Glass explains that "the LYMA Laser works on a principle called photobiomodulation; the term used to describe a cascade of events triggered by light that brings about tissue regeneration and repair. The absorption of light energy from the Laser causes the energy producing system within every skin cell to become more efficient. This, in turn, changes the behavior of the cells. Genes involved in tissue regeneration and repair are turned on, while genes involved in tissue aging are turned off. With persistent use, this brings about a profound change in skin quality."

Not only does the Laser have endorsements from an array of luminaries including Gwyneth Paltrow, Emma Stone and Hailey Bieber, but it was also voted as one of the best inventions of 2023 by TIME magazine.

LYMA has brought a truly innovative product into the comfort of our homes.

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AllBright’s verdict

We thought we’d put the LYMA Laser to the test and who better than AllBright’s CEO Viv Paxinos to give it a try and share her experience? For Viv, and many of the other ambitious women in our community, looking and feeling your best is important, but with busy schedules it’s often difficult to fit in things like a vigorous skincare routine. This is what Viv says is the best part about the LYMA Laser.

“Between meetings and juggling family life, having access to such a powerful product in the convenience of my own home has really made a difference. No longer do I have to try and fit appointments into my already packed diary.

“I can simply use the Laser on the go or in between meetings. It's also now a part of my night time routine.”

Not only does the convenience of the Laser appeal to Viv, but the results speak for themselves.

“When I walk into a board meeting or sit on a panel in front of hundreds of people, I want to feel like my best self and not be worrying about anything but the content I’m delivering. By using the LYMA Laser regularly I’ve noticed a big difference; my skin feels tighter and brighter, it's glowing! I am a big believer that if you nourish your mind and body through exercise, a good diet and making time for yourself, you can achieve more and this is another element that supports that.”

“I’ve also been trialing the LYMA Supplement over the last three months and can safely say I’d never be without it!” Viv notes that she's seen a big improvement when it comes to sleep, in particular. "I know how important getting a good night's sleep is for me to be able to perform at my best, but in the past I've often found it hard to switch off at night.

With the LYMA Supplement I feel well-rested which means my concentration throughout the day is at its peak, which is vital for my role."

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